Most loads utilized around 45.0 to 55.0 grains of powder, with only a few loads reaching around 60.0 grains. ... Let's also say that I don't care if the barrel is toast in 1000 shots. Now I just need to come up with so load data. Thanks for the informative story! Do a 22 BR or 22 BRA. The PRS tracks how top competitors place in major rifle matches across the country. 6.5 Creedmoor Load Data. Top . Well I pulled the trigger, pun intended, on the 22 creedmoor. This manual contains data for over 70 of the most popular centerfire rifle cartridges used today. of H-4350 to 3590 FPS but, it was a hot load for my rifle. Lots of guys use a 140gr bullet, but I like the 130gr Hybrid, because it is a little flatter shooting which helps when you might have range uncertainty. charge weight in grams and grains as well as muzzle velocity in meters and feet per second. Read HERE for a complete list of cartridges included in the manual. h1000 This extruded powder is a member of Hodgdon’s Extreme series of powder with slow-burning characteristics, perfect for highly-overbored magnums like the 7mm Remington Magnum, 7mm STW and the 30-378 Weatherby. This is a custom GAPrecision Rifle: 26″ Bartlein MannerT4 Stock Kahles Scope Load work for my 6.5 PRC All testing was done with H1000, Hornady brass, and CCI Benchrest Primers JLK 140g – 4 ROUND SHOT GROUPS 58g: 3022, 2990, 3005, 3014 SD: 15.1 ES:-32 AVG 3005 58.5g: 3024, 3011, 3039, 3034 SD: 12.3 ES: … 6.5 PRC Load Development Read More » These are the major leagues of sniper-style competitions, with targets typically in the 300-1000 yard range. This is the 3rd year we’ve collected this data. I haven't seen any load data for lighter bullets and I'm really curious. If you are considering building a .22 Creedmoor, we recommend you download the full Peterson .22 Creedmoor article, which is available in PDF format. DOWNLOAD Peterson .22 Creedmoor Load Data Article PDF » Along with load data, this article has specific sections dedicated to: Primers, Rifling Twist Rates, and Reloading Supplies. We then took the different bullet and powder combinations and loaded them up to the SAAMI Maximum Average Pressure (MAP) for the 6.5 Creedmoor and 6mm Creedmoor cartridges, which is 62,000 PSI. There is a new website coming online soon dedicated to all things .22 Creedmoor at About Peterson Cartridge Peterson Cartridge is a family-owned, American manufacturer of match-grade brass rifle casings that are among the most precise and consistent on the market, delivering discerning long-distance shooters sub-MOA accuracy and more … Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Nosler BT, Barnes TTSX BT, Sierra HPBT, Hornady A-Max, Nosler AB. However, my take on this (as one who has owned and shot a 22-250, and 22-250 AI), is skip the Creedmoor if you handload. Took the 22 creedmoor out last night to get some time on it with the new cheek piece. 22-243 Ackley w/ Lapua brass - 51.9gr H380 22-243 w/ Lapau brass - 50.8gr H380 22-250 Ackley w/ Winchester braess - 48.4gr H380 22 Creedmoor w/ Hornady 6mm Creedmoor brass - 50.0gr H380. Making brass from 6mm creedmoor is simple and quick. The data is based on a survey of the top 50 shooters in the Precision Rifle Series (PRS). On the list below, you can find all the rifle reloading data we have currently available. Thebear_78 Post subject: Re: 22 Creedmoor. I tried some H1000 but the ladder wasn’t as … There were no hangfires or indications of poor ignition. Bullets from other manufacturers may not produce equivalent pressure or velocities; therefore, it is not recommended that this data be used with components other than as listed. 6.5 Creedmore loads Guns & Ammo Discussion. I figured with all the gay and ***** comments and off colour memes and names like “*****more”, “ squealmore” etc,out there from people regarding rifles chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor and anyone owning one , I figured the only thing to do was to name my rebarrrled Palma match … Good news — Peterson’s 22 Creedmoor brass is very good so you don’t even have to neck down brass. It produced the same mild recoil, accuracy and velocities shooting 95- to 143-grain bullets as a Creedmoor wearing a 22-inch barrel. You can draw whatever results you care to from that data. ALL Accurate 4350 Accurate MagPro Alliant Powder 2000-MR Alliant Powder 4000-MR Alliant Powder Reloder 15 Alliant Powder Reloder 16 Alliant Powder Reloder 17 Alliant Powder Reloder 19 Alliant Powder Reloder 22 Alliant Powder Reloder 23 Alliant Powder Reloder 25 Alliant Powder Reloder 26 Hodgdon H1000 Hodgdon H380 Hodgdon H414 Hodgdon H4350 Hodgdon H4831 … 22 creedmoor load data. Factory-load data was printed on the box for handloaders to match it and bullet drop table out to 1000 yards. HAHA! H1000 has done well too, just takes a bit more. The Creedmoor won some matches. GAP was selling 6mm Creedmoor … 75 and 80 trainers at 3400 fps with 25-28" tubes. Hornady Manufacturing Company develops and publishes reloading data for the Handbook of Cartridge Reloading.Occasionally, we will temporarily publish load data on this page when a bullet becomes available and is not yet listed in the latest edition of the handbook. The Berger Bullets Reloading Manual is available for purchase through your favorite Berger dealer. For flexible usage, we provide our reloading data in metric and imperial dimension systems, i.e. Hunters, ... in 6.5 Swede. 4 or 5 of us have night neck 22-250AI s all built on same teamer. I’m finalizing load work-up for my 6 Creedmoor with the 108 ELD-x and seeing RL22 and H4831 doing very well and RL17 giving “1 big hole” groups at 100 yards out of my factory RPR off bipod and rear bag. I have all the necessary dies and a good sample of bullets to try it out with. By clicking the 'I Agree' button, I understand/accept and will agree to abide by … I presume the Alpha brass is good too. The data included here utilized standard CCI BR-2 primers and allowed increases in powder charges and velocities when compared to the same load with a magnum primer. Powders include Hodgdon, Winchester, IMR As a coyote rifle, 1000 rounds is a long life. Hodgdon ®, IMR ® and Winchester ® powders neither assume nor authorize any person to assume for it any liability in connection with the use of any product or data. Believe it or not they shoot well with IMR4831 and IMR7828. The tough northern coyotes we hunt have a reputation for taking some vicious hits and then just getting back up to run off. I found I could safely increase velocity from my 26 inch barrels by another 100fps or so. Rifle reloading – handloading data for rifle calibers. 6.5 Creedmoor Load Data / 6.5mm Creedmoor (Hornady Reloading Data) reloading data with 168 loads. It does however prove that they are all very similar in capacity and will achieve similar ballistics. This is the load that I usually shoot in PRS-style matches when I’m using my 6.5 Creedmoor rifle. I mailed out my barreled action to long rifles inc to be converted. *Disclaimer: The load data contained on this site is intended for use with Barnes Bullets.
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