I've Googled the subject looking for comparisons, but most of the comparison discussions I've found have been from 2017 or 2018 (or earlier), and I figure that the ships may have been tweaked by FD since they first became available, so I don't know how to decide using those discussions as input. Just need an optimal build, i'm not familiar what's good and what's not atm. Anaconda builds In this section you can see a list of community ship builds for Elite Dangerous. I did look through the other threads, but they all seemed focussed on multicannon/laser mix. Elite Dangerous Tutorial on PVE, Ships Entry level Anaconda build | No Engineering | Haz-rez capable | Elite dangerous. However, my budged is pretty low as it's only ~220 mil. If its for mission running then you're going to need more jump. Yes, it's awesome. I’m looking for a good turret anaconda build for pve. Beam in the large and a multi cannon in the huge. Ship: Anaconda. As far as engineering I would wait if you are fine as is but if you feel like you need to change then I would change it now. share. Do you split your fire groups right down the middle between Beams and MC’s? Can anyone help me with my pve combat build mostly bounty hunting and conflict sites but probly a ... one only corrosive...remove turrets(dd5 thruster anaconda can track small npc ships easly) bring gimbals also with efficient or LR mode even better(you can steal kills ... Facebook Twitter Reddit WhatsApp Email Link. The one large and huge on the bottom line up nicely and you can focus down a module fairly well with multicannons. Please enter your build in coriolis and post the link here. Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3307. With it I can take on anything I want that is smaller than the Anaconda without breaking a sweat, and it has no problems at all against other Anacondas at Master rank. 85% Hull and shields halfway to recovery and I feel luck is on my side. Please subscribe to my channel or follow me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter Do you have Horizons? Until the vulture turns towards me and demands I hand over my cargo....bollocks. Been a while since I was sent running scared, wondering if there's any good builds kicking about specifically for multi-purpose PvE? Important context: I'm a very bad pilot. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit … I wouldn't take on an Elite conda on my own though. Thoughts on this Anaconda PvE combat build (non-engineered) Help https://s.orbis.zone/88v This is the build I currently have in mind, I'm curious to see what others thing of it outside of "YOU SHOULD JUST ENGINEER IT!" I made this build mainly for pve, but since I don't have the money to run multiple ships I engineered it to be more multi purpose which is why it's so tanky. Rail guns? I don’t have any guardian stuff or engineers. Straght to the point, i am now thinking about buying an Anaconda. So I was theorycrafting a new Anaconda build specifically designed to do mostly bubble-based combat with some light ability to do some other things, like land on planets when bored and utilize supercruise assist for the sweet screenshot ability and to expedite station approaches. If it’s meant for combat there are a few internals I would suggest removing and replacing with hull buffs. Also I would suggest replacing the smaller beams with something less draining on your distro. Post by hagz » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:54 pm currently sat 300Ly above Sag A* in my conda i have 2 AFMU's do not see the need for anymore when i can simply land on a planet and get materials to resupply them. Upon being pulled out of supercruise, I immediately begin orienting myself for the coming fight, shit, it's a deadly FDL. thanks dude, looking forward to getting home and checking them all out properly, doing it on the sly at work isn't as efficient haha! More from this creator. I have a basic idea for how to outfit it, but was looking for anyone who has a PvE bounty hunting build that works for them? To be clear i care about survailability NOT damage. For weapons: Like the title said - I'm looking for suggestions to build my Anaconda - which I can finally afford! On the bottom are your anti hull and anti module weapons. Waiting until he opens fire, I open up with my pulse and beam lasers and deploy chaff. This time it's an anaconda and I've no intention of hanging around. Anaconda is just waaaay to big and slow to out-turn the ships in there. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! I purchased a FDL all A grade core. Maybe I am a "big ship" combat guy - least I am willing to try a space battleship. Elite Dangerous Anaconda Build 2.2.03 is here! Hi everyone. You might consider switching to a normal A rated shield instead of the biweave if you're not going to have mods and swap in a few shield cell banks so you can tank out damage a bit more. 4 this is a pve as I understand it but can I ask what role specifically? This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the EliteDangerous community. Plus - for 140-50mil you can get an imba Python, and you need at least 300-400mil for an awesome anaconda. Please subscribe to my channel or follow me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Press J to jump to the feed. Usually at my build i use Marauder stats with Runes of Vampirism which gives you great survailability and they are easy to play. I do have experimentals on my weapons and the are the following. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I guess I should add that I do most of my PvE work in a Python because I run a lot of missions for BGS work and I need access to medium pads. D-rated long range scanners and also put lightweight on any other misc modules if you can (limpet collectors for example). Cursing my bad luck I begin making my way back to my destination, only I'm still 190k ly away and I'm interdicted again. Can't remember what mods I have on my weps but that's something you probs can work out for yourself when you want to engineer :). The other thing to keep in mind is that 2L hardpoints are more damage than 1H. And I don’t want to engineer or engage in powerplay so no faction specific weapons. keeping the goods cargo safe while travelling the … Works quite well. Best anaconda build/loadout for PvE ? This is my build that I used for PvE (till I got my vette and this has all my best mods ripped off it for the vette) and while I'm not the best builder I used it in Haz Rez and CZ's and have never had my shields pop and it melts almost all targets quickly however it does need a lot of engineering (but as yours has lots I'm assuming you're ok with this). If I’m being honest it’s a hodgepodge of pve combat and mission running. 1 you HAVE to get that distro engineered. Just for the hull i would need to pay like 147 MLN C. That leaves me with ~70 MLN C. Is it possible to buy a decent load out for actual combat? this is my current pve anaconda build and I would like some feedback: https://eddp.co/u/VE3JkbmP. I'm not good enough yet to fly without FA and do all these fancy-pants manouevers so might stick with multi-cannons for now! I’ll keep an eye out for a reply. I logged out for the night (playing in solo) and now i'm wondering if my build is insufficient for PvE. Well I never have any problems with distributer draw, my main problem is heat as I melt my ship every time I have to fuel scoop. Anaconda build for PvE? We can combine this with Innate Axiom for even more damage and healing. that gives it out much more damage dealing while tanking. The rail guns are also underneath and I use them as feedback cascades to stop the NPCs from using shield cell banks. War Maiden is also fairly easy to obtain or can even be purchased from Guild Traders. The idea is basically an effective PvE combat ship that has good QoL stuff and can be played rather lazily. The fighters should be the kinds with beam lasers. Submission, begin jump sequence and weather the storm until the jump. I didn’t see any experimentals can I ask why? I just bought an Anaconda and was wondering if you would like to help me figure out my pve build. burst laser, pulse laser and beam laser. Hello, does anyone have a working design for full laser equiped Anaconda for PvE material collection ? I'm sitting at 290m, 76% of the way through Marquis and figured I'd need a fair bit more money to outfit the cutter so I took on some smuggling missions to … I've been playing around on Coriolis a bit trying to find a build I like, but thought I would also plunder the hivemind to see what wisdom it can offer.
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