His best form of defending himself is his susanoo, which I don't beleive would be able to hold up very long (if it can even survive a punch) from Saitama. share. … SAITAMA IN NARUTO VERSE.. Click to expand... Ehhhh. Saitama is also shown as one of the only people who has broken their limiter and is the strongest character shown in the series. This list takes a look at five anime characters who could take Jiren down without a second thought, and five who would get beaten … Forum Posts. save. Hashirama wouldnt really want to fight anyone at that point, since he is content with everyone being good . 0 ; Genel 8th Gate Guy that could sustain no … So we can surely say that Saitama can not beat Madara uchiha. He's a parody. No. BM Minato can definitely beat Trashdara , FTG will be used to evade PS Slashes while he maintains his distance with his avatar to spam TBB at his Susanoo until it cracks . Saitama might be able to fight them one at a time, but he'd stand no chance against all of them at once. saitama vs madara. Could Guts from Berserk beat Saitama? 2 reasons not to go with him. BeeKaine. Being unable to lose practically is his thing So far, it's an unspoken rule of the series that Saitama can't even be challenged let alone lose. > saitama vs madara. Someone who headlines their resume with “Not Dead Yet”. He failed in DBS Broly to awaken Ultra Instinct on his own,Six Paths Madara is Immortal,so He can`t be beat,The Six Paths lasts Longer than The Amaterasu,Which Is eternal Black Flames that kill all who touch them. Nothing Madara has shown is even in the same magnitude in terms of speed and strength, and any genjutsu or similar attacks just won't work on him. What you said about Tatsumaki sending him to the sun in the webcomic it says about how … This video was created under this goal. He can probably solo bleach.. lokoxDZz This is a goodbye, Smile. There is no one in Naruto verse that can beat Saitama but if we … Menu. Apr 29, 2018 #266 Monsoon said: The Izanami part is a bit reaching. This could go either … (If you want another fight between any anime characters you can comment below it.) He's the Japanese version of Squirrel Girl. Goku is a God In DBS,Madara is a God … Saitama stomp, Madara can't damage him; Madara already got throttled by someone with drastically weaker physicals. This is a Strongest Kabuto can beat thread. First of all , it is undesirable to compare characters from different animes because the universe they livee in are different. So can Gilgamesh with his many weapons and charming looks take down the red caped baldy? In an Identical manga where Tats was the main character, Saitama should still win. saitama vs madara. Thing is we know that 1. it works "recreating physical sensation", 2. it's not Chakra manipulation, 3. Realistically BM avatar has range advantage over PS due to TBB , Madara's PS slashes sure can leave far-stretching shockwaves , but TBB have the much higher reach , and all Minato has to do is keep … A character whose love for combat and strength until now … He wonders why Orochi is not coming to assist him, for he managed to obtain absolute control over him from years of … Because that's the entire point of the manga - the gag that Saitama can beat anyone. ----- Our purpose is the importance of education in our society. Sort by. Madara isn't going to lose unless Saitama can figure out how to throw him onto the moon or into the sun. THE HULK gets washed so badly he's scared to fight again. 1 Prelude 2 Battle 3 Aftermath 4 Navigation After being defeated by Tatsumaki, Gyoro Gyoro calls out to Orochi to save him but to no avail. 100% Upvoted. The only thing that would even have a prayer of even denting Saitama would be the Orbs, but if Guy can keep up with them, there's no way the Avacado is getting hit. In this video we go over Naruto Shippuden's Dual Rinnegan Six Paths Madara VS Adult Rinnegan Sasuke (Boruto) and see how they stack up to eachother. hide. 13. If Goku can go toe-to-toe with a god and survive, then it seems likely that he can take on Saitama even if he shows more of his true power. Social Media Web. The strongest is Madara - with edo hashirama, who regardless of control would gladly fight Madara. A demon will not present itself to a human unless it wants or needs something that can be taken or given freely from the human. Saitamas best strength feat, stopping an attack that will wipe out the surface of the world in the manga and the planet itself in the anime. best. Apr 21, 2018 736. SAITAMA'S WORKOUT.. Saitama has no special powers, He became powerful by following his own simple workout routine which is 100 push ups,100 sit ups, 100 squats and a 10 km run every day. That dude is incredibly powerful in his own story, but I wonder how he would fare against other superpowers from other fiction, I don't actually think Saitama is really that omnipotent outside of his own story. I don't see Saitama's punches are going to do when Madara can avoid, block with TSO, or simple getting hit by it and being throw away. RELATED: 5 Characters That Krillin Can Easily Destroy (& 5 Who Would Defeat Him Easily) But just because he’s that powerful, doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of getting laid out. He can beat anyone who's bad, sure. so, first of all, lemme clarify some things. Misashi Kishimoto stated exactly Why Madara can Beat Goku in Mastered Ultra Instinct. We can conclude this by seeing that he could not kill Elder Centipede, who was weaker than its present self, whereas Saitama did not even take the monster seriously before defeating it. Home > Genel > saitama vs naruto who would win. Oct 13, 2013 #7 shade0180 said: yea, most are power scaling, but he did trashed almost … Madara can't beat him with physical power. Put him up against a universe busting freak of nature that can withstand black holes and he would get stomped. King and Saitama vs. Elder Centipede was the battle between the heroes King and Saitama and the Monster Association executive Elder Centipede. Two, he's not even a gag character. Follow 3184. Saitama: Human beings are strong because we have the ability to change ourselves! A lot of people asked me this question lately. Plus if this is In-Character Saitama who just lets things happen, he might get his soul taken out by Madara to be honest. At the end of the 4th war they agreed in the end they were friends again. Kabuto couldn't break free from it no matter what … Beating him took the combined efforts of Goku, Frieza, and Android 17. Yes, Saitama defeated Boros, and Boros is a spoof of Goku. Saitama's punch is so powerful that many enemies simply explode when struck. Punch him there won't cut it because Madara doesn't have the durability to survive a hit that powerful (he'll disintegrate and regenerate). Perhaps 9 tails believes Madara is just another (1)manipulative asshole with the (2)last name Uchiha. 0. 13 Feb. saitama vs naruto who would win. azrael1973. OOTs Forest Temple is the best Zelda dungeon. no comments yet. Saitama shows up and beats everyone including Thanos in less than 3 minutes and looks disappointed afterwards. report. But Vaccine man was a spoof of Piccolo. Coming from a known Saitama fanboy this is funny. February. 6 Light Yagami (Death Note) Sometimes the best battle fought is one that isn’t fought at all. Okay, so if Gilgamesh got taken out in one punch, we’re going to need someone tough. Boomstick: Saitama showed us he can use his head for once. Took multiple punches from Saitama, Has enough Damage soak for him to still walk after getting beaten up, Fast enough to Blitz the likes of Genos and Durable enough not to be one punch by Saitama's serious Series.. Naruto AMV, One Punch Man AMV Hi friends^^ This AMV is a real Madara vs Saitama fight. Madara was beaten soundly by 8th gate guy who is castly inferior to saitama...and some peoppe are claiming madara has the same dc as saitama Saitama one punches 4 months ago With the Madara nerf not being able to use genjutsu, i don't think he has anything that could really stop Saitama from shitstomping him. – Sam I am says Reinstate Monica Aug 13 '18 at 18:28. add a comment | 0. … Saitama vs. Orochi was the battle between the B-Class hero Saitama and the leader of theMonster Association, Orochi. Boomstick: So yeah, Saitama can lose to those who can withstand his One Punch and not die, but chances are, he'll end you in one punch. 1 Prelude 2 Battle 3 Aftermath 3.1 Omake 4 Trivia 5 Reference 6 Navigation Elder Centipede charges towards Bang, who prepares to go all out against the monster, when King distracts the Elder Centipede by yelling over a megaphone. Thanos on his own is already strong enough to go toe to toe with MCU Hulk and crush him so badly that he loses the will to fight. "No matter how hot it gets, sooner or later there's a … 4 years ago . View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from … I'm only gonna answer this question because of the other answers. Wiz: Also Saitama can keep up … Home; Health; General; Contact Here He was almost killed by a maxed out Gai. Wiz: Oh come on! Of course not. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Hahah yeah Saitama would be a much better pick for either side, Madara vs Saitama or Saitama vs Thanos. One, he can't beat everyone in fiction ever, that's stupid. Banned. Itachi Beat Madara • Can Naruto beat Saitama? Light Yagami’s Death Note is the ultimate … Boro's wins, h2h is effective against Madara, and that kick that sent Saitama to the moon would most likely kill anyone in Naruto. Primeiro Vídeo Espero que Gostem :D((((()))))⭐Salve seus Saitonzinhos e Saitonzinhas, estão gostando dos React?? Goku is NOT Immortal,But is He A God. Teleportation, mind control ability, altering people’s memories, or even cursing people with misfortune – Saiki can do it all. Saitama pretty easily. Think about that for a moment. Be the first to share what you think! Wiz: Saitama also showed us a move called Death but he only shown this against Genos and Suiryu when Genos said 'do not hold back' but Saitama stopped and said 'time for lunch' Boomstick: But Saitama did showed us his strength with that move even if he didn't used it. 0 comments. Saitama will only need one punch. Pre-Death Battle
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