1 ? �! Concept Review (page 135) 1. Baby oil will float on water. Possible answers include: yellow paint, wood interior, solid, graphite core, 2�3 g 9. U (2/1) 4. Vocabulary Review (page 25) 1. threatened (3/1) 2. biodiversity (2/1) 3. captive population (2/2) 4. extinct (3/1) 5. conservation biology (4/2) 6. acid rain (3/1) 7. endangered (3/1) 8. reintroduction (6/2) 9. ozone depletion (3/1) 10. introduced (5/2) 11. native (2/1) 12. restoration (5/2) 13. extinct (3/2) 14. endangered (3/2) 15. threatened (3/2) Part B. 5/2 8. t� gdF� gd=n gd1t 7$ 8$ H$ gd1t � � � � � � � � � ) * 2 D L _ g y � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � " - 0 ������ź�������������������������z�q������� h1t 5�CJ aJ hg h1t 5�CJ aJ h5 CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hg hF� 5�CJ aJ hg h Living things have a life span. � �0 � � � � � � � 6� � � �� �� �� �4� 4� Tracer elements are radioactive isotopes used in hospitals and clinics to diagnose diseases. Optional Foldable A large star that begins to use up the fuel in its core expands to become a supergiant. The elements in the same column of the periodic table (same group, or family) all have the same number of electrons in their outer energy levels. False. Atomic number 2. The liquid water exerts a buoyant force that holds up the floating ice cubes. Patent laws protect technological inventions. 7. 10% (6/3) 12. line graph�only one variable is a number (8/3) 13. 11. g! 9. This angle has a measure of 80 degrees because it was created by joining a 30-degree angle and a 50-degree angle without any space between them and without overlapping them. 2. Possible answers include: cylinder filled with clear liquid, 360 mL, density = 1 g/cm3, mp = 0�C, bp = 100�C 14. They became part of what is often called the �primordial soup� and could have combined to form the more complex compounds found in living things. 10. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and … Fossils give proof of preexisting, simpler life forms and their environment. B (2/1) 5. d (1/1) 6. c (6/2) 7. d (6/2) 8. a (3/1) 9. c (3/1) 10. a (1/1) 11. d (6/2) 12. d (6/2) 13. c (2/1) 14. c (3/1) 15. b (2/1) Reinforcement Section 1 (page 101) 1. precipitate 2. physical 3. homogeneous 4. mixtures 5. solutions 6. solvent 7. solute 8. fractionation 9. alloy 10. chemistry Section 2 (page 90) 1. unequally 2. true 3. unequally 4. true 5. ionic 6. true 7. true 8. solvent 9. true 10. much of 11. how much solute dissolves in 100 g of solvent at a given temperature 12. a solution that can dissolve more solute 13. (1/2) 5. c. Statement 3 is m/ABC+ m/CBE = m/EBD + m/CBE, what is the reason? Get access risk-free for 30 days, T 6. Ozone shields living things from some harmful radiation from the Sun. (3/1) 7. The upper steps are higher energy levels, containing electrons that have more energy and are farther from the nucleus. Except for hydrogen, Groups 1 and 2 are solid metals. Environmental professionals ensure that the environment is not harmed in the manufacturing process. 5/2 6. {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | They will form a pattern of curved lines between the two poles. Graph B; as heat is added, the temperature first rises, then remains constant as the solid melts, then rises again. Color (3/2) 13. gained or released (4/2) 14. gas or solid (3/2) 15. mass, law of conservation of mass (4/2) 16. physical (4/2) 17. physical (4/2) 18. chemical (4/2) 19. physical (4/2) 20. chemical (4/2) 21. physical (4/2) 22. chemical (4/2) 23. chemical (4/2) 24. F 3. 64,000 m 8. Chemical properties, such as behavior around other elements, and physical properties, such as hardness, depend on this atomic structure. 10. Nuclear waste products are a problem because they continue to produce harmful radiation for long periods of time. 6. (2/1) 17. Electrons are in unpredictable motion. The rock stays at rest at the top of the hill until the boy applies force that sends it rolling downhill. Group 1 elements are called the alkali metals. The chemical composition and structure of a material. 2. true 3. true 4. false; Metals have the properties of conductivity, magnetism, and malleability. What is the name of the big angle in the diagram? 27.3 days 10. rotation 11. winter 12. a. The star�s core, if it�s not too large, becomes a neutron star. � � � � � � � � � ' * 2 5 @ C M Q [ \ j k � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4 7 H L f j {  ���������������������´��������������������������� #hg hF� 5�CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ h+.� 5�CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ #hg h�K� 5�CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ hg hk Ipla License Lookup, How Long Does A Bank Transfer Take To Clear Santander, Honomu Transfer Station Hours, Gyro Zeppeli Birthday, Cat Bot Tf2, " />