List of QRP General Coverage Amateur Radio Transceivers, List of VHF/UHF Multimode Amateur Radio Transceivers, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), A 3D-printed cover for the Mountain Topper MTR-3B QRP transceiver, CQ Satellite: ARISS FM Repeater, Ham Sats, Tracking, Antennas, and Looking At The Future | The SWLing Post,, Mark finds an affordable IP67 rated protective case for the Yaesu FT-891, The Reciva Internet radio station aggregator is closing down, Frank’s advice for dealing with SDR clones, Klubrádió: Hungarian independent talk radio station leaves the airwaves. Using an FT991A into a Diamond X-300 vertical. However, this month, the ISS started operating an FM repeater that isn’t too dissimilar from a terrestrial repeater. You should never transmit ... power capability (restricted to a maximum of 25 Watts in ISS operation) supporting FM and packet operations. Pingback: CQ Satellite: ARISS FM Repeater, Ham Sats, Tracking, Antennas, and Looking At The Future | The SWLing Post. And APRS has a cellular gateway, which means you can send SMS messages to mobile phones via the ISS: Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. 55 comments. Typical ham exchange is call sign and grid square. Status: AO-92 FM-repeater, endast när belyst av solen. The design, development, fabrication, testing, and launch of the first IORS was an incredible five-year engineering achievement accomplished by the ARISS hardware volunteer team. Have you made a successful contact via the ISS repeater already or listened to the repeater traffic? But there plans to add a second radio in the Russian segment later so they have two IORS modules running at the same time. Announced September 2020, the ISS has activated a 437.800 MHz cross band FM repeater. Settings. 274. Pretty much any amateur radio operator can use this repeater with a capable dual band radio and (ideally) a directional antenna. The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team has announced the new ham radio FM repeater is now active aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as of September 2, 2020 at 1:02 GMT.. Ham radio and the International Space Station. All you need is a scanner or receiver that can tune to the downlink frequency of 437.800 MHz and coordinate your listening session with an ISS pass (I like using NASA’s Spot the Station service). I think this violates the Terms of Service. It has been silent on a few passes lately, but not sure whether it's a lack of repeater, or users. share. Amateur Radio , Ham Radio, DMR, D-Star, YSF, HamShack Hotline, Allstar, This is great news as it has been quite a while since anything significant has happened with Ham radio on board the ISS.Early reports indicate that the receiver is quite sensitive and can be used with just an handheld such as a Baofeng. When ISS comes above horizon 437.900 — 145.987 Next. Bruce has been enjoying late night, high band activity. Confusingly yours, Clint Bradford I couldn’t wait to try the new ISS FM repeater myself. The IORS was launched from Kennedy Space Center on March 6, 2020 on board the SpaceX CRS-20 resupply mission. Hey Redditors, is the ISS repeater active today and where would I go to check its status? The International Space Station now has an accessible FM Repeater. 73. 0:00. But please note that we will never create a post and product link explicitly to receive a commission. Downlink 145.800; Uplink 145.200; FM VOICE for ITU Region 2&3: North and South America-Caribbean-Greenland-Australia-South Asia. Contacting the International Space Station (ISS) resembles making an FM repeater contact over greater distances than you've experienced on earth. Then they can operate both the repeater and digipeater. Current Status of ISS Stations All of this has been running on the new Kenwood TM-D710G radio in the European Columbus module. The Kenwood TM-D710GA radio is located in the ISS Columbus Module, supports 2 meter (144-146 MHz) and 70 cm (435-438 MHz) operation. Are you sure you wish to repost this message? Click here to view a list of all sponsors. AMSAT Live OSCAR Satellite Status Page This web page was created to give a single global reference point for all users in the Amateur Satellite Service to show the most up-to-date status of all satellites as actually reported in real time by users around the world. Any help is greatly appreciated. Check the amsat status page for the most up to date info on the birds. You’ll stand a much better chance of working or listening to the ISS repeater with a high pass. A second IORS undergoes flight certification and will be launched later for installation in the Russian Service module. Your email address will not be published. This means that by clicking on these links, a small percentage of the purchase price for goods you purchase from these sellers will help support our site’s running costs. Of course, you don’t have to be an amateur radio operator to listen to the traffic on the ISS repeater. The amateur radio station on the ISS can be received using very simple equipment. Status: FO-29 Transponder SSB/CW, igång enligt schema nattetid. 145.800 MHz FM: Mode U/V FM Voice Repeater Worldwide Rarely used. Thank you, too, for your support of these sites. This page documents Amateur Radio data digipeated by the International Space Station. Click here for a nice summary of ARISS packet operations by AMSAT-UK. The Group moderators are responsible for maintaining their community and can address these issues. The ISS amateur radios are a Kenwood D710E and a Kenwood D710GA. Play. Unfortunately, it was only operational for about a month. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. View Comments. Thank you! 06-09-2020 ISS pass trying the FM repeater, 437.800 RX, 145.990 TX with a 67hz tone. save hide report. Utrustning på ISS. Cheers, mb VK2KI / VK6QI _____ Message sent using Telaen Webmail 1.3.0.beta Capabilities include a higher power radio, voice repeater, digital packet radio (APRS) capabilities and a Kenwood VC-H1 slow scan television (SSTV) system. From what I read, the repeater will be off at times when the radio is doing other things, such as school contacts. Did we forget to put another coin in the slot? ISS Space Station Amateur Radio Repeater IORS ARISS has 2,223 members. There seems to be a lot of activity on every pass. It also provides on-orbit redundancy to ensure continuous operations in the event of an IORS component failure. Here is the access information: Mode: FM Voice Uplink Frequency: 145.990 MHz, PL 67.0 Hz Downlink Frequency: 437.800 MHz The repeater uses the new InterOperable Radio System (IORS), a space-modified JVC Kenwood D710GA … The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) announcement reads: The ARISS team is… The SWLing Post now participates in two affiliate advertising programs with two large retailers that still sell shortwave radios, the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the eBay Partnership, designed to provide a means for sites like ours to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to these retailers of radio products. Do we know why the new ISS FM repeater has been off the air for the lastcouple of days? ISS FM repeater information Downlink: 437.800 +/- doppler Uplink: 145.990 (67hz PL Tone) Download ISS Tracker to know when the ISS is overhead At night you can see it with binoculars move across the sky Put the uplink in a memory channel and then add… Follow-on next generation radio system elements include an L-band repeater uplink capability, currently in development, and a flight Raspberry-Pi, dubbed “ARISS-Pi,” that is just beginning the design phase. Your email address will not be published. Subject: [amsat-vk] ISS FM Repeater Status? If you’ve been following ham radio news lately, no doubt you’ve heard that the International Space Station now has an FM repeater in operation. Downlink: 145.800 MHz FM: Click to find the latest status of ARISS radios aboard the ISS. APRS Packet Up and Downlink: 145.825 MHz FM 1200 baud - Use Aliases of RS0ISS or ARISS Up and Downlink: 437.550 MHz FM (Backup frequency) ISS Radios System Status All you need is a scanner or receiver that can tune to the downlink frequency of 437.800 MHz and coordinate your listening session with an ISS pass (I like using NASA’s Spot the Station service).You’ll stand a much better chance of working or listening to the ISS repeater … One of the recent highlights for both newcomers to satellite operations and old-timers was working the International Space Station’s (ISS) new FM repeater which came on the air in early September. Uplink: 437.800 MHz FM: Downlink: 145.800 MHz FM: Mode V SSTV Imaging Ocassionally used. From what I read, the repeater will be off at times when the radio is doing other things, such as school contacts. ISS 437.800 MHz cross band repeater activated. It consists of a special, space-modified JVC Kenwood D710GA transceiver, an ARISS developed multi-voltage power supply and interconnecting cables. I think this message isn't appropriate for our Group. This second system enables dual, simultaneous operations, (e.g. ISS Repeater. Additionally, we always try to include links to other retail options if they are available, as we support and freely advertise independent ham radio retailers. The new ISS FM repeater is AWESOME! Commander William Shepherd, KD5GS, made the first… Enter your email address to subscribe to the Post and receive notifications of new posts by email. voice repeater and APRS packet), providing diverse opportunities for radio amateurs. ISS crossing with new cross-band FM repeater tonight (Houston, TX) 437.800 MHz. Date: 21/09/20 10:51 Hi folks. V/u Repeater VHF Uplink: 145.990 MHz FM - 67.0 hz tone UHF D ownlink: 437.800MHz FM. Are you sure you wish to delete this message from the message archives of [email protected]? Status: PO-101 FM-repeater. ARISS–Celebrating 20 years of continuous amateur radio operations on the ISS! For the IORS, parts are being procured and a total of ten systems are being fabricated to support flight, additional flight spares, ground testing and astronaut training. ISS 437.800 MHz cross band FM repeater activated International Space Station – Image Credit NASA At 01:02 GMT on September 2 a cross band FM amateur radio repeater with a downlink on 437.800 MHz was activated on the International Space Statio. Lättkörd när den är igång. 0:00. Required fields are marked *. ISS 437.800 MHz cross band FM repeater activated International Space Station – Image Credit NASA At 01:02 GMT on September 2 a cross band FM amateur radio repeater with a downlink on 437.800 MHz was activated on the International Space Statio. This is worth trying so need to know when the ISS … ISS 437.800 MHz cross band FM repeater activated Posted date: September 02, 2020 in: VHF At 01:02 GMT on September 2 a cross band FM amateur radio repeater with a downlink on 437.800 MHz was activated on the International Space Statio. The new topic will begin with this message. The repeater is off right now. The IORS replaces the Ericsson radio system and packet module that were originally certified for spaceflight on July 26, 2000. Ham Radio operators have enjoyed making contact with the ISS for many years. Fullscreen. ISS Monitor. Please comment! Se frekvenser nedan. The Russian side of the ISS has an older version of the same Kenwood mobile radio (TM-D710E), but not with the customized firmware that has the cross-band repeater and packet digipeater in it. With the new repeater will it be able to do APRS ……, Here’s a fun fact: There is an APRS repeater on the ISS. The actual frequencies for the ISS REPEATER are. 30-degree pass and I had S9 signal on the downlink for 90 … Many of you have suggested in the past that the SWLing Post join an affiliate links program. 299. How about you. Känslig mottagare: Status: AO-91 FM-repeater, endast när belyst av solen. Using a uplink frequency of 145.990 MHz with an access tone [CTCSS] of 67 Hz and a downlink frequency of 437.800 MHz. Learn how your comment data is processed. Donations to the ARISS program for next generation hardware developments, operations, education, and administration are welcome — please go to to contribute to these efforts. You can think of it as making a long, long range two meter FM simplex contact to a station that's moving real fast. As of September 2, 2020, the new FM Crossband repeater on board the International Space Station is activated. It is a specially modified Kenwood D710-GA VHF/UHF transceiver. Thanks, Adrian VK5AW. Google "amsat status" level 1. It doesn’t take a lot to listen the the new ISS repeater. History The first Amateur Radio equipment was delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) in September 2000 and an Amateur Radio station was established onboard for use by Astronauts who are licenced Radio Amateurs. Special operations will continue to be announced. To save you some future head-scratching and menu-checking, you can see others’ reports on satellite status here (and report what you do and don’t hear): On 21 Sep 2020, at 8:51 pm, Mark Bosma via. Posted by 5 days ago. HamTV: Slutade fungera april 2018 och utrustningen finns nu i Italien för reparation. Here’s the information about the new system from an ARISS news release: September 2, 2020—The ARISS team is pleased to announce that set up and installation of the first element of our next generation radio system was completed and amateur radio operations with it are now underway. If you’d like to get a taste for what it’s like making contacts via the ISS repeater, check out this video from K0LWC (thanks for the tip, Paul): Of course, you don’t have to be an amateur radio operator to listen to the traffic on the ISS repeater. So it wasnt my antenna, programming or pl tone. ARISS is run almost entirely by volunteers, and with the help of generous contributions from ARISS sponsors and individuals. Downlink 145.800; Uplink 144.490; FM V/u with PL VOICE Repeater, Worldwide. You can use the ISS as a relay to the APRS network. New Amateur radio FM crossband repeater on ISS International Space Station IORS ARISS ISS Repeater Tips Miles Mann WF1F has published these tips on how to use the ISS 70cm to 2 metre FM repeater. At 01:02 GMT on September 2 a cross band FM amateur radio repeater with a downlink on 437.800 MHz was activated on the International Space Station The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) announcement reads: System activation was first observed at 01:02 UTC on September 2. Basic radio setup. Status: XW-satelliterna (2A, 2D, 2F) Transponder SSB/CW, dock nerlänk på repeaterkanaler. ISS 437.800 MHz Cross Band Repeater Activated September 13, 2020 / Colin Butler At 01:02 GMT on 2nd September a cross-band FM amateur radio repeater with a downlink on 437.800 MHz was activated on the International Space Station VHF D ownlink: 145.800 MHz FM. The ARISS-Pi promises operations autonomy and enhanced SSTV operations. This first element, dubbed the InterOperable Radio System (IORS), was installed in the International Space Station Columbus module. The new ISS FM repeater is AWESOME! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thanks to some great work by the ARISS Team, a new Voice Repeater system is operating on the International Space Station! Ombord på ISS finns amatörradio monterad på två platser: Columbus Module: Kenwood D710GA: Aktiverades första gången i september 2020. In order to appear on this page, a position report in a valid APRS format must be digipeated through ISS, then be heard by an internet gateway station, which then forwards it on to the APRS Internet System. Initial operation of the new radio system is in FM cross band repeater mode using an uplink frequency of 145.99 MHz with an access tone of 67 Hz and a downlink frequency of 437.800 MHz. Uplink (your transmit freq) 145.990 tone 67.0hz Downlink (your receive freq) 437.800 The thing is, you will need to compensate for the Doppler effect. Next-gen development efforts continue. You can see [TechMinds] video on the repeater, below. Downlink 437.800MHz FM; Doppler +-10KHz I noticed it's flying over the western USA tonight about 7:30pm Pacific time. 30-degree pass and I had S9 signal on the downlink for 90 seconds here in Minnesota. It will enable new, exciting capabilities for ham radio operators, students, and the general public. I use my FT-897 and a 2m/70cm ground plane on my roof. Current Status of ISS Stations as of 03/31/2020 ... activate your rigs repeater shift to ensure you reply on the correct frequency. This radio provides a higher output power capability (restricted to a maximum of 25 Watts in ISS operation) supporting FM and packet operations. ARISS FM Repeater. Har möjlighet till cross-band FM-repeater VHF/UHF. Amateur Radio Stations heard via ISS. Subject of the new topic: Ah. Many of our links now function as affiliate links. How to use the ISS Cross Band Repeater By Miles Mann WF1F MAREX-MG (Manned Amateur Radio Experiment, North American Division) We hope you understand, and are grateful for your support. So I'm programming my radio for it. AMSAT Live OSCAR Satellite Status Page This web page was created to give a single global reference point for all users in the Amateur Satellite Service to show the most up-to-date status of all satellites as actually reported in real time by users around the world. *** Current Status of ISS Stations *** FM VOICE for ITU Region 1: Europe-Middle East-Africa-North Asia. Posted date: September 05, 2020 in: News. This includes: harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing. The AMSAT status page for the ISS indicates ... Mode U/V (B) FM Voice Repeater (Worldwide): Operational 437.8000 MHz FM Downlink 145.8000 MHz FM Mode V/U (J) FM Voice Repeater (Worldwide): Operational 145.8000 MHz FM Downlink 437.8000 MHz FM Are there two independent cross-band repeaters on board? Status: SO-50 FM-repeater.
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