Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S. EFFECT. Each weapon in Shadow the Hedgehog falls under one of seven weapon types; Close Combat, Gun, Cannon, Lock-on, Laser, Vacuum, and Special. School illusion (shadow) [shadow]; Level bloodrager 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1. When refined to +7, increases long distance damage by 1%. Almost every weapon can be bought in the shop except for Challenger Weapons, Special Event Weapons, Boss Weapons, and Set Weapons… Kingbird's Shadow Weapon: ATK + 10. ATK + 1 per-tingkat level refine Ancient Shadow Armor dan Kingbird's Shadow Weapon. DESCRIPTION. When equipped with Ancient Shadow Armor, increase ATK by the sum of the combined refine levels. Class: Shadow Equipment Location: Armor Weight: 0 Required Level: 1 Jobs: All ATK + 10. Perks will help you make the most of the weapons in Horizon Zero Dawn, as will modifiers that target different elemental weaknesses. Meningkatkan serangan jarak jauh 1%. The weapons in Shadow the Hedgehog vary from their respectives, as they change as their ammo, color, damage and sometimes can be the same exact gun with a different internal structure. Kingbird's Shadow Weapon + Ancient Shadow Armor - Throwing Type; Hard Shadow Armor + Champion Shoes - Killing Stroke Type; Class Data Skills. Sebuah sarung tangan yang meningkatkan serangan jarak jauh. If refine rate is 7 or higher, additonal Hit + 15. Skill Description Levels Type Cast Ninja Spell: Embue the ground with Earth, Fire, Wind or Water Property. But while these … Weapons increase the damage done by the player through attacking with "punch" button, also changing the animations. CASTING. ; Besides, common Shadow weapon (1 at your choice) can be obtained as a reward for completing such one-time quest as In Search of the Secret Weapon.You can take it … When the combined sum of refine is over 15, increases additional critical damage by 1% Class : Shadow Armor Jika jumlah gabungan refine keduanya mencapai 15 atau lebih, serangan jarak jauh meningkat +1%. Kingbird Ancient Shadow Armor - Atk + 15, Hit + 15. Drawing upon the Plane of Shadow, you shape a quasi-real masterwork melee weapon … 1 Range 0 ft. Effect one shadow weapon Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with); Spell Resistance yes. Each element gives different effects. When this set is assembled, the following effects are bestowed: Immune Set. เพิ่ม Atk ตามผลรวมของการตีบวกของ Ancient Shadow Armor และ Kingbird’s Shadow Weapon เมื่อผลรวมอัพเกรดถึง +15 หรือสูงกว่าจะได้ การโจมตีระยะไกล เพิ่มอีก 1%. Kingbird's Shadow Weapon: Increases ATK by 1 for each the upgrade levels; Increases MATK by 1 for each the upgrade levels; If upgraded to +7 or higher, increases Ranged Damage by 1%. Increases long ranged physical damage by 1% per 2 refine rate. Common weapon is dropped from such powerful mobs as Unit 1~8 Commanders in a new instanced zone, Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries.You can enter the zone via NPC Refugee Neti in the Town of Gludio. Jika tingkat refine +7 atau lebih. S_Kingbird_Weapon Credit Price Not For Sale: Name Kingbird's Shadow Weapon Type Shadow Equipment NPC Buy 0 Weight 0 NPC Sell 0 Weapon Level 0 Range 0 Defense 0 Slots 0 Refineable Yes Attack 0 Min Equip Level 1 MATK 0 Max Equip Level None: Equip Locations Should the fallen weapon from an … Weapon is one of the five types of equipment that are available in Shadow Fight 2, along with armor, helm, ranged weapon and magic.
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