Our All About Me Likes and Dislikes PowerPoint contains slides to promote a discussion about what pupils do and don't like. Jul 11, 2017 - Explore laura kowal's board "french likes dislikes" on Pinterest. We all have different activities and hobbies we like and dislike. = I like the book. Hobbies I Like and Dislike Worksheet Spanish. First, read the following dialogue out loud with your tutor, then switch roles and try again. Exam skill based retrieval practice. • I can describe my activities in. 2. Some of them are singular, some of them are plural. Spanish I Like Dislike Food PowerPoint - 2. Likes and Dislikes. This set of 22 LIKES and DISLIKES, PREFERENCES Bulletin Board Cards in Spanish are the perfect visual support for your students! The cat … I like playing cards with my grandmother – Me gusta jugar cartas con mi abuela; I like to swim early in the morning – Me gusta nadar temprano en la mañana; He likes to play soccer – Le gusta jugar fútbol; Remember, when discussing likes and dislikes, the indirect objects pronouns can form part of the question AND also the answer. This worksheet will make use of the vocabulary we presented in another worksheet on common pastimes in Spanish to make meaningful sentences about likes and dislikes in Spanish. • I can recognize socio-cultural diversity within Spanish society. Expressing Likes and Dislikes. I adore sun-bathing.” I’m fond of chocolate I like swimming very much. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Hola! Gustar: Instructions for This Worksheet. Dorothy: I love to learn other languages.… To express likes and dislikes, the verb GUSTAR is used in Spanish. The cat … 6. About this resource. • I can recognize socio-cultural diversity within Spanish society. If someone likes something: She likes salsa music. e-mails, texts or conversations. Created: Dec 12, 2016| Updated: Feb 22, 2018, Likes-and-dislikes-with-fruit-and-vegetables-in-Spanish-(worksheet), Likes-and-dislikes-with-fruit-and-vegetables-(lesson-plan). • I can answer questions about my likes and dislikes. Spanish I like Dislike Powerpoint - Perfect for whole-class teaching, this PowerPoint features some information to help support your teaching of Spanish. 2. Find out what your Spanish pupils like and dislike with an oral presentation in the form of a video, poster, or PowerPoint. = I like the books. Online dating (3) - Internet has brought you a convenient way to search for a perfect soul-mate and that is through online dating. Dialogue In this lesson, your tutor will help you go over this topic: expressing likes and dislikes. Simply drag the illustrations of things that you like into the box on the left and the things that you don't like into the box on the right. Vocab 4A is a list of foods by meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and Vocab 4A lists fruits, vegetables, and desserts. There are some items on the left. The verb ENCANTAR is used to talk about things you really like or love. Spanish Curriculum recovery. New vocabulary: Common foods: pan, huevo, jugo, uva, leche, sopa, manzana, and platano. Food Likes and Dislikes Game English/German - 1 * New * Spanish: All About Me: My Likes and Dislikes Year 5 Lesson Pack 2 Observe students during class and group practice. Soy Noelia. Food-related vocabulary. Read the title carefully before downloading. LIST OF A LEVEL GERMAN ESSAY / SPEAKING PHRASES, 62 Spanish Lessons for £2 - Year 7 - Viva 1 - Module 1, Christmas Escape Room Spanish- La Navidad en España Escape Room, The most useful tenses at GCSE. Includes examples to use with … SPANISH LIKE AND DISLIKE. I love eating ice-cream." I love + verb (ing) I love riding my bicycle 4. doc, 23 KB. If you like something: I like cooking. This page compiles free Spanish Powerpoint Presentations to teach different themes and units. Dating is the first step to any relationship. Food Likes and Dislikes Game English/German. Online dating (3) - Internet has brought you a convenient way to search for a perfect soul-mate and that is through online dating. Spanish Curriculum recovery. Dorothy: I love to learn other languages.… • I can answer questions about my likes and dislikes. I love eating ice-cream." registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion e-mails, texts or conversations. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion • I can describe my activities in. MY-like-and-dislike. students up to the board to draw their likes and dislikes until the board is pretty full. Square Gustar (Worksheet): Expressing Likes and Dislikes in Spanish. Tes Global Ltd is Explain what foods he/she likes and dislikes. To express likes and dislikes, the verb GUSTAR is used in Spanish. There are some items on the left. Hello! The first file is the vocab list and the second file is the instructional PowerPoint. More languages. Created: Nov 17, 2015. ppt, 412 KB. There are Spanish presentations … ... Read more. Learning Outcome After watching this lesson, you should be able to discuss likes and dislikes in Spanish, using the verb 'gustar.' The assignment page provides requirements for the project in paragraph and checklist format. Now you are ready to talk about likes and dislikes! This worksheet will make use of the vocabulary we presented in another worksheet on common pastimes in Spanish to make meaningful sentences about likes … Expressing likes, dislikes and hobbies 1. Kevin: Dorothy, do you like to learn languages? Learning Outcome After watching this lesson, you should be able to discuss likes and dislikes in Spanish, using the verb 'gustar.' Play the "Funny Food Likes & Dislikes Game" This is a really fun way to end the lesson. If someone likes something: She likes salsa music. Languages / Spanish / Sport, health and fitness, Languages / Spanish / Sport, health and fitness / Food and drink, Languages / Spanish / Sport, health and fitness / Healthy living, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong KS1 Lesson Plan, Text and Worksheets, Carnivores, omnivores and herbivores Venn diagram, Year 2 Maths Worksheets from Save Teachers Sundays, 62 Spanish Lessons for £2 - Year 7 - Viva 1 - Module 1, Christmas Escape Room Spanish- La Navidad en España Escape Room, The most useful tenses at GCSE. Probably the most common way to express a like or dislike. These verbs are NOT preceded by a subject pronoun. Find out what your Spanish pupils like and dislike with an oral presentation in the form of a video, poster, or PowerPoint. This is my familia: mi hija Rebeca, mi hijo Ricardo, mi perro Roni y mi esposo Javier. The assignment page provides requirements … The plural form is used when what is liked is plural. Me gusta = I like, no me gusta = I don’t like, me encanta = I love, odio = I hate . How does it work? You’ll see the page with a chart. Likes & dislikes in Spanish lesson plan, PowerPoint (with audio) and more. 4.5 2 customer reviews. Dating is the first step to any relationship. Our All About Me Likes and Dislikes PowerPoint contains slides to promote a discussion about what pupils do and don't like. Dialogue In this lesson, your tutor will help you go over this topic: expressing likes and dislikes. Each is illustrated to help your students distinguish between the various expressions for ME GUSTA, ME GUSTA MUCHO, NO ME GUSTA, … Gustar (Worksheet): Expressing Likes and Dislikes in Spanish. The picture appears first on mouse click and then the opinion. Read the title carefully before downloading. Now you are ready to talk about likes and dislikes! We offer our own Spanish 4 Teachers.org Powerpoints, as well as a collection of Powerpoints from other sources. Preview and details Files included (2) ppt, 412 KB. These verbs are NOT preceded by a subject pronoun. Likes & dislikes in Spanish lesson plan, PowerPoint (with audio) and more. Spanish 1 and 2 PowerPoint slides can be found here. Hobbies I Like and Dislike Worksheet Spanish - 1. I adore sun-bathing.” I’m fond of chocolate I like swimming very much. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and London WC1R 4HQ. The resource includes Spanish translations for how to say 'I like' and 'I dislike' different food. Expressing likes, dislikes and hobbies 1. Worksheet that will be done in class (attached). Allow pupils to repeat the Spanish several times so that they become familiar with it. Kevin: Dorothy, do you like to learn languages? Expressing Likes And… expressing Dislikes By: Irina Feria CC Attribution-Non commercial-ShareAlike Licensed No uso comercial ni de las derivadas Distribución igual a la obra original 2. Square Simply drag the illustrations of things that you like into the box on the left and the things that you don't like into the box on the right. talking_about_likes_and_dislikes.pptx: File … Expressing Likes 3. Conditions. London WC1R 4HQ. He loves butterflies. Ilustration – Dislikes – This is the companion to the Likes Illustration. See more ideas about teaching french, learn french, french lessons. Oct 5, 2013 - Browse over 60 educational resources created by Live Love Spanish in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store. Lesson Plan – Likes and Dislikes – Sports and Hobbies [MEMBERS] – At the end of the activity, students will have reviewed and used orally and in writing, the vocabulary about sports and hobbies, likes and dislikes according to the different degrees. Spanish 1 and 2 PowerPoint slides can be found here. Exam skill based retrieval practice. talking_about_likes_and_dislikes.pptx: File … MY-like-and-dislikeupload. Allow pupils to repeat the Spanish several times so that they become familiar with it. Me gusta = I like, no me gusta = I don’t like, me encanta = I love, odio = I hate . Kevin and Dorothy are talking about likes and dislikes. MY-like-and-dislike. If you like something: I like cooking. I love + verb (ing) I love riding my bicycle 4. Loading... Save for later. Free. Spanish PowerPoints. Lesson Plan – Likes and Dislikes – Sports and Hobbies [MEMBERS] – At the end of the activity, students will have reviewed and used orally and in writing, the vocabulary about sports and hobbies, likes and dislikes according to the different degrees.Through videos and visual materials, students review their knowledge of sports, hobbies, likes and dislikes vocabulary and expressions. First, read the following dialogue out loud with your tutor, then switch roles and try again. • I can understand basic information about activities people like or don’t like. Above them, you’ll see the questions: ¿Te gusta… Kevin and Dorothy are talking about likes and dislikes. MY-like-and-dislikeupload. Conditions. The picture appears first on mouse click and then the opinion. Pastimes, Likes & Dislikes in Spanish – PDF Worksheet Hello! doc, 23 KB. (gustan) Me _____ los libros. The verb ENCANTAR is used to talk about things you really like or love. Tes Global Ltd is Expressing Likes And… expressing Dislikes By: Irina Feria CC Attribution-Non commercial-ShareAlike Licensed No uso comercial ni de las derivadas Distribución igual a la obra original 2. Exit ticket Key vocabulary and concepts Lesson Materials and Sources (visuals, props, videos, etc.) Some of them are singular, some of them are plural. Power point presentation likes and dislikes 1. How does it work? 1. Instead, these verbs preceded by indirect object pronouns (Me, Te, Le, Nos, Os, and Les). Info. We hope it helps you practice the vocabulary on this topic and this very important structure. He loves butterflies. • I can react to someone else’s likes or dislikes. Spanish I Chapter 8. a_comer_powerpoint_1_1.pptx: File Size: 1601 kb: ... Talking About What you Like and Dislike. If any of the items from the song haven’t been drawn (cheese, chocolate, rice, French fries, strawberries, bread, ice cream, grapes, pasta, pizza, beans) use the Power point presentation likes and dislikes 1. Spanish I Chapter 8. a_comer_powerpoint_1_1.pptx: File Size: 1601 kb: ... Talking About What you Like and Dislike. • I can understand basic information about activities people like or don’t like. Gustar: Instructions for This Worksheet. Expressing Likes 3. • I can react to someone else’s likes or dislikes. Includes 'a mà también' 'a mà tampoco'. You’ll see the page with a chart.
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