horo horo no mi awakening. Hace un tiempo, hubo un médico que comió la fruta Ope Ope, trató muchísimas enfermedades raras o incurables con sus milagrosas cirugías. So, for Law it could be that he can use his abilities in a more versatile way. Price. Su habilidad está tan perfeccionada, que ahora es capaz de cortar a Vergo, quien estaba cubierto de una armadura de busoshoku haki, lo cual es una hazaña muy grande. Luffy doesn't create rubber, he is just made out of rubber. Severance - Inside the users room the user can use a sword to cut objects. Stamina is used up by Ope's moves. Maybe rooms which does not surround him but surrounds a target of his choosing. We don't know if how the awakening manifests itself varies from fruit to fruit or from fruit class to fruit class. Devil fruits like the Ope Ope no Mi, and the Yami Yami no Mi are unique devil fruits, which hold mysterious powers that are special even by devil fruit standards. It can be found or can be obtained from the Factory raid. Este poder fue visto por primera vez durante el arco del Archipiélago Sabaody[1], pero no se dieron más datos sobre dicha fruta hasta el arco de Punk Hazard. I'm going to spitball and guess Luffy's awakening would lead him to be able to deflect physical attacks with his rubber body. Law probably won't Awaken his DF. 1 Overview 2 Appearance description 3 Moveset/Abilities 4 Pros 5 Cons 6 Credit The String-String fruit is a Paramecia type Devil-fruit that costs $1,500,000 Beli / R$1800 robux in the shop. It'd be the technique to make someone immortal. Este área, conocida como room es, según Franky, algo así como una delgada cortina azul. Esta fruta fue comida por Trafalgar D. Water Law. But in this case it's getting annoying. La palabra que usa Trafalgar Law en su técnica, "Room", es una palabra inglesa que significa habitación o sala. ), debido a su poder único de conceder a otra persona la juventud eterna a cambio de la vida del consumidor. Siempre y cuando estés dentro del círculo de Law, considérate un paciente en la mesa de operaciones. We know nothing about awakening yet. Through this ability, Law c… Él también puede volver a juntar las partes separadas de los cuerpos de sus víctimas y de cualquier manera, como pegar la cabeza de alguien en un barril o cualquier otro objeto que esté en el área. That's a really good point. We can only speculate with a paramecia, it gave doffy the ability to apply his ability to his surroundings but tesoro who also awakened his gol gol no mi allowed him to sort of become one with his gold, so he could sense everything without using haki like Enel used to do. Press J to jump to the feed. So he can create string from any substance like a building. "Ope" proviene de la palabra inglesa "operation" que significa "operación", ya que el área creada es comparada con una "sala de operaciones" y el consumidor sería como un cirujano. Law has all the control. It can be bought in the shop with $3,200,000 Beli/ R$2,500 robux, found under trees, or can be obtained in a Factory raid. The real name of the fruit is Ope-Ope no mi which was eaten by Trafalgar D. … Sorry my post annoyed you but I can't really do much about that. Chainsaws >... East Jordan, Mi Local time: 1:23.! It doesn't necessarily have to do with affecting the surrounding because, for all we know, that is limited to a specific kind of ability. Regeneration with room, and without. The immortality operation is probably part of it too, since you can't really train something that sacrifices your own life it makes sense to achieve it with full mastery over your fruit. I hadn't thought of that just cause they're both paramecias doesn't mean their awakenings will work the same way. Since Ope Ope mi is able to "heal" people, when someone preforms the youth operation he basically "fixes" the cells of that person. But nonetheless, you probably don't care about that and are still just wondering what it might be anyway if he had one so...I would guess that would not allow him any extra abilities but just mastery of the ones he already possesses. Update In One Piece Awakening! Maybe it gives him finer control over the separation and reassembly of things. It is a paramecia which is difficult to pin down what the "awakening would do" but Doflamingo's makes sense. I'm not 100% sure what it would look like, but I'm guessing it's something along the lines of everything can be split multiple times into small pieces, even smaller than what law can do now, and he can rearrange anything at will. It's fun to speculate about the series we love, yes. I know this is all speculation at this point but I would love to hear your ideas everyone! User create the black hole under their feet devour everything in it path. As such, while within the ROOM, he is capable of spatial telekinesis, swap-teleportation and even telepathy. Maybe Crocodile's ability to dry shit up is awakening too. So far, what we know about Awakening is that it enhances the user's ability and pushes it further. Or it would just make his actual body extremely tense and strong where it was very much unable to be damaged (kinda like BM's skin). 7 Won't Awaken: Pica Rosinante, al pensar haber descubierto la intención tácita de Doflamingo, y siendo un espía de los infantes de la marina que ya poseía un poder una fruta del diablo, decidió eludir la orden, para que pudiera alimentar a Law con la fruta y salvarlo del Síndrome de Plomo Ámbar. That would be crazy he would be almost unstoppable like his df would be close to whitebeards in terms of destructive power, I think law will be able to create matter in his rooms. Doflamingo ordenó a los dos fugitivos volver a la tripulación, y una vez que la tripulación robara esta fruta, Rosinante se comería la fruta y utilizar sus poderes para sanar a Law. turn them all into strings). So it wouldn't make sense for his awakening to create rubber from objects, since Luffy doesn't create it, he just is made of it. horo horo no mi awakening. Doflamingo once said that awakening his paramecia fruit meant his powers could affect everything around him (i.e. Es posible reformar a las personas que han sido seccionadas como si se trataran de piezas de un puzzle. I was just eager to hear some ideas on the subject precisely because we don't know anything on the topic, I know most of us will get it wrong but I find it fun to speculate. Or, what I would really like, is letting him transplant a person's mind into an inanimate object, Spoiler. Sin embargo, Rosinante sospecho que su hermano tendría la intención de pedirle que utilizara la Operación de la Eterna juventud en él, y de ese modo Doflamingo conseguiría la juventud eterna. That hints that for paramecia its different. Stamina naturally regenerates, albeit does so at slower rate whilst ROOM is up. So when Doflamingo used awakening he turned his surroundings into strings and used them in battle. I guess you can‘t really awaken everything by that meaning as controlling room is like controlling time. Aging is ofter described as result of cell damage which accumulates over time (this is a bit offtopic and for start you can read more about it on wikipedia), so my interpretation of opes ability is that it removes the defects of dna alteration. Room, on its own, does nothing. Desde que Law traicionó a la tripulación, los Piratas Donquixote han estado desesperados por recuperar el poder con el fin de concederle a Doflamingo la eterna juventud. Tiene sentido ya que, al fin y al cabo, es una sala de operaciones. NEW! So it makes sense that the awakening of his fruit would be to create string OUTSIDE his body. OPE OPE NO MI. One Piece Awakening Map Purpose of this game Credits Devil fruit spawn chances Devil fruit tier list FAQ Current Shop Stat Resetting Polls Islands. Es la segunda fruta del Diablo confirmada que da el poder de alargar la vida, la primera fue la. -His fruit allows him to CREATE string inside of him and use it at will. The latter creates a room in which any object or person may be split and controlled around the user, save for the user himself (so far). Stamina is represented by an orange bar to the right of the screen. Showcasing Ope Ope No Mi! Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Fue posteriormente emboscado por los piratas de quien robó la fruta. This fruit can now be Awakened in Update 13. La fruta Ope Ope es una fruta con forma de corazón que guarda un parecido con una fresa. without a physical toll, as long as it's within his "room". I'd like to believe it would expand his capabilities. Además, puede cortar objetos de tamaño colosal, tal como una montaña de hielo o un meteorito ardiente. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sin embargo, Law declaró que no tiene ningún interés en particular en esta capacidad. Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. This ope is the different to the one that spawns and is stronger. Ope Ope no mi. Game Pass. Mostly because I think that would be funny. 2,500. - Ope Ope no Mi is considered the "Ultimate DF". Tiene un tallo con un extremo parecido a un remolino que apunta hacia arriba. Law's control over his Devil Fruit powers is tremendously refined and he'll eventually awaken the powers of his fruit. February. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. 13. Starter ... Ope Ope no mi Chop Chop no mi Suke Suke no mi ||Zoans|| Tori Tori no mi: Model Phoenix Devil Fruit Notifier Quest Givers. horo horo no mi awakening. Takt - This move is used with severance. - YouTube Giới thiệu Trái Ác quỷ Ope Ope thuộc hệ Paramecia, cho phép người sử dụng tạo ra một không gian hình cầu hay “căn phòng (room)”, nơi đó người sử dụng được toàn quyền điều khiển hướng và vị trí của các đối tượng khác ở bên trong đó, biến người sử dụng trở thành … His body is not MADE out of string, he just creates it from his body and his body alone. The only awakening we can really base off of is Doflamingo's string fruit. Law cambia las mentes de los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja usando. La fruta Ope Ope (オペオペの実, Ope Ope no Mi?, lit. Por esta razón, él buscó esta fruta del diablo. Ope Ope no mi ={ Description }= (For both movesets) Holding G+V. My question is what would happen if law learned awakening ? Ver más ideas sobre akuma no mi, tatuaje de frutas, one piece. He already is very powerful and skilled when it comes to using his abilities. Bara bara no mi is now more or less an inverse of the Ope ope no mi. Se dice que las frutas del diablo son frutos con encarnaciones del Diablo del Mar dentro de ellas y que el secreto de su poder está oculto en Grand Line. ... {Sword Moveset aka Awakening}= Left Click: When user left clicks their sword at the room it extends that cut to the room to slice things within the room from a distance. Es la octava fruta del diablo canónica en revelarse su aspecto antes de ser consumida, y la sexta que se muestra como se consumió. Al igual que el resto de las frutas del diablo naturales, su superficie está cubierta con patrones de remolinos. Another Logia type of Devil Fruit, the Yami Yami no Mi allows the user to control darkness at will. To let you cut and change stuff in a range of how long Law perform... Islands once they encounter them, or use them to trade for Now, if we just ignore how infuriatingly overpowered and thus unlikely this would be, his awakening could also mean he's not dependent on his room anymore and could manipulate anything in reach of his senses, including his CoO. Tras el salto temporal, Law ha perfeccionado sus habilidades de tal manera que ahora su room abarca un espacio mayor que antes y tiene nuevos movimientos. Ope ope no mi Discussion I was talking with someone a few days ago and I was saying that law with his df he would need to do the least training to become yonko level out of the worst generation and then started thinking about the ope ope and I was wondering if prime garp had the ope ope could he basically one shot everyone even without awakening. It can give immortality to someone - Magu Magu no Mi is the "most offensive" DF as said by a recent Vivre Card Databook. Debido a que los encuentros con ellas son raros (especialmente fuera de Grand Line), una serie de rumores acerca de ellas han aumentado, lo que hace difícil saber si son realidad o ficción; Nami las descartó como simples mitos hasta que vio en acción … Unos seis meses después de que su hermano, Donquixote Rosinante, saliera de la tripulación con Law para buscar una cura para el Síndrome de Plomo Ámbar, Doflamingo obtuvo la noticia de que la fruta Ope Ope sería vendida a los infantes de marina por un pirata que no conoce de verdad el potencial de la fruta, y se contactó con Rosinante para informarle de ello. One Piece Awakening | Ope Ope No Mi Review | Goto. They are unique on their own La fruta es lo suficientemente pequeña para que Diez Barrels la tenga entre sus dedos.[2]. El mar de la supervivencia: Saga de los Supernovas, Las historias de la autoproclamada Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja, Grupo de Asesinatos del Tráfico de Órganos, La "Operación: Reunir a Baroque Works" de Miss Goldenweek, Desde las cubiertas del mundo: arco del hombre de los 500.000.000. El corazón de Smoker sale disparado por el efecto del. He wields the power of the Ope Ope no Mi which has made him a surgery human. By Rionomi. My question is what would happen if law learned awakening ? Finalmente, Rosinante logró robar la fruta Ope Ope y se dirigía a Law cuando su torpeza le hizo caerse de un acantilado. Maybe, maybe, maybe.But at this point, trying to speculate about how the awakening works for every single fruit is kind of pointless. Law utilizando Shambles contra los marines en el archipiélago Sabaody. Ope Ope no mi "It looks like my heart... <3" Room - The user creates a giant room allowing them to use their other moves. También puede usar los poderes de la fruta para ayudarle en sus operaciones médicas, por ejemplo mediante la reducción de sus pacientes hechos pedazos a fin de eliminar metódicamente objetos o sustancias indeseables de sus cuerpos. "Ope" proviene de la palabra inglesa "operation" que significa "operación", ya que el área creada es comparada con una "sala de operaciones" y el consumidor sería como un cirujano[3]. The Yami Yami no Mi is … ROOM: 40 Defense - Creates a room, size based on defense at the user's cursor. So I would guess his awakening would be increased control inside the room. ), es decir, le da la capacidad a su consumidor de crear una «sala de operaciones» donde él, dentro de este espacio, tiene un control absoluto sobre la ubicación y la orientación de todo lo que se encuentre en este área. Type. Los poderes de esta fruta le dieron el apodo a Trafalgar D. Water Law de «Cirujano de la Muerte» (死の外科医, Shi no Gekai?). 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