Giving God control brings FREEDOM! We have a promise from the ultimate Promise Giver that brings life and freedom in the face of turmoil. ... neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. The contour of Jesus' life, while living on earth, was shaped by his trust in the power of the promises of God. The Bible is filled with the promises of God. And if we know that His promises are for us, we know that He is working on our behalf in any situation. Ephesians 3:20 NLT In the early days of his life, Abraham lacked confidence in the power of God. When Jesus said: "I am that bread of life", John 6:48, "I am the light of the world", John 8:12, "I am the resurrection and the life." The more we meditate and reflect on His promises, the more we see real change in our lives. His name is at stake. But the promises listed below are among those that would probably be high on the list for most people: ... Isaiah 40:29–31 “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. The Lord is good! 2 Peter 1:4. Answer: We often hear about the power of God, and Scripture is full of examples of His power in action.He is “the great God, mighty and awesome” (Nehemiah 9:32). Power In The Blood Of Jesus. God is the one who created us. If we could only believe what God tells us in His Word and stand with feet firmly planted on these promises our lives would be radically … Psalm 25:3 NLT All of us, being descended from Adam and Eve ratify their decision to disobey God, and so that promise applies to us as well (Romans 5:12). In fact, there are twelve “I will” statements in this passage. God’s promises expand our repertoire by reminding us that we can respond differently because of who we are and what we have in Christ. For who is God but the Lord? God bless you richly, and prosper your ways in Him. God Has Caused All Your Enemies To Perish. The Google custom search box just below leads to our nearly 500 Bible-based sermons. Home — Essay Samples — Life — Power — The Power Of God’s Promises In “Walls” By Ryan Rush This essay has been submitted by a student. When we are stressed, we tend to lose our sight of the many possible responses to our situation. Notice that in Acts 1:4-5 Jesus identified the promise of the Father as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, … Log in. When ever we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. "-from "SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY"--New Window by Charles G. Finney He has given us everything we need for living a godly life. Here are 20 verses to draw your gaze to the power of the Almighty. But when a famine came in the land, Abram made his way to Egypt, a decision which does not seem prompted by faith in God’s power or His promises. Summary: God is faithful and true in everything that He says and does. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. God promises to provide us with wisdom in those moments - freely and abundantly because he is a generous God. Claim God’s promises as your own (even inserting your name!) These promises are sealed by the highest authority, God's word. In this power, they “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6, ESV). The creators will not be held accountable for any unintentional flaws or omissions that may be found. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Now glory be to God! God not only can heal you, you have to understand that God wants to heal you. Anthony is now in the building and it’s time to get back to turning the world upside down for the glory of God! The command of Christ is that we love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Don’t rely on your own understanding or insight. Being satisfied with all that God promises to be for you in Jesus is the power that breaks the bondage of illicit sex, and love of money and indifference to the suffering, and fear of strangers. something will (or will not) be done or given or come to pass. Psalm 2:2 Amplified Bible Don’t get snared in trying to win their approval. Our times are truly in His hands. God may also give us personal promises in addition to the ones in the Bible. Each study also contains a “Power Proclamation” that will help you confess and claim what is rightfully yours as a child of God. What a joy to live with such power! 2. God’s promises are like corrective lenses, bringing our circumstances back into proper focus. and speak them aloud. He is immovable and a place to hide in times of trouble. God’s promises remind us that God works in ways we cannot imagine. A Prophetic Word God gave me concerning the election. Dwell on God and his promises and soon, your life and situation will be transformed by the supernatural power of God. May these verses encourage your walk, strengthen your faith and guide your prayers today. Death can’t, and life can’t. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Your email address will not be published. Later, Moses would remind the second generation of Israelites of this great event and of the power of God to which it bore witness: •• There are thousands of God's promises in the Bible. • You can count on the promises of God because Jesus is saying, "Yes" and "Amen" to them on your behalf. Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Here are ways you can find happiness by speaking God’s promises. Trust, or faith, is not a power in itself; it requires an object—someone or something to trust in. The power of the promises is rooted in the character of God and the power of his word. 8. I would argue that ever since the day of Pentecost, when this prophecy (as well as Joel 2:28, Ezekiel 39:29, and Zechariah 12:10) received its inaugural fulfillment, it has been a Christian duty to delight to seek and maintain the fullness of God's Spirit. ( Log Out / Amen. You must rely on the power of Jesus – on your own, you can accomplish nothing! What would be missing is a small group of people who help keep you connected with the promises and the power of God. They transport us from despair to hope. Let God’s promises enlarge your vision of what God can do. God’s ways are perfect. God is the only one we should desire for His approval. We assume that bad things will happen and brace ourselves for disaster. There are also voices which tell us we aren’t good enough, or powerful enough, or rich enough, to really matter. He is strong and Who we can cling to in trouble. They open our eyes to the power and possibilities in Christ. Joshua was a leader, and had a specific commissioning. Bible Journaling on a Budget (Without Breaking the Bank), Bible Journaling Ideas for Beginners (with Free Printable! Human words have immense power. 2 Samuel 22:31 – 33 Amplified Bible Proverbs 3:5 – 8 Amplified Bible I send it out, and it always produces fruit. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! They saw this deliverance as proof of God’s power and assurance of their entrance into the land as God had promised. It is a win – win situation. ~ Andrew Murray. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. Philippians 4:19 From then on, we will be with Him always. We are blameless because of His Son, and we are set free from sin, depression, distress, and so much more all because we trust in the Lord and stand on His promises. Let God’s promises show you new ways to respond in faith. God is faithful always even when we are faithless and can only do good. There are many loud voices in our world today which seem to speak on behalf of God. The Power of God’s Promises. Trust God’s wisdom. Through all the twists and turns, you'll witness God's power and faithfulness. All other ground is sinking sand. It is the same with my words. God's promises have God's omnipotent power behind them and cannot be stopped by human power. God has promised His people eternal life (John 10:27,28). In Him I have Life . I am blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) because I seek refuge and put my trust in the Lord. This is probably the most terrible promise in the Bible, and it is the greatest in scope—it applies to literally everyone. We tend to drift away from them. The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever leans on, trusts in, and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high. Feel free to add any other good Bible Verses about the promises of God in the comments. Here are just a few. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. One of our greatest hindrances in times of trouble is our doubt that God is interested in our situation. Through it all, we see God's faithfulness and power. I am not wise in my own eyes; I reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil. They are not given as options to enhance our lives occasionally, but as means that God can use to change our lives permanently.
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