Consequently, if even one percent of scripture constitutes history, then the statement "all scripture is given by inspiration of God" cannot possibly be true. No. The whole of the scriptures is extraordinary allegory (Gal. 17:9). It is human nature to be self-deceived. It is a condition of the human heart. Unity and a revelation are coming to the body of Christ, and the clock is ticking. Some believe that the code is true, while others believe that it is not. The text of the Bible is read with a skip of S letters (S can be positive or negative). You will see clearly that God, in the literal sense, has never, and could never, be a god of violence, war and judgment, one who will destroy you in a burning, fiery hell forever and ever, without mercy! "God is love" (1 John 4:8). God did not err, as we understand error, in the creation process; nor can it be said that God did not know that sin was going to enter the world, as some erroneously contend. In fact, the literal understanding of biblical creation is itself an error, a fact that we hope to clarify as we move forward. BILLINGSGATE POST: Now that Sniffinâ Joe Biden has chosen the hairdo of Kamala âBreathâ Harris to be the repository for his wayward snout, some pundits predict that, when he snuggles up behind her and buries his nose in her hair, she will go completely batshit with the ecstasy that only a woman with insatiable needs might feel. . Weissmandel in Prague, Czechoslovakia, some 50 years ago. He regularly contributes opinion editorials, essays, and reviews to: the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, Science, Nature, and other publications. The selection process is the computer program along with the numerologist. For 3,000 years a secret code in The Bible has remained hidden. This is the real holy code of the scriptures, not a statistical hoax Working the puzzle involves replacing the symbols with appropriate letters to determine the intended words or the message the symbols represent. I enjoyed reading the book, but it raises more questions concerning the Bible code than it answers. Sir Isaac Newton knew that the Bible was written in a code. Michael Drosnin has written a book based on the ELS study. Cracking the Bible Code is the first accurate account of the codes-a story far more stunning than has yet been told. I hope to dispel much of the confusion out there, as well as to help set the proper tone and foundation for their correct study, so as to add qualitatively to your learning and spiritual development. It is my hope that the information contained in this website will ultimately be so compelling, so viable and so lucid, that sight will be brought to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and speech to the mute. It is my intent to show how the madness of the mind of mortal man in his literal understanding of the scriptures leads to his current experience of what the Bible refers to as "the four dreadful judgments of God" (sword, famine, pestilence and plague) (Ezekiel 14:21). You will see that these judgments of God are NOW events -- current experiences -- in the lives of many, if not most, and not occurrences that are GOING to transpire at some future point. It will also be made plain that far from man being made in the image and likeness of God (more on this later), that man has made God in HIS image, and after HIS likeness, and has "changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things" (Romans 1:23). 19:6) through the literal interpretation of the Old Testament? God slays his own people in the waters of the flood, then "repents" that he had done so. He orders the brutal slaying of animals for the remission of sins and for other offerings and sacrifices. He inflicts a bondage on the Levites (who were ordained as priests to execute His law, a duty which included this animal brutality, trimming of their fat, extraction of their organs, pouring out of their blood, etc.) Now it has been unlocked by computer - and it may reveal our future. ! "Ask and it shall be given" (Luke 11:9). When you do come to understand the proper method of reading the Bible, it will become for you a most fascinating adventure that YOU WON'T WANT TO PUT DOWN! We will begin to make all of this plain herein, with the caveat that it is impossible that a work of this limited length can even scratch the surface of the explanation of the whole of scripture (although we will point you in the right direction). Drosnin claims that the Bible is the only text in which these encoded phrases are found in a statistically significant pattern, and ⦠Both do not see the truth, since one is only dependent upon a belief, or disbelief, if one is located at a distance from the truth itself. difference appears to be the background of perennial t ension between . My new book, God's Chaos Code, explains how the Bible is being opened to discuss the American Dilemma. Where is the omnipotence of God in all of this?? FREE Shipping Get free shipping Free 5-8 day shipping within the U.S. when you order $25.00 of eligible items sold or fulfilled by Amazon. Please read the document carefully before asking questions which are covered in the material. 14:15). Is it any wonder that organizations like the Ku Klux Klan, who claim the Bible as their authoritative textbook, exist today? God help us all!!! Secular Proof that there is indeed an Infinitely Higher Intelligence (God) in The Universe. The Bible is a coded book, but it explains its codes, so no one has to be in the dark about its intent. All scriptural emphases are mine throughout. For more information on this topic you can get the book, Decoding the Bible Code: Exposing the Danger and Deception by John Weldon. When our decisions were no longer based on Right and Wrong (as before the sin we always chose Right - God), we now invoke our Free-Will and decide to choose ⦠Second, scripture says the "natural man" (the sensual man, or man "of the senses," which is what the word natural means in the scriptural context) cannot understand spiritual things. What is there not to understand about literalism? You read it naturally, it says what it says, and it means what it says. But this is not how you read the scriptures. Names Code from Adam to Jesus An awesome prophecy emerges when the meanings of all 70 names from Adam to Jesus are sequentially read. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). In whatever way the reading of this material works out for you, there is no condemnation, for ALL shall eventually come to spiritual truth, for spirit is what we are -- spirit encased in flesh. Spiritual life is about being. It is about loving -- loving God AND loving others as one's self. It is about raising your consciousness. When consciousness is raised, and when we truly understand what it truly means to "be in Christ and Christ in us," then we will experience the truth (which is NOT meant in a literal sense) that "whosoever believeth on me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do, because I goeth to the Father" (John 14:12). " The greatest power any man can have in your life is to lead you to the Spirit within -- the great Effulgent Light -- which is "Christ IN you, your hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27). I have briefly mentioned our new presentation entitled, "The Gospel in the Stars," in previous newsletters. Just read it. We want you to keep two points in mind as you go through this website. First, if the God in whom you claim to believe cannot save man from himself, then he is not truly omnipotent (all-powerful); and second, if that God will not save man from himself (because of the so-called "free will" principle), then He is not all-merciful. And if that God, who allegedly knows the end from the beginning, brought you into this world KNOWING that you would fail, KNOWING that you would disobey and rebel against Him, KNOWING that you would make the wrong choices, and ultimately KNOWING that you would end up in hell, FOREVER, and yet created you anyway, then indeed there is not a more cruel, unjust and inhumane "being" in existence than that God! . Whether we are talking about our ability to place a man on the moon, create artificial intelligence that can process information at the speed of light, float on water or fly through the air in multi-thousand ton steel vessels, or a belief that the earth is actually round and not flat, truth, where it is foreign to our conscious experience, is always initially met with ridicule and resistance, and oftentimes violence. The way it supposedly works is basically the same as the âskip codes,â in that letters in a sequence will be separated by a certain number of spaces within the text. " "But the simple believe every word" (Prov. Such activities help kids develop reading and writing skills in a fun and entertaining way. We are in the game of nations right now, and I do not believe God wants us to give up. Decoding the Numerical Structure and Pattern of the Bible Books Decoding We hope to make all of this very plain. Of course, we understand that people will always see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear, and that only people who are ready for this information will be able to receive it. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear" (Matt. Nor is it possible that one man, or even a group of men, can hold all of the truth of the Living, Omnipotent and Omniscient God Almighty, to the exclusion of all others, for if that were possible, it would leave man at the mercy of the men who possess it. "We are God's spokespeople. If you're not one of us, ....". Both kinds of populations tend to develop different moral codes and this . Similar to natural selection! Let God be your guide and stop trusting in the sword (the tongue) of man, which results in your swift spiritual destruction. A Mathematical Bible Code. My mission is to help my brothers and sisters on this planet to understand the true spiritual meaning and intent of the scriptures -- which meaning and intent differ drastically and dramatically from the messages taught by conventional Christianity, Islam and Judaism. There are several religions that talk about the ‘code’ in the Bible. Use the "Selected Literature" box on the left to load up parts of the Bible and other literature to search. for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves" (Matt. A coded word puzzle or activity is one in which symbols, typically numbers, are used to represent letters. The Bible code, also known as the Torah Code, is a method described as a "hidden code" of selecting Equidistant Letter Sequences from within the 3,300 year old Hebrew Bible that form words and phrases that demonstrate foreknowledge and prophecy.The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code. What would you say if I told you that everything you have ever learned about the Bible is wrong? What would you say if I told you that everything you have ever learned about God is wrong? How would you feel if you found that the entire Western world concept of, and approach to, the Bible, spirituality and God, is wrong, wrong, wrong? If it could be proven to you, would you be able to accept it? Or are your current beliefs etched in stone ("God said it, Jesus did it, I believe it, and that settles it")? As they say, truth is stranger than fiction. And if that is true, it is because the fiction that you have heretofore accepted as truth makes the actual truth that you've probably never heard foreign to you, and foreign equals strange as far as our human psyches are concerned. Box 338 | Altadena, CA, 91001 | 1-626-794-3119, Learn how Akismet processes your comment data. Bible Decoder is a powerful tool that enables you to explore different aspects of the Bible's text. The information presented in the pages of this website will, initially at least, be so foreign to your current concept of truth, that for some of you, its rejection will be an automatic and instinctive reaction -- the mind will simply not be able to absorb it. For some, it will simply be unbelievable!  For others, it will instill great fear and you will be afraid to read it. And then there will be those of you to whom it will cause much mental turbulence, a feeling that you are on the path to blasphemy. The great obstacle to an honest, sincere and unobstructed search for truth lies in our fear of death, a fear instilled in us and exacerbated, in most cases, by our acceptance of the belief that a loving God is ultimately going to torment us forever and ever if we do not believe what He wants us to believe. taking away the words and putting in new words. The same is true of spiritual law (i.e., the "law of God")! Our lack of understanding of just what spiritual law is, and how it relates to the Christ at the end of it (Romans 10:4), has kept the overwhelming majority of us in spiritual darkness and its counterparts of frustration, fear, hatred, attachment, greed, ego, etc. Understood in the literal context, the scriptures -- and especially the Old Testament -- are nothing more than a litany of fables, fairy tales and horror stories. When we encounter human beings treating their children like this, we are thunderstruck; we are appalled, understandably incensed and enraged! And yet, we accuse God of this kind of hatred, and then we further exacerbate the error by calling it "love. Just keep plugging in phrases until one pops out. Learn how Akismet processes your comment data. The Bible Code- An Introduction. It is my further mission to dispel the common lot of superstitions that coincide with the traditional approach to religion and the Bible. If we have read the scriptures, we know what they say, but the fact of the existence of hundreds of religions -- as well as of hundreds of denominations/sects within some religions -- testifies to the universal confusion regarding their proper interpretation. 23:15). In this episode Michael Shermer decodes the Bible Code and reveals it to be a form of numerology that serves as a supreme example of pattern-seeking (and finding) behavior of which we are so skilled. ? Where is the love of God in all of this??? The main method developed over the years for deciphering these supposed codes in the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament is called the Equidistant Letter Sequence method, or ELS. In Revelation 22: 19 you will find out that the whole world will not go to heaven if we keep on This presentation shows the prophecy of Christ's birth, death, resurrection, and Thank you for reading. Truly, man has created God in his own image, after his likeness! He has destroyed you with the sword (the "tongue"), and thinks he has done God a great service. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! We are on the countdown right now. On Sunday School Zone, our free, ⦠Decoding Scripture and Understanding Bible Allegory. It is believed that the Bible code, found in the Bible's original Hebrew form, was initially discovered by the rabbi H.M.D. To find the Bible code, he mentions that researchers "eliminated all the spaces between the words, and turned the entire original Bible into one continuous letter sequence, 304,805 letters l⦠Use the form below to search for ELS codes in a block of text in any UTF-8 language. Nevertheless, for those of you who are able to hear, I will show you conclusively that the 2+2=5 concept of Biblical and spiritual truth is indeed the common Western concept of spirituality -- the one you more than likely have been taught all your life -- and that consequently, the accurate equation will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for many of you to grasp. This Western concept that we shall methodically shatter in due course is the myth of the Bible as literal history (what I refer to as "The Great Western Paradigm"). I will provide "convincing" proof that spiritually speaking, 2+2 really does equal 4," which, though a vastly foreign concept to the Western world, is nonetheless critical to uncovering the truth that sets us free. Darkness is not the opposite of light; darkness is merely the absence of light. In The Bible Code, Michael Drosnin makes the claim that "there is a Bible beneath the Bible⦠crisscrossing the entire known text of the Bible, hidden under the original Hebrew of the Old Testament, is a complex network of words and phrases, a new revelation" (The Bible Code, p. 25). (Dec. 24, 2005) Dumb Bel and Atbash Code (and Storms Delta and Epsilon!) Michael Shermer has appeared on such shows as The Colbert Report, 20/20, Dateline, Charlie Rose, Oprah, and Larry King Live (but, proudly, never Jerry Springer!). The random aspect is the text. If you look at all the Bible versions today they are maade up and they million of miles away from the truth. He died trying to work out the date of Armageddon from the Bible ('Isaac Newton' - Michael White). It showcases the considerable writing abilities of the authors and good editing skills of the publisher. Using an ancient science called GEMATRIA in Hebrew or ISOPSEPHIA in Greek, all words in the Bible can be converted into numbers. Responding to those claims, "Decoding the Bible Code "is a well-researched examination of the "code" and the faulty methodology and reasoning behind it. The theomatics code in the Bible has opened up the entire BIG picture as to why this world exists and why each person has been born. ... Decoding the Bible . Not only that, but with the same logical process that he used to prove that the solar system was held together by gravity, the force which caused the apple to drop to the ⦠The Bible Code is based on the work of Eliyahu Rips, an Israeli mathematician and computer expert who, along with two other authors (Doron Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg), published an article in 1994 in the prestigious academic journal Statistical Science. ? Where is the mercy of God in all of this?? Those who are in darkness are lacking the light. Jesus says in the book of John, "The words that I speak, they are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63b) (we will be coming back to this theme repeatedly throughout this website). Scripture also informs us that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Have you ever heard of The Church of the New Jerusalem, or Swedenborgianism? (Nov. 27, 2005) Tropical Storm Gamma (Nov. 18, 2005) On November 4, 1995, Rabin was killed by an Israeli student. A new book by Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code, has stirred up further controversies about "codes" in the Bible.Very effectively promoted by Simon and Schuster, and including extremely aggressive claims by the author, the book has become a major topic of conversation and a source of more "millennium mania," as the press likes to characterize the ⦠who is the antichrist that the bible decode.
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