They had always planned to wait until full retirement age to file for benefits, but that all changed when they found out that by filing for their own benefits, they would turn on Social Security benefits to their dependent grandchildren as well. To my knowledge the requirements would be the same. Nevada gun laws apply to both in-state and out-of-state residents. I have had legal guardianship since birth of my 14 year old grandchild. Social Security’s definition of dependent, Who You Should Talk To At Your Local Social Security Office. These kinds of accusations are frequently made in an attempt to discredit the individual they are made against and to persuade the court to rule in the accuserâs favor. Whether the accused individual has an attorney or not, she should always comply with court orders to avoid facing a contempt of court charge. We live in a 55+ community and are having to sell our home in order to raise… Read more ». I would also have a pension and 401K. When facing false accusations, it is critical that the accused individual remain rational, refuse to engage with the accuser and comply with all court orders. I am disabled, my husband recently retired and money has grown so tight. Why shouldn’t our grandchildren qualify for SS benefits. In some cases, a false accusation is a misrepresentation of the truth. Why? A false accusation could also be based on outdated or inaccurate information, like claiming that a parent who has a medical marijuana prescription is a drug addict. It could make sense to check with a family law attorney and see if an adoption makes sense. Read More: ... demonstrate how the accusation is a misrepresentation of it. We have had guardianship for 2 years and my husband will begin retirement next month. My wife and I are… Read more ». They were surprised when I advised them to file for Social Security benefits immediately. A former partnerâs false accusations can have serious consequences for the accused party. Due to physical and mental health issues, our daughter has not been able to work for 2 1/2 years. In the first example, they simply waited to file at full retirement age. But he, as well as my mother before she passed recently, have taken care of her her whole life. I am unhappy if I loose the back pay I feel… Read more ». What can we do? Legal Separation. I believe this law needs reviewed for many grandparents have “court appointed” guardianship for many reasons and it is very difficult to get by with the little amount paid by the state. We live off of my Disability Social Security income and my Husband’s retirement. Testimonies from a childâs teacher or pediatrician discussing the extent to which his parent is involved in his life. But only non-Nevadans with CCW permits from “reciprocal states” may carry concealed firearms in Nevada. Only if BOTH parents are disabled or deceased. We have given them the adoption paperwork 3 times. Their father is in prison and their mother is indigent. The mother has no address and has been in no contact for 2 years. He has felonies for having weapons at his house under my protective order. How to Report False Allegations to the Police, How to Get a Guardian ad Litem in Illinois, The Rights & Responsibilities of a Temporary Guardian in Arkansas. He served jail time for this. Two of my grandchildren have lived with me off and on since their birth. When disputing a false accusation, the most effective way to illustrate the truth is to provide evidence that shows the truth clearly. We were her foster parents for well over 2 years. I have had custody of 3 grandchildren for 8 years. can someone please HELP,!! What Can I Do If Someone Threatens Me or My Child? I am currently married,63 years old and have a 10 year old daughter. Also his DaD recently died. also my husband and i are seperated we do not live together but are still legally married so where does that leave… Read more ». I am raising a grandson since birth…age 10. A dependent grandchild or step-grandchild of the worker or spouse may qualify for benefits as a “child” if: The grandchild’s natural or adoptive parents are deceased or disabled: At the time the worker became entitled to retirement or disability insurance benefits or died; or, At the beginning of the worker’s period of disability which continued until the worker became entitled to disability or retirement insurance benefits or died; or. Depending on the accusation, the lawyer might advise her to ignore it because of a lack of evidence to support the accuserâs position or he might advise her to react with ample evidence to discredit the accusation. The rules as I understand them are that BOTH parents have to be disabled or deceased or you must have legally adopted the child. Practicing law is like living with a troubled child, a drug addict, or a psychologically disturbed person. There are two types of child custody: physical custody entitles a parent to have his/her child live with him or her, and legal custody refers to the right and duty to determine aspects of your child’s upbringing (e.g., education, medical care, etc.). Essentially, the Social Security Administration has taken the normal definition of dependent and added the additional requirement of living with the grandparent for at least one year prior to filing for benefits.
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