Switched Eul's to core and Bloodstone to situational. Another common ward a bit later in the game are wards in the enemy or friendly jungle to give vision of the area in order to either set-up ganks or to prevent ganks, depending on which jungle they are in, a dire example is shown below (NOTE 2 trees were cut down in this picture in order to achieve better vision, you can do this with a Tango, ask a carry to use their Quelling Blade or use your Light Strike Array) and there are many other viable jungle ward locations that I haven't shown for time reasons. Realize also that Fiery Soul gives Movement Speed. Furthermore, Eclair is unable to receive Awakening Skills, instead, she receives Uber Edge(NA/EU skill name), a passive that works quite different from awakening skills, … - Intense EX skills that jump off the screen! Let's cut the chatter and get to the point! [*]In the laning stage, if you can snipe one or two last hits with Dragon Slave, and also harass them with it, It's worth the mana. Lategame a Dagon 5, and an Aghanim's Scepter ultimate deal over 1500 damage, and that is after taking the standard 25% magic damage reduction (it's 2050 before reductions). Lina, the Slayer, is a ranged intelligence hero, adept at destroying enemy heroes quickly by delivering massive bursts of magical damage, making her one of the most effective gankers in the game. That means that Lina will be better at last hitting, meaning a buff to playing as a mid rather than a support. Fight with friends or rampage solo through hordes of enemies and super-sized bosses in an epic fantasy world. This is once again a very spammable spell, that does good damage but with the added benefit of a stun, landing the stun can be tricky because of the delay and it us best to time your stun to hit as soon as an allies stun expires but if you have to land it on your own without a setup remember to account for the delay and try to predict the enemies movements. There are four reasons for that. Valkyrie is a strong class in 1v1s and small scale, and can also be strong in large scale, but their lack of super armor makes it very hard for them to disengage after dropping all of their damage in a fight. [*] Light Strike Array stun duration increased from 1.6/1.8/2/2.2 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 Rising. As you farm really fast, you can get back in the game. Nearly every piece of gear in Kritika:REBOOT can be customized and improved to help you build your ultimate character. It’s not necessary to depend on this build; you are free to try out other weapons and artifacts and choose the one that you like the most. Positioning is key. You can just blow them up, and it's an excuse to buy a Monkey King Bar. Will update with new changes. Dagon 5 Heh, noob. I'm not quite sure if 6-Slotted Lina can win against a 6-Slotted Phantom Assassin, but it would be close. Q: Dragon Slave, Lina channels the breath of a dragon, sending out a wave of fire that scorches every enemy in its path. The only skills that are required to max are Wake Up!, Execution!, Get Down!, and This is Getting Exciting!. Range: 600 Recommended build for starters: 3 Middle or 2 Middle and 1 Top row, Small Imprints - 9x Blooming Destruction attack increase. In this Genshin Impact Lisa build, we have shared recommendations on the best weapon and artifact build! However, she is trained under the arm of another Legendary Swordsman, known as Metal Eagle Bryce. The lifesteal from Satanic stacks with the slow from Skadi so picking up a lategame satanic can help you further to tank up and give you a burst heal for when you get low. Kritika: Reboot - Assassin Guide This guide will go over strictly the PvE aspect of assassin, pvp has changed in a way where i’m not comfortable telling people how to pvp with sin as i’m probably going to wait for 2nd awakening to do so. [*] Dragon Slave damage increased from 100/170/230/280 to 110/180/250/320 Always Have: 1x Town Portal Scroll, 1xObserver Wards Laguna Blade That's what you have to calculate. Wolf Lightning is an exception to the slow skill rule as it does a lot of damage. Mana regen does become even more important, though. พร อมระเบ ดเปลวเพล งอ นร อนแรง เม อเกม GODLIKE Kritika: REBOOT จะทำการอ ปเดตแพทช คาแรคเตอร ใหม ล าส ด “Lina” ไอดอลสาวส ดฮอตแห งล ออน Instead, she chooses one per group of two skill groups, Bow Mastery (Increased Critical, Attack Speed or Crit Damage) & Shot Mastery (Changes to certain skills). Kritika:REBOOT is a hyper-stylized, anime brawler game featuring over-the-top action with giant blades, superguns, and dazzling acrobatics. Early Items: Boots of Speed, Magic Wand, Arcane Boots, Urn of Shadows, Force Staff, Blink Dagger 4. Kritika:REBOOT is a hyper-stylized, online anime brawler featuring over-the-top action with... Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Have fun destroying people with the Slayer. Here's the combo too: Stats: These are in here for various reasons, if nobody else is going mek then you should get that after your urn, for pipe i recommend waiting until after your force staff and evaluation if it will be effective against the enemy team comp, Veil of Discord is good if you have other heroes who rely heavily on magic damage: i.e. Slight wording changes, changed the core items section to better reflect the current version (much more of an emphasis on Agh's, less on Bloodstone), removed ethereal blade from the situational items due to the change to Lina's Agh's upgrade. Therefore she is best played as a position 4-2 as perhaps an offlane support, a semicarry, or in the midlane, which I will be covering. AAAAUGH! Skills like ul-caliber damage increases for 2a skills with cooldown on top in a meta where we can force cooldown 1 second properties through our sword eating skills. Kritika: Reboot – Dark Worship / Void Monk Mastery Guide June 19, 2020 iFAQ 0 A mandatory skeleton for the Void Monk skill build while also providing my own preferred build. Q: What makes you qualified to write us a guide? Kritika:REBOOT – Quick and Dirty Guide to 500k CP. Added the DPS Lina item explanation. The skill that makes Rakshasa laugh at all mechanics. Kritika:REBOOT lets players choose skills and gear best suited to their playstyle. Fight with friends or rampage solo through hordes of enemies and super-sized bosses in an It takes 25% of the damage after amplification from Veil of Discord, and re-deals it as MAGICAL damage, which can be reduced by a hero's natural magical resistance, and also amplified again by veil. 2013/04/22: Developer All-M today announced the arrival of a new class in the Korean server of Kritika, the Female Warrior. Growing up in the extreme environment and with a clan backed by a reclusive hermit, she hides the reason for breaking tradition and wields a sword without hesitation under the … I found this link with all the classes skills build, but they are with 2nd Awakening. DAMAGE 37 - 55 INT 27 + 3.2/level [*]My god, don't buy back the moment you die. A) Instakill squishy supports or Kritika: REBOOT is a highly dynamic, fast paced action MMO. (Picture Below) Okay, not like that, that's gross. Stacks with itself. Before the rune spawns every 2 minutes you should use Dragon Slave to kill the enemy creeps quickly to that you won't miss out on experience when you get the rune. Bad part: it has a 90 seconds cool down & does like 2/5 +/- the Dmg of your Skill 1. Kritika:REBOOT by ALLM r/ KritikaOnline. I'm not going to show all the math, but this is 3,031.875 damage after magic resistance, veil, and orchid. No item will be best 100% of the time. She's actually frankly terrifying. Mana Cost: 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 Cooldown Time: 7 Kritika: REBOOT's New Class is a Lot of Fun! Also, If you die again, then you'll be sorry, because now you're dead for an eternity or two. Let's assume that you have these items and all of your skills maxed out. Copyright © 2019 DOTAFire | All Rights Reserved. You should know that. The skills that you cut out are being replaced by your 2nd Awakening skills because they do nearly the same thing with the exception of your 2nd Awakening skills doing much more damage. This is one of the most damaging spells in the game, it will allow you to get kills early when used in combination with your other spells, the cooldown is almost criminally short at 70 seconds at level one and 50 seconds when maxed so essentially, if you're going to die, just ult someone, by the time you respawn and get back into the fight the cooldown will probably be finished. MidGame Items: Aghanim's Scepter, Scythe of Vyse, Eul's Scepter of Divinity And yet, I can land, The attack speed given by this skill at level 1 with one stack is equivalent to level 3. I don't want to say that after this you should buy whatever strikes your fancy, but after this it's largely situational. Kritika is an exciting action-packed hack-and-slash MMORPG based on both single-player adventure combat and teamwork-focused multiplayer action. Hot New Top Rising. Orchid Malevolence The second location to be mentioned is another lower river ward, and in my opinion the best alternative to the ward listed above, it gives vision of the rune and almost all paths from mid to bot lane, short of them running all the way around and then they will be running right towards you down the lane, this ward does not however give as good vision into the radiant jungle, it's a toss-up for me between these two wards and you should make a call on which ward to go for on a game-by-game basis.. (Picture Below the ward itself is partially hidden by trees but it is slightly to the left of the centre of the picture) What I'm actually more exited about is the projectile speed buff. This guide will go over strictly the PvE aspect of assassin, pvp has changed in a way where i’m not comfortable telling people how to pvp with sin as i’m probably going to wait for 2nd awakening to do so. Other than that you'll just want to get your arcanes up quickly, take a kill opportunity if it comes to you but don't push it too much, when you hit 6 you'll want to try and solo kill the enemy mid, and failing that gank the sidelanes. )Berserker 2nd Awakening SkillsRotationsGear ReccomendationsExtra Tips & AdviceRelated … almost all items can be situational to most heroes. Kritika: The White Knights seems that 5 years of publishing cannot be falter when this game has launch the 17th character named Lina. Table of Contents IntroductionWhere does Berserker rank in Kritika:REBOOT ?Berserker Rage BugBasic SkillsBerserker Specialty SkillsBerserker Speciality Skills (Cont. Jan 2, 2020 - This guide will explain the following: Gear.All imprints set.Skill tree. Added Dagon as a Situational item after considering the burst. "Yeah, let's just nuke this guy for 1050 damage at level 6." Drums are situational but they give you a nice boost to stats across the board, and the aura is always useful to have on the team. It will be much better. If their friends try and save them, they too are throwing themselves into danger. Eclair's skill tree is very limited, offering her little skill points and a few abilities to choose from. [*]The crit from Buriza-Do Kyanon ( Daedalus) is crazy with other damage items in the late game, because crits give you damage as a percentage extra(multiplicatively), rather than additively. Posted on November 22, 2019. Those skill builds, by the way: When you're not going for kills you should be harassing the enemy out of lane with Dragon Slave and autoattacks. Kritika:REBOOT is a hyper-stylized, anime brawler game featuring over-the-top action with giant blades, superguns, and dazzling acrobatics. Diving towers is okay if you understand tower aggro and you can kill them in less than 5 seconds. This is maximum burst, save for Ethereal Blade, because I don't even want to deal with that. Hello. And there will also be alternative routes you could choose to play your Void Monk. Not that damage output is really a problem. Famous for creating creative unique character classes, Kritika: The White Knights has created a singer with the skill of a spearwoman. It's just like playing Lion as a mid. We announce you about regular maintenance on 22nd January. As seen in her Pros and Cons, Lina has crazy damage output, in all stages of the game. These wards are designed to stop pulling and to shut down enemy junglers. HEALTH 492 + 28.5/level In any case, Lina farms WAY faster than Phantom Assassin, even with a Battle Fury, so you do rather well in a 1v1 against a PA. Through this maintenance, update of World Boss system addition, Creator 2nd Awakening and more will proceed. 2. They worked for Arthur Beiruma, who established Feima Special Forces. Personally, I can never land it due to lag, but honestly it's mostly that I'm terrible at this skillshot. REMEMBER! Is that terrifying, or what? Damage with [Ethereal Blade]] would be, actually, around 40% more, because Laguna Blade with Aghanim's Scepter is pure, and because you're level 25 and Ethereal Blade amplifies itself. Making a Carry out of a Support? Not only that, but when you do, you cannot gain unreliable gold, meaning that you miss out on the gold per second, you gain nothing but XP from killing creeps, and you have to fight to get gold. Fight with friends or rampage solo through hordes of enemies and super-sized bosses in an epic fantasy world. Other good wards are wards on the jungle high ground spots which give UNOBSTRUCTED vision in for the full radius of the observer ward, you may only want to use these wards later in the game though because the vision is pretty useless early. That's why you should never put a Crystalys in core items, on any hero. If they see you casting your stun then they can dodge it and you want to leave as little as possible to chance. Damage: 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 MidGame Items: Orchid Malevolence, Daedalus, Black King Bar Hex This will be showing what skills I use and why I use them. It gives you around 400 health and 300 mana, which is nice but it also makes your ultimate pierce Black King Bar and changes the damage type to pure damage, meaning the damage isn't reduced by magic resistance. Lina is an intelligence hero who has large amounts of burst damage, good crowd control and scales better than most supports into the lategame due to her 3rd ability, Firey Soul she is also capable of being played as a semicarry and if given sufficient farm can become a force to be reckoned with later in the game, the downsides to Lina are that she is very squishy, relatively slow and that her stun is unreliable. This is a Build guide for Halo Mage and what imprints you need to use and why. Starting Radius: 275 Range: 600 (900*) An alternative rune ward for the top rune is seen just on the edge of the radiants high ground by their ancient spawn, this gives better vision into mid lane allowing your mid to see the enemy mid even when they are on their high ground, while this ward is mostly inferior to the one mentioned above it can give your mid hero a significant edge so consider it if winning mid is very important to your strat or if your other lanes are solid. Q: What is this ****? DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Unit targeting is often an ineffective method. I'll just make a list of items and when they're good. [*]If you see an enemy hero TPing in, Land a Light Strike Array as they appear. This is a very spammable nuke that does good damage from a good range, combined with Lina's very high base intelligence and therefore mana pool, this spell is very powerful in lane, when combined with the attack speed from fiery soul this can allow you to easily out-harass most enemy heroes. Kritika:REBOOT is a hyper-stylized, anime brawler game featuring over-the-top action with giant blades, superguns, and dazzling acrobatics. An unknown girl brought up in the snowy mountains of the northernmost part of Cyrenos. Stun Duration: 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 Level 6: [*]If you get Meat Hooked, buy out immediately, because you're 100% going to die. It may help some classes without 2nd awakening. Orchid is a great first item on Lina, it gives you 50 damage and a lot of mana regen along with a large mana pool increase, the attack speed is mostly wasted but with the active silence you can kill almost any enemy hero solo. card classic compact. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. * Meet the champions! This is huge for you, it allows you to always be able to remove 950 health from an enemy carry, and makes you much more scary to heroes like Antimage who rely on their magic resistance to make up for their small hp pool. card. 2015/01/03 Her damage actually remains the same. 先日、ギルメンでリナをサブキャラにしようと決めた人がいました。 リナといえば、全てのスキルに火炎属性が付いています。実装されたばかりのフレームストライカーも全… Skill 1 This skill will be your strongest skill & … In general you want to use your ult at the start of a teamfight in order to take full advantage of the huge damage it offers. Sorry for some of the voice volume Finger of Death There are over-world hubs where players traditionally relax, take quests, sell items, upgrade gear and talk amongst one another. Cast Delay: 0.5 For 135 gold it's a no-brainer. And after that I’ll clarify the reasons why I chose this approach to Void Monk. That being said, there are items that are better in more games than others, and there are items that synergise with the hero better than others. Lina's massive attack range, while often overlooked can make it much easier to harass enemy heroes and get last hits. The'll probably die because they're out of position at low health. It's personal preference which one to buy, but Force Staff has an easier build up, so if you're behind it might be a better option. You're also getting the stats from the Dagon too. Kritika:REBOOT is a hyper-stylized, anime brawler game featuring over-the-top action with giant blades, superguns, and dazzling acrobatics. Lina: 3/2/0/1 [*]You hard-counter the most played hero in Dota 2, Phantom Assassin. Specializes in short-range attacks and inflicts heavy damage. Anyway, if you look at her and her skills, something seems a bit off. Keep in mind that almost any item can be justified on almost any hero in specific situations, and that if there's something that I haven't mentioned, feel free to comment. Those skill builds, by the way: Lina: 3/2/0/1 Lion: 3/1/1/1 [*] A big decision is what you want your damage to be. Lina's massive attack range, while often overlooked can make it much easier to harass enemy heroes and get last hits. Bloodstone offers a good amount of health and mana, and a lot of mana regen, however it's not usually worth picking up over a Scythe of Vyse. She has way too much offensive potential to be another babysitter like Lich, Venomancer, or Keeper of the Light. Bonus Movement Speed: 5% / 6% / 7% / 8% Hello. Attack Speed Bonus: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 I thought a different layout was necessary. Mana Cost: 100 / 115 / 130 / 145 Cooldown Time: 8.5 Dragon Slave Save a life. In my last video I went ahead and talked about the re-released version titled Kritika: REBOOT, the changes that were happening, and how I was glad ALLM had opted to self-publish the game. (By the way, that dust thing above is a bug. Your early game mana pool is massive and allows for spamming of your spells, however your HP pool is awful and positioning is paramount to successful Lina play. And after that I’ll clarify the reasons why I chose this approach to Void Monk. Alternatively if you're getting burst down a BKB is a great item, in fact it's almost required against teams with a lot of stuns or magic damage. Lina Leon's most beautiful and popular idol, who loves to get attention with her looks and powerful spears. (with wards you don't always need to be carrying them on you but try to make sure the map is warded) Don't be afraid to mix up the skill and item builds based on the game you're in as they're both very situation dependent.
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