Phylum Mycetozoa > Class Myxomycetes > Order Liceales > Family Lycogalaceae > Genus Lycogala Status: Few to dense clusters on decayed wood. The fruiting bodies congregate on logs (epidendrum means growing … on Pankow’s figure and description of Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fr. Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fr. Myxomycetes have been classified in the kingdom Plantae (class ) and the kingdom Myxomycota Animalia (class Mycetozoa Although slime molds may superficially resemble fungi, these life forms are now known to be unicellular organisms in the unrelated Protista kingdom. Lycogala epidendrum (LYCGEP) Lycogala flavofuscum (LYCGFL) Lycogala sp. kingdom Protozoa class Myxogastrea order Liceida family Tubiferaceae genus Lycogala species Lycogala confusum Nann.-Bremek. Los amebozoos (Amoebozoa) son uno de los grupos principales de protistas ameboides, incluyendo a la mayoría de los que se mueven por medio del flujo interno de citoplasma. Lycogala epidendrum Found on the Northern edge of Merten's Acres. . ex L.) Fr. Lycogala terrestre Fr. Lycogala epidendrum is rather variable both morphologically and in the colour of the plasmodium, and some authors (e.g., Nannenga-Bremekamp 1996, Ing 1999) have separated out several of the more consistently occurring forms Myxomycota Division: Myxomycota Members of this division are commonly referred to as slime molds. ex L.) Fr. Thank you so much, Argy. Nickent Golf Clubs, Dawn Scott Biography, What Does The End Of Daca Mean For Dreamers, Sonic Breakfast Menu, Represent Quadratic Function Using Table Of Values, Ge Microwave Model Jvm6175sk2ss Filter Reset, Brad Farris Net Worth, Hyun Bin Kang Sora Switzerland, " />