And maybe I just have to concede and sound pretentious for a second. So if you’re dead set on a Hasselblad, we’d recommend ensuring that your photography skills rank above an amateur level. These cameras can be very pricey but usually stay under $1,000, which is much more affordable compared to an M-Mount Leica 35mm f2 lens. A mid-range digital medium-format camera will run somewhere in the neighborhood of $15,000; an excellent one will be closer to $30,000. It’s no wonder photography is bound so deeply to nostalgia, sending us down memory lane to simpler times. The feature also only worked if you held the camera landscape style — which meant it was perfect for your Grandpa photographing you terrorizing your sister in the backyard. Check. Ilford Delta 3200: Boasting three extra stops of light sensitivity over 400 speed film (that’s going from 1/15 shutter speed to 1/120 at a given aperture), Delta 3200 is the only choice when you need a super-sensitive low-light film. Compare this to shooting in digital RAW — where the whole point is that images look like shit out of the camera and absolutely need post processing — and you can see why it’s so relieving not to spend hours in Photoshop adjusting color balances and tone curves. The autofocus Zeiss Planar 80mm f2 lens is amazing and it give a look like no other for dreamy portraits. In the hands of an experienced snapper, it came across as simple to use, had autofocus with lenses as fast as f2 (which is extremely shallow in medium format due to the larger negative size), and could probably knock a thief out cold if one tried stealing it from you. The camera comes with its caveats though; manual controls are a bit cumbersome. Isoformaatti; Salamat; Hasselblad; Leica; Merkki While it’s not very portable (with the 110mm lens it weighs over five pounds), it offers convenience and excellent quality. Rounding out this list is the Canon EOS A2, which was the first camera to have what some photographers still yearn for: eye-controlled autofocus. Buy, sell, or trade film and digital gear. Huckberry and Timex threw it back to the 70s and 80s with this collaboration. It shoots photos in a 6 x 7 format (hence the “67”) and is equipped with a fixed 55mm Nikkor lens, which is considered one of the best lenses in all of analog photography. I know this sounds like a joke but bear with me. This giant negative size translates to higher-quality images and the ability to print them larger if that’s your jam. Also known as the “Hasselbladski,” the Kiev 88 is essentially a knock-off Hasselblad 1600 F. The camera was produced in the Arsenal Factory in Kiev, Ukraine, and is an excellent alternative to the more expensive Hasselblads (though some models are believed to have been poorly produced during certain years). The ability to one day go medium-format digital? You won’t get to see the results until the moment has long passed — and that’s pretty scary if it’s something important. Its changeable film backs can be preloaded with color or black-and-white film. The 75mm 3.5 Lumaxar taking lens is said to have been made in West Germany, and is of the Tessar type, making the optics and quality nearly identical to that of the Rollei. The Fuji GW690II is a rangefinder-style camera, just like the Mamiya, but offers slightly lower-grade optics and a greatly reduced price. Unfortunately, you can’t expect it to be cheap. Aside from the lens, however, the T4 is a fun, simple and relatively cheap compact camera, great for taking to house parties and day adventures. The grain is definitely pronounced, but if it’s exposed right the grain is minimized into a really pleasing pattern that’ll leave no doubt what film you shot on. Because of their ubiquity and panzer-esque reliability, they’re still widely used for fashion and studio work while also providing a cheap gateway into oversized film. Leica’s Black-and-White Digital Camera Is More Affordable Than Ever, This $50 Camera Changed My Photography Forever, By AJ Powell with additional reporting by Chris Gampat, Henry Phillips and Tucker Bowe. It offers some of the best air purification for units its size and its app can connect to Alexa, allowing you to change the fan speed or automatically order new filters. Compared to other twin-lens cameras like the Rolleiflex, the Yashica Mat 124G is a steal. It is small enough to easily fit in a pocket, making it easy to transport and great for capturing candid snapshots. The Canon AE-1 is arguably one of the first film cameras to make photography simple and more accessible to the masses. And the backs also rotate to allow you to switch between landscape and portrait orientation without moving the camera or tripod. Check. Buy or sell used Fuji camera lenses at KEH. In fact, back in the day, it was the camera of choice for many traveling photographers and paparazzi. digiDIRECT also sells lenses from other trusted brands including Samyang, Leica, Nikon and more. Run some diagnostics. The FE was intentionally designed as an advanced enthusiast camera that eschewed electronic gimmicks, so you’ll want to brush up on your aperture and shutter speed knowledge before loading a roll in order to get the most out of it. The Mamiya 7 II utilizes a leaf shutter (which means that the shutter is actually in the lens) that can sync flash speeds to 1/500th of a second. 120 film in the 645 format? Fujifilm's 30mm F3.5 R WR is a super sharp 24mm-equivalent lens for the company's GFX lineup of digital medium-format cameras. The other thing that the Fuji has going for it over the Mamiya is its massive 6 x 9 negatives. The user could use their pupil movements for focus and other features like depth of field preview by simply looking at the top left corner of the viewfinder. It’s a little bit random and a little bit terrifying, but so rewarding when you get it right. The black box magic of photography is back. The Hexar AF can arguably be called a fixed-lens, autofocus rangefinder. Portra of all speeds renders skin tones beautifully, scans better than most films and has an incredibly pleasant grain structure. The Plaubel Makina W67 is regarded as one of the best medium format rangefinders ever made. Its beefed-up SLR body weighs more than five pounds and a special-accessory wooden hand grip is pretty much required for hand holding. By giving users a full-program auto mode, shooting quite literally turned into a point, focus and shoot process. The K1000 has a very vintage appeal about it because of its chrome- and leather-covered body. Fujicolor Pro is a great film to keep in your bag if you’re looking for more contrast and moodier colors compared to Portra. Largest selection of used cameras in Europe. If you’re looking to get into large format studio photography, a Horseman 4×5 is an excellent choice. The rangefinder looks bright and beautiful with very highly visible frame lines. The Hasselblad 500C/M makes for some very happy photographers with its stunning good looks and gorgeously vintage aesthetics. With a look-down-style viewing screen and a lovely hand crank on the side to advance your film, you’ll have a lot of fun using this baby. Besides being so simple your grandma could use it, Canon (and third-party companies) supported it with loads of accessories and lenses. The Most Versatile Home Security Camera You Can Buy. If you want example photos, Google “Terry Richardson” — he’s made it famous. It became one of the first full M cameras to include a working built-in light meter while keeping the size down (the Leica CL could also attest to this claim, but it lacked the feature set; the Leica M5 included a meter built in, but physically towered over every other M camera made). Typical problems areas that you’ll want to make sure are working: light meter, shutter, film advance, viewfinder, light seals (though imperfect ones might make for interesting shots), controls, lens.4. Fujicolor Pro 400: Fuji negative films have always had a distinctive look that’s attracted loyalists. When the Leica M6 appeared, many people thought it was one of the most perfect M cameras ever made. And if you can find one in perfect working condition with an 80mm f2, 120 back and an AE prism, pony up the Benjamins. The M6 included frame lines for lenses as wide as 28mm — which many rangefinder aficionados clamor for. It is a no-frills insulation layer that has some stretch for comfort and has been updated with a more relaxed fit than previous iterations. In fairness, you’ll need to buy a good scanner to get the best of your film shots, but even including that it’s still a significant savings unless you’re shooting a lot and getting compensated well for it. The Fuji GW690II is a rangefinder-style camera, just like the Mamiya, but offers slightly lower-grade optics and a greatly reduced price. This is our Just Get This pick for air purifiers, meaning that if you aren't sure what to get, get this one. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Sell your camera today and get top market value, We use cookies to ensure that you have the best experience on our website. The Mamiya 7 II will steal the hearts of landscape and wedding photographers. Medium format cameras fall into four groups. The sound of the mirror coming before an exposure is enough to start an avalanche. But those wearing glasses couldn’t use it, which inevitably brought back horrible memories of “four-eyes” taunts. Nikon is famous for over-engineering its film SLRs, and the FE is no exception; the alloy body and precision manufacturing mean that even though you’ll be spending less than $100 on the body, you won’t be getting something disposable. The 80 f/1.9 is also a decent lens and not as inexpensive as the other two, but very nice. 1. Picking up a fully manual camera got me back to high school photo classes and reminded me of rules of thumb like “Sunny 16” and guide number flash distance. Fujichrome Provia 100F: Ever since Kodachrome was retired at the end of 2010, Fuji has been the only game in town when it comes to true slide film (though Ektar does a pretty good job mimicking it). I also have adapters for my Pentacon 6 mount CZJ lenses to use on both my Mamiya/Phase One 645 bodies and my Nikons as well. The 120 f/4 A Macro is an excellent lens and quite inexpensive. Still, the pure technology behind the feature is something that should be rekindled in today’s world. Kodak Tri-X 400: Think of any iconic black and white photo you’ve seen; odds are it was shot on Tri-X. Save up to 40% off retail price and get a 180-day warranty! Others are conventional single lens reflex designs, such as Leica and Pentax. This is a small, lightweight lens with a standard focus distance. The Pentacon Six is a German-produced SLR-style camera built to shoot 120 film. Despite how much fun and experience you’ll accrue, the original design targeted professional work, and Hasselblad’s prices clearly communicate that. So concrete reason number one why I’m in love with film? Shelling out nearly a dollar per picture might seem unbelievably expensive until you consider the digital alternative. Take 5% off your first order when you sign up for our newsletter. The cameras themselves are designed for documentary and photojournalistic work, and most people don’t reach for lengths beyond 50mm. Hell, a good-condition Leica M6 body can be had for $1,500 and that’s one of the most legendary cameras you’ll ever find. Regardless of whether you buy the G1 or G2, you can be sure that you’re getting one of the absolute best optics systems ever made and a reliable, workhorse 35mm rangefinder. Financing options available. Sometimes you can take a picture and not even know that the shutter fired. Buy and sell used Hasselblad film cameras at KEH Camera. Couple this with the quiet shutter and film advance, and you’ve got a load of reasons why the Hexar AF was (and still is) a cult classic. Not only that, but reading the meter became simplistic, as the LED arrows in the viewfinder conveyed the over- or underexposure. Skip the pawn shops. Mamiya 645 + Mamiya Sekor 80mm f1.9 lens Contax 645 Zeiss Planar 80mm f2 . A roll of medium-format film has 12 frames and costs about $10 to buy and develop. Sporting leather exteriors trimmed with metal, the camera folds down for compact storage and unfolds easily enough to snap a cat before it can escape (the sneaky bugger). Using the bright viewfinder, the user can manually focus the lens, and as long as the light meter next to it isn’t blocked, a beautiful piece of vintage analog love is always printed out right on the spot. The film predecessor to the 5D series of cameras earns a place in the revolutionary cameras database for including this feature. Get a number of Mamiya 645 lenses which are a terrific bargain and work well on the GFX. Mamiya 645 AF 80mm f/2.8 Lens. Sprinkle some magical autofocus capabilities onto said lens and attach it to a compact camera body — you’ve got yourself a camera that can live in the inside pocket of your 1968 Vintage Bomber jacket. Kitted with a Zeiss Sonnar 40mm 2.8, the tiny viewfinder camera packs a serious punch. It’s only available in 100 ISO, so you’ll need quite a bit of light, but the sharpness you’ll end up with is amazing. The Rollei 35 S is, to this day, one of the smallest 35mm cameras on the market. As far as quality per dollar, you can’t beat a lot of old film cameras. The strong contrast, strong color film has taken over Kodachrome’s place as the low-ISO choice for those wanting amazing results right out of the camera. Backcountry Extra 20% Off Running Shoes and Apparel. 14 day return policy. This, like describing why you should do a kale juice cleanse, is the one that gets the most eye rolls when I try and describe why film’s great. If you’re looking to get into large-format film, these cameras are great, are available with a host of different lenses and can be found for a relative steal. We’d be remiss if a Nikon 35mm SLR didn’t show up on this list, and the FE is one of our favorites for its combination of reliability, low cost and compact size (especially compared to its F2 and F3 brothers). The depth of field is better because of the larger film area, images are sharper because they’re usually scaled up less than 35mm (they can subsequently be enlarged way more), and thanks to some optical trickery they more closely emulate what the world looks like to the human eye. The Pentax 67 is a monster of a camera. So why did it find its way into the hands of enthusiasts, families and more? Your parents probably used one to photograph all those embarrassing shots of younger you in your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles get-up (way before Michael Bay tried to ruin your childhood). READ ABOUT THE BEST SYNTHETIC DOWN OF 2021, Rhone makes some of our favorite workout clothes out there thanks to its innovative fabric technologies and quality construction. If you want to shoot medium format digitally, get ready for some sticker shock. Quite honestly, I have an adapter for my Mamiya lenses to use them on my Nikons. Fast-aperture Zeiss glass? It’s really fun to shoot a roll of film, and that’s half because you have no idea what you’re going to come out with (if anything). You’ll need a lot of light and a good exposure, but the results are some of the best you’ll find for general-purpose shooting. Available in everything from 35mm rolls to medium format to sheet film, the 400 is our go-to when we need a color film on any shoot. Simply put, if you want the highest-resolution black-and-white film, this is the one you want. One of the best parts about film is that things look so great right out of the camera. The lens, a 35mm f2, rumor has it, was an exact copy of the Leica 35mm f2 Summicron for M mount cameras without the nosebleed price. Its fantastic 35mm f/3.5 Zeiss Tessar lens is far and away better than the lenses found on many of today’s top-end digital compact cameras. Today, you can still get film for the camera from the Impossible Project — who have come a far way in developing and improving their formula. It works great as a studio camera, but can easily make the transition to on-the-go street-style photography. Sure, you can edit your scans in Photoshop like everything else, but you really just don’t need to (save for some exposure stuff here and there). Compared to Kodak, Fuji usually has a slightly greener, slightly colder tone (compare the example links for Fujicolor and Portra to see what we’re talking about) that usually injects a bit more emotion into a given picture. But what also made the camera so famous is its ability to use wide angle lenses. Pentax still manufactures a number of interesting focal length lenses such as 31mm, 43mm and 71mm — and any Pentax fan will speak volumes on their quality. Indeed, many 67 lenses I tried on 645z or FF DSLRs have such troubles, leading me to believe that they should stay with film. It is known as the “Texas Leica” because of its hefty build quality and size. It’s a great beginner medium format camera that’s available in two lens formats, a 75mm and an 80mm. When every dollar goes further, every exchange brings new ways to create and explore. I can get the amazing results of medium-format photography without auctioning off naming rights to my first-born. Worldwide shipping. There’s a very good reason why this cult classic is in the hands of every hipster you know. So when you’re pondering lens options, remember to tell your friends to fix their hair, because you’ll be getting quite close. Fortunately, the K1000 also hangs on the budget-friendly side of the spectrum. eBay: No-brainer. Provia is Fuji’s more neutral option with natural colors and less contrast than their vibrant Velvia. Just be prepared to pay nearly twice as much for the privilege. This is the ultimate grail of vintage cameras. For a 35mm camera, it doesn’t get much better than the Nikon F2. Starting with a blank slate, the brands led with the iconic cola colorway, added a military-inspired dial and finished it off with a woven stainless steel bracelet and aluminum timing bezel. But the hobby — the art — is deeper still; the equipment you use says just as much about your craft as your subjects or the developed, framed end product. Medium-format film has a bunch of really interesting advantages over puny 35mm roll film (and digital DSLRs). It’s the biggest, it’s the best, but it can also be a bit daunting. 8 Great Analog Camera Films to Start Shooting, Vintage Instant Polaroid 230 Pack Film Land Camera. Unlike the above Horseman 4×5, which was a whole process to set up and carry, this was actually a portable large format camera. Kodak Portra: Portra is everywhere. There are traditional modular cameras, such as those from Hasselblad and Mamiya. Eventually, it may become the only camera you’ll ever need. Combine its rugged simplicity and low cost with nearly universal Nikon F-mount lens compatibility, and you’ve got the perfect camera for diving back into film. There’s a host of lenses available (some of the best examples are made by Schneider) that mount onto lens boards sized specifically for your camera. Financing options available. They boast many of the same features, but the ETRS is considerably smaller and lighter. This raglan tee is in our top 10 workout shirts — our tester said it is "light, comfortable and always fresh no matter how many times I wear it without washing it. It’s great for landscapes and still life but isn’t the best at reproducing skin tones because Fuji’s typical greenish-purplish cast is even more pronounced in Velvia. But you can still pick up a Mamiya M645J body pretty cheap, usually less than $200 if the spirit moved you. Pentax has made a huge variety of lenses to match any scenario (and the 105 f/2.4 standard lens is a gem), since the body style is relatively simple they can be had for cheap on eBay (look for the 6×7 MLU, 67 and the updated 67ii; avoid the oldest ones marked just “6×7”) and they’re no more complicated to use than any 35mm SLR. Gear Patrol participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. The other thing that the Fuji has going for it over the Mamiya is its massive 6 x 9 negatives. The Zeiss lenses made for the G1 (and its 1996 G2 revision) are all as good, if not better than their Leica equivalents with the 45mm f/2 and 90mm f/2.8 deserving the most praise. They’re also very well built and quite obviously withstand the test of time. While the Pentacon Six is quite a bit larger than a standard 35mm camera, it’s still comfortable to wear around your neck. So how did a point-and-shoot become a cult classic? Focusing the camera requires lining up two images in the split-prism viewfinder. Slide film is characterized by strong, saturated colors, sharp contrast, fine grain, a more fickle exposure range (slide film can usually only be recoverable when under- or over-exposed by one stop compared to negative film’s three or four) and, of course, a color-positive film. The Kiev 88 is also compatible with one of the best fisheye lenses available, the Arsat 30mm f/3.5, which can be found for around $200, making for a rig that’s worth its quirks. It offers a wide field of view that’s roughly equivalent to a 23mm lens on 35mm format. The Contax G1 is a titanium-clad, Japanese-made marvel that was introduced in 1994 as a high-end electronic rangefinder to compete with Voigtlander and Leica, and became host to some of the best camera lenses ever made. It boasts more saturation and contrast than Portra and an amazingly fine grain structure. Hasselblad Mamiya 645 Mamiya RB67 Mamiya RZ67 Pentacon Six Pentax 645 Pentax 6×7 Phase One 645 Zenza Bronica Muut. This Hassy uses 120 film, which trumps 35mm in size and therefore gives you more bokeh, that beautiful blur that you see in so many photos these days. Kokak Ektar 100: Ektar is another gem from Rochester. Luckily, they’re doing a damn good job. Check. Don't forget the film: You’re going to need some film. Save up to 40% off retail price and get a 180-day warranty! This is easily visible on images of stars. The Pentax K1000 exuded simplicity and reliability, and was widely used for a very long time. And that’s the thing about film: you can talk about it endlessly and rationalize it with however many hundreds of words, but until you load a roll and give in to the haphazardness of this 200-year-old chemical process, you’ll never quite know what everybody else is on about. If the Mamiya 7 II is too far out of your price range, get this. Sadly I sold my Contax 645 some years ago and now the prices are so high I wouldn’t want to buy … Going beyond retail means delivering more opportunity, security, and flexibility for all. The 55 f/3.5 is a very nice lens and very inexpensive. The G2 revision offers a bigger body, redesigned button layout, a better viewfinder (the G1’s is about as bad as they get) and improved autofocus. Though it’s a beast, the upsides of the SLR design are easy to spot. Longer gear lifecycles serve more and cost less-for you and the environment. Fujichrome Velvia 50: When people talk about slide film these days they’re almost always talking about Velvia. The Horseman 4×5 also allows for the lens to be moved independently of the film back; this means that you can get some really funky planes of focus, which some might know as “tilt shift.” (Yep, before it was a tool on Instagram it was a physical process used to obtain an interesting field of view.). Autofocus? It features interchangeable viewfinders, so if it breaks, it’s a simple fix. There's something for everyone, like the Nike React Infinity Run Flynit, Altra Timp 2.0 and Nike React Miler. Sling one around your torso with a single prime lens and you can shoot all day and night. Kodak’s hallmark black-and-white film has been around forever and its easy development, good-looking grain structure, perfectly balanced contrast and killer shadow detail mean it won’t likely leave the throne soon. It’s very versatile and doesn’t cause any distortions. These days when I pick up a DSLR I still use autofocus and auto exposure, but I feel more aware of what the camera is doing and why — plus I’m able to change it if it’s wrong. So here’s our help: a list of 24 cult vintage shooters that’ll help you find your creative eye, set you apart from the shutterbug crowd and still produce photos that’ll make your (less talented) friends and family envious. The TL in its name designates a metered prism viewfinder, though non-metered versions are also available. It was hard to not be stoked when I got to use two iconic cameras that both cost less than a quality Canon DSLR lens. 20 to 50 new items daily. Voigtlander manufactures some very good and affordable alternatives, though, and they can introduce you into the Leica world. They are still highly sought-after but very rare; finding one is quite honestly like snagging a unicorn. Find out in our field review. As it is expected from a 645 model, the field of view is more or less similar to our eyesight. Be sure that you can snag one in good condition with no holes in the bellows. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. For many, that sense of history is best captured and enjoyed through a vintage camera context, and believe us, there’s no shortage of those on the market. Many people shot the K1000 for both professional work and for hobby; but even until recently many students sought it because of its affordable price, sturdy body, excellent light meter and small size. Want one for brand new? Read this post, where our camera boffin has done the legwork for you. Before digital became mainstream, this medium-format beast was in the hands of the crème-de-la-crème of wedding photographers and portrait-shooters. Think of the ETRS as the little brother to the RZ67. Still, the optics and image quality rank among the top of the hill; many photographers rely on the 500C/M even today for their paid contracts. Film is about recording moments. Right now, Backcountry is offering an additional 20 percent off select footwear and apparel — running shoes and clothing included. Every DSLR has a manual mode and manual focus, but — be honest — how many times have you used it while shooting day to day? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. When discussing the Yashica T4, you’ll find it’s really all about the lens. The company has often been deemed the Rolls Royce of cameras. It mainly shoots in the 6×7 format, though other sizes can be used to capture vast structures and scenes. Leica M6 cameras still sell for a lot of money, and the lenses can rack up an even more costly price tag in the long run. Pair the F2 with a Nikkor 50mm 1.4 lens, and you have a street-photography setup ready to take on cities around the globe. Checkmate. Looking for Fuji lenses? Moments that have passed, even as the shutter clicks. Owning one means you’ll have your hands on a piece of history, but history that will last (the handmade German engineering that defines Leica includes precious care and various quality control checks). If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. Coupled with some of the new Kodak Portra film, which the company designed for scanning, you’ll eventually create an online portfolio to be truly proud of. Thankfully, there is a built-in light meter, so judging exposures is a cinch. If you’re going to start developing your own film or just want a great medium-speed black-and-white film, Tri-X is the easy choice. If you’re making the initial journey into film photography, this is the vintage shooter for you. Studio and wedding photographers should look no further than the Mamiya RZ67. Newer medium format cameras such as the Fuji GFX range are mirrorless, and there are rangefinder cameras made by Horseman and Linhof. It isn’t a staid combination of ones and zeros that can be checked and adjusted ad infinitum, but rather light coming in and freezing little chunks of silver halide forever like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Make sure you find some common prices before taking the plunge.2. However, many may refer to it as a point-and-shoot. Stuff that I had completely forgotten came back quickly as I tried not to throw away money on muffed exposures. ", Huckberry x Timex "Cola" Sport Watch - Limited Edition, Arc'teryx Atom LT Hooded Insulated Jacket, The Woman Behind Beautiful Handcrafted Cameras, 5 Great Reasons You Should Be Shooting Film, How to Take a Cover-Worthy Picture of a Car, Dad Into Photography? Kodak’s most popular roll film is available in 160, 400 and 800 ISO but the 400 is the most versatile of the bunch, easily coping with being under- and over-exposed without getting too grainy.
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