Full Moon With Face emoji appeared on iOS 6.0, Android 4.4, EmojiOne 1.0 for the first time. The meaning of this emoji is usually used as the moon is usually depicted as a dark disk with a slightly smiling face and nose. PNG. PNG. The New Moon Face emoji suggests a sense of being shady, pretentious, creepy, and perverted. 8. Crescent Moon Emoji Png - Moon Emoji Png. PNG. An anthropomorphic version of a full moon. Hence, also called the molester moon. Emoji symbol «New Moon Face». 600*600. 1. You can put New Moon Face Emoji html entity code in decimal or hexadecimal form right in your message, and it will be translated into graphical representation of Moon Emoji after you submit. Moon Emoji Meme - Pink Moon Emoji. Moon Emoji HTML-entities. Is often used during flirting or to make a sexual joke . Popularly perceived as creepy, used to throw shade (express disapproval), or convey various suggestive or ironic sentiments. People are said to act weird during a full moon and it is also claimed to induce labor in pregnant women. Included in Unicode 6.0. 1. 1. The Full Moon Face Emoji appeared in 2010, and also known as the Moon with a Face. New Moon Face is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 6.0 which was introduced in 2010, and was added to Emoji … 1. emoji … Contents. Here, there are a pair of eyes looking to the side, a long nose, and a smiling mouth. •When you don't give a fuck and answer your crush with the moon emoji when they rejected you. Meaning: This emoji is very similar to the New Moon emoji; the only difference being a smiling face in this emoji. •When you guess something and it's your final answer, but you don't want anyone to know its a guess and that you'll regret it later Before you surprise/fuck someone over When you're about to … this is a moon with a face This emoji is a moon or sun to be bright or excited about something it's a sweetheart :3 Dead inside Excitement This is not in my current database. A full moon is the backdrop of many spooky stories, such as werewolves. The dark moon emoji "" is often used to underline a sexual meaning with in a sentence . 292*480. new moon face This emoji shows a new moon with a smiling face on it. It's easy to copy emoji! A full moon is the backdrop of many spooky stories, such as werewolves or witches. What is the code of Full Moon With Face emoji? Download Last Quarter Moon Emoji Png - Last Quarter Moon Emoji. Moon Emoji Pin - Moon Emoji Drawing. Download First Quarter Moon With Face Emoji Png - Last Quarter Moon With Face Emoji. A moon with a human face. 8. People are said to act strange during a full moon and it is also … Also Known As Dark Moon Face Molester Moon New Moon With Face New Moon Face History of Full Moon With Face emoji. The entire side of the moon visible from Earth reflects the light of the sun (is light). Also Known As Smiley Moon Moonface Full Moon Face Full Moon With Face PNG. Sometimes it is mentioned as the Yellow Moon Emoji. The meaning of this emoji is usually used as a new moon with a smiling face. 1024*1024. 7. The fifth phase (full) of the moon occurs when the moon is farthest from the sun. Commonly used a smiley. This emoji must include a Racist H Full moon: Definition: Moon face a way to see A star nearest to planet earth this is a content face This is a face, watching to the right. 480*480. This emoji was first introduced in Unicode 6.0 in October, 2010 which was followed by addition to Emoji 1.0 in August, 2015. HTML entites are intended for using on websites. 8.
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