During the event, Arriaga answered student and faculty questions on how freedom of religion became a right in the United States and how students can uphold religious freedom in … A deep dive ‘involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of … There is always more to learn and know about — the more we learn, the more we realise how little we know. The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on quality of education. These documents give us clues as to a definition of high quality in education outcomes. This list is based on questions that Ofsted inspectors have asked subject leads and teachers in 5 primary schools. Because these deep divesare, apparently, intended to help rather than reprove. This will include collaborative planning meetings, opportunities to share through the use of professional learning conversations, highly interactive lesson observation and the review of pupil outputs such as in their written work, question and answer sessions and what they have produced in terms of models, presentations, art work and other media. A deep dive is a series of connected inspection activities that provides rich evidence that informs inspectors’ judgements. Malory Nye is an academic and writer who teaches at … How is whiteness represented and put into practice? For example, pupils talk with confidence about history and how this links to the learning in religious education and geography 17-18 ... that it may be one of the subjects chosen for a deep dive … Some of OFSTED’s research provides a starting point for what subject leaders can use to determine how they can assess the quality of education and learning within their sphere of influence. SLT. If in another language, is the word we assume to translate as ‘religion’ being used similarly to how ‘religion’ is used in English? Take up the test below and see if you can remember all that we have covered so far. But it’s OK. Also, the more recent publication of their research into lesson observation and workbook scrutiny. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. Firstly, any conversation about curriculum, moving away from data and a less ‘high-stakes’ feel about the whole process is of course, welcome. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. Malory Nye is an academic and writer who teaches at the University of Glasgow. Univ of Glasgow. It carefully sets out the progressive skills and concepts that will be covered when using the PlanIt RE and Twinkl Life lessons in both KS1 and KS2, and define the implementation and impact of PlanIt and Life RE. The choice of subjects for the deep dives is agreed with leaders in a school, but is informed by the lead inspector’s pre-inspection work. Let’s unpick what this means for subject specialists or leaders. This includes a focus on what the National Curriculum is asking for in their particular subject or wider area of study. This is a list of questions OFSTED could potentially ask during a reading deep dive. Specifically phase 3 of their research which includes 25 curriculum indicators that define what good curriculum design might look like. The New Ofsted Education Inspection Framework now includes a ‘Deep Dive’ in reading, and this will form part of every inspection for infant and primary schools. I can’t help it, every time I hear the phrase it conjures up for me an image of an OFSTED inspector, in a rubber swimming hat, goggles and baggy trunks preparing to dive into the depths of murky subject knowledge or the dearth of it. It helps pupils develop knowledge and understanding of religion and of the differing religions and non-religious beliefs represented in Great Britain today. Ofsted are now assessing a school's quality of education by carrying out 'deep dives' into subject areas. Explore more than 10,000 'Deep Dive Questions' resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on 'Deep Dive' Work is too busy at the minute to type out another detailed account – but I have managed to type out all of the questions the inspector asked! This question seems to be on everyone’s lips at the moment so hopefully this is a guide to the deep dive. All the best and keep a lookout for more tests like this! Badger Learning Ofsted’s Reading Deep Dive – Questions and Phonic Focus resources are created to assist teachers as they teach reading skills. This, combined with limited training in this However, religious education (RE) is not planned with such precision. It is their responsibility to create opportunities for that in-depth look at what is happening in the classroom to ensure that the content of subject learning is rich, builds on prior learning and prepares pupils for the next stage of their education. the use of professional learning conversations, Effective transition from Year 6 to Year 7, Leading from the Middle: Influence change, build outstanding teams and foster innovation, Leading a Coaching School or College: Coaching is the key to exceptional leadership, Why Coaching is your Absolute Strategy for an Outstanding Future, creating opportunities for pupils to make connections within and across their learning, ensure pupils understand the key concepts that link their learning within a subject and across subject boundaries, highlight the key skills that pupils will use and strengthen as part of their learning. In terms of reducing or increasing workload, the jury is still out. maths or EYFS) which Ofsted will decide on and inform … Happy Summer and we look forward to working with you next term. Pupils in Year 4 told us about their topic on ancient Rome and what they have learned about democracy. What can we learn here through exploring categories of race and gender? He produces two podcasts: Religion Bites and History’s Ink. ‘Top-level view’, ‘Deep dive’, ‘Bringing it together’ – no, this is not a collection of cheesy management jargon from the corporate world.
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