After the mega dinosaurs went extinct the oceans began receding, exposing the Florida peninsula. Fossil hunters around the Peace River will often find bones from the mammoths and mastodons that walked there when Florida was grassland, as well as shark teeth from when the peninsula was covered with water. Sharks produce 20,000-25,000 teeth over their lifetime. There are many areas around the world where it’s possible to find megalodon teeth, and Florida is one of those places. Along with the shark teeth, you can expect to find in almost any body of water in Florida, you’ll also have a good chance of coming across rarer specimens. Will we find any at the beach close to the Hampton Inn? In addition to Venice Beach, one of Florida’s top spots for hunting megalodon teeth is the Peace River, two hours south of Orlando. So when the largest carnivorous shark that ever lived, the Megalodon and giant Makos were chomping down on their prey, they were also dropping teeth to the ocean floor. Answer 1 of 9: We'll be at the Hampton Inn on Sadler Road in late June 2010. The shark had 276 teeth, each growing up to 7 inches long. Shark teeth sizes can range from 1/8" – 3.5"or more. There the teeth were covered with sand and fossilized over millions of years. Over time, I’ve learned that many other areas besides Florida have great locations to look for Megalodon teeth as well. I keep seeing that the north end of the island is best for sharks teeth. It wandered the oceans a great many years prior devouring fish, whales and each other. In Maryland, the Calvert Cliffs area has some great fossils to find … The mighty Megalodon shark tooth fact: 1" of the tooth represents 10 feet of the actual length of the prehistoric shark. For whatever reason they did not congregate over Jax. The sea was shallow, almost a nursery for whales, dudong, sharks, etc. But if you can’t go on a hunt for shark teeth, you can download and 3D print your own. Apparently though, we can easily unearth megalodon teeth in our general vicinity. The megalodon shark was a pure slaughtering machine that was the biggest meat eater known to have at any point existed at 50 to 60 feet long. A woman found a megalodon's tooth while walking her dog. I’ve found them in every state along the East coast of the US from NJ to Florida. Just as Great Whites congregate around penguin and seal nurseries today, Megs did the same back 2 mya and dropped their teeth in massive numbers --We find Meg fossil teeth where Megalodon used to congregate. In NJ, creeks are the most productive areas. That means you can find your own megalodon tooth! Our site is known as an especially good place for finding megalodon teeth. 5: Megalodon teeth have been discovered at sites around the world.
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