I have found an article for you, hope it helps you http://www.aquariumcarebasics.com/freshwater-aquarium-fish/otocinclus-catfish/, Well actually the green algae in my opinion is much better. Killing Black Bush Algae. I know these little guys do a good job because I've had otto's for a few years but didn't realize how much algae they could eat in one day. Shipping on orders under $59 is charged at a flat rate of $4.99. Otocinclus are tiny South American algae eating catfish. Vacuuming is important to ensure the algae will not grow back as quickly. its meant for marine fish but since its really high in algae and plant matter would it be suitable for ottos? Don't underestimate the power of livebearers as algae eaters with platies and guppies even doing their fair share. The Pygmy Suckermouth (also popular as Otocinculus) will mainly snack on softer blue and green hair algae. dw i will. Do they not eat hair algae? Black mollies. Feeding your fish peas. In a freshwater aquarium, you can add a sucker-mouth fish that will readily eat brown algae.Stock one plecostomus or several otocinclus catfish to do this job. Stay in touch with Aquarium Co-OpPrivacy Policy. One of the most discussed topics on the web is how to get rid of algae. The otocinclus fish has a fusiform body, flattened on the ventral part. I was thinking about possible algae eaters and I came across otocinclus. There is a gu... How can I "train" my otocinclus catfish to eat algae wafers? Plecostomus a.k.a. Member. So, Otocinclus Catfish is definitely one of the best choices for beginners as it needs limited space and minimal care. While they do a good job on most forms of green and brown algae, especially algae on the tank walls, their mouths are not equipped with rasps that are strong enough to remove stuck on algae from tank walls. Member. It hasbeen said before that algae control is nutrient control and that fact will becomemore obvious as you read on.Many hobbyists see algae as an invasion. :22: They will gladly graze on any soft brown or green algae that grows in your tank. When choosing an algae eater, you’ll also need to be mindful of the fish already present in your pond – batfish and otocinclus catfish are friendly with other fish, but Siamese algae eaters may be too energetic and stress out any calmer fish present, while koi may eat … Extra Information: Whilst Mollies are not generally thought as of an ‘algae eating fish’ they will eat algae from rocks and plants. Soft Green Algae. Built by Blend. The Aquarium Catfish Website. Otocinclus are best suited for peaceful community setups. i feed my shrimp, hikari shrimp cuisine maybe they will eat that too lol. They don't often contract common illnesses that plague other fish. They are well behaved, communal and great for grazing algae. Plecos can readily handle gold or green slime. You will not need to get a variety of food for this fish, as well. There are fish that eat brown algae so add Otocinclus Catfish or a Plecostomus to your tank to help prevent outbreaks. 6. It can grow on your plants, blocking light and stifling growth. This soft algae isn't to be confused with green spot algae that you can barely get off with a razor blade. The main food of Otocinclus is algae. Otocinclus Catfish. 1.) These algae-eating catfish are one of the best species in the trade, hands-down. I bought 2 ottos yesterday and a bag of algae wafers and half an hour after... Do albino cory catfish eat algae wafers? They specialize in eating soft green algae; often this algae is hard to see without looking closely for it. Fox News fires key player in its election night coverage. Hair also usually grows in high light … Otocinclus catfish died with no apparent reason. 2 minutes ago. aren't substitutes! In a saltwater aquarium, many species of fish and invertebrates are diatom grazers. Thats why its important to make sure the tank is clean, but not too clean. Once they settle in they should not feel threatened and will school less often. Peaceful tanks should find room for this little gem. Sorry i wrote prevent instead of promote, so, switch on the lights, so algae can grow and will serve as natural food for them. This means that most specimens you buy from a pet store will be wild caught. Unfortunately, Otocinclus are not spawned in aquariums very often. The diatoms are also gone now that I have gotten rid of the plant light. Would oto's eat glass algae/ algae on plants? Tips for keeping Otocinclus catfish (otos). Once they adjusted to the tank & became more comfortable, though, they started eating what I was feeding them (same stuff as I feed my shrimp). Otocinclus food can also include supplements such as algae wafers and even some fresh vegetables like green zucchini slices. They certainly won’t get rid of as much algae as the other species mentioned here, but they are an attractive fish. but many do to varying degrees (some species, like the Zebra pleco., are carnivorous). Therefore, you’ll want to take your group of Otocinclus home and acclimate them into your quarantine tank that has been growing algae in anticipation of their arrival. If yours won't eat the algae wafers, try a different food. It grows on your glass, impeding the view through the window into a world that you’ve worked so hard to create. Feeding is difficult, however, as most stores stock a couple dozen of more Otocinclus in one tank. https://aquariumbreeder.com/otocinclus-guide-care-diet-and-breeding It is worth noting however, that otos do have a large appetite, so if your aquarium is lacking the algae to keep them happy, we recommend adding some aquarium friendly vegetation such as zucchini, from time to time. i just wanted theme to fit my south american fish theme lool. Given that Otocinclus are typically grouped together in such abundant numbers - and are often put into tanks that can’t produce algae as fast as they can consume it - you want the stronger fish separated from the rest as soon as possible. Otocinclus catfish can be very handy fish to have in your aquarium. Due to Otos being wild caught, the way they are caught disrupts them big time, so, if they survive the first month they usually do okay. When it’s “blue-green algae” or Cyanobacteria. i know i read it. This little guy loves nothing more than to eat the algae off of your plants, glass, and other tank décor and are not known to eat your aquatic plants. > And they are predominantly green algae eaters. Perhaps the most popular freshwater algae eater fish are the sucker mouth catfish, including Plecostomus (Plecos) and Otocinclus (Otos). However, what happens when your Oto eats all the algae and it doesn't grow fast enough to sustain your catfish? Here are a couple of simple tips that will greatly increase the survivability of your new pet: First, make sure you have algae in the tank for them to pig out on when you get them home. Given their size and timid nature, they are easily out-competed for food. Siamese Algae Eaters or the Ottos? After a couple weeks of poor feeding, they're plenty hungry! I have 2 of them, and they eat aufwuch, not really algae. When stressed they will travel in a pack foraging for food. my tank is heavily planted and only has a bit of diatom on wood, brown algae on one side of the glass and tiny amounts of green string algae. Otocinclus don't have a mean bone in their body and can be housed with fry and even baby dwarf shrimp. Greedy little guys. Kudo's to otto's. Pretty weird to replace a $120 light for $24 worth of light but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. i think i will increase the light hours to 12 hours instead of 10. not here but i did post another one in the plant section. Short of periodically scrubbing every inch of your aquarium, or not allowing a single glimmer of light into your tank, what can be done to ward off this tormentor? Next, buy these fish the day after they come in to your pet store. Can i feed cucumber to guppies, platys, swortails, and ottos? To preserve the cleanliness of the aquatic surroundings for a long time, specialists advise you to get Otocinclus Catfish, which eat algae shaped on stones, ornamental components, and the partitions of the tank. If your tank is not planted, you may need to supplement their diets with other plant matter. A week or so later, they should be on their way to your local pet store. in my tank the only algae im able to grow is brown algae and green string algae which are soft algae. Top 5 Peaceful Gouramis for a Community Tank, 7 Best Foods for Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp, How to Use Liquid Carbon in Your Planted Aquarium. i hear alot of stories about ottos being impossible to feed. Otocinclus Catfish In short, find a surface and it will grow! It will roam the tank non-stop, looking for its delicious treat. It is sometimes difficult to know which ones have been there longest. Hmmm i see. They build caves under rocks and even protect their eggs and fry. Dealing wi > silica test of diatoms to digest them is more costly. Sep 20, 2019 - Folks, a little experiment from the den. would that be okay? "Otocinclus Catfish like heavily planted tanks with a good amount of established algae growth, especially of the soft filmy and soft green varieties. only tiny amounts of it. The otocinclus will eat it before it grows too long and gets out of control. Otos do not eat many types of "nuisance" algae, only the soft brown and green varieties, so you will still have to diligently monitor water parameters and clean your tank regularly. Otocinclus Catfish: Care, Food, Size & Algae Eating and more. An Otocinclus feeds on soft algae buildup growing on hard surfaces of the tank. This fish will readily consume green algae, fuzz algae, green dust algae, and brown algae … Just don't combine them with Amazon sword plants, which they will also eat. They specialize in eating soft green algae; often this algae is hard to see without looking closely for it. The Otocinculus won’t harm any aquatic plants, it will literally only eat algae. The best way to accomplish this is to have a quarantine tank and simply leave the light on for a week or so until you have algae growing all over the place. They’ll readily eat algae around the tank, as well as sifting through the bottom of the tank to find discarded bits of food. They do not all eat algae (i.e. interesting. This will lessen the time they spend starving as you'll already have a buffet waiting for them at home. However, out of all the algae-eating fish discussed in this article, this particular species requires the most care. The snails would not eat the GSA {green spot algae}, as it is too hard. … That was taken from the article I … : the Zebra pleco.) (Black Beard Algae), Feeding Fish & Inverts - Various Considerations And Comparisons - Part Three. mrsP. They prefer soft water to hard, and absolutely zero salinity. As with other wild caught sucker-mouth catfish, this makes for a perfect storm. Feeding Fish & Inverts - Various Considerations and Comparisons - Part One, Otocinclus catfish aren't eating anything. people say they dont eat algae wafers. I know they eat cucumber and zucchini. Their tough, rough lips will reduce green dot algae to a certain extent, as well. 'I have deep respect for a free and independent press' Advocates react to Biden's sweeping immigration plan It have been our experience that they have a seemingly endless appetite for any type of algae that you throw at them, even the dreaded Bryopsis and Derbesia which few others eat. As for what to feed them.. Their greatest weakness is not getting enough to eat during handling. They are at their best when they can school with others of their own kind. The suction mouth is located in a lower position; the eyes have a lateral vision; the reinforcing spine is in its fins with the exception of adipose and caudal. © 2021 Aquarium Co-Op. As you said they like cucumber, ottos are basically lazy fish, you may turn on the lights, this will promote growth of algae in the tank which will serve as natural food for the ottos, i am not confirmed but they are famous as ALGAE EATERS, oh i dont have much algae. Otocinclus are scooped up by the hundreds and transported to a warehouse where they're fasted for a few days before they are shipped out. This goes against conventional wisdom which says that you want to buy a fish that has been at the pet store longer to prove their longevity and lessen the shock of being transported too soon after arrival. Brown algae, blue-green algae, etc. Want to see how we care for your products? Leaving the lights on will Promote the growth of algae not prevent it. Get weekly aquarium blog articles right in your inbox. Green Hair Algae – This type of algae forms wispy, hair-like growths that can reach 1 inch in length, or more. So who is better? “Dwarf Suckers” will thrive on all types of algae and vegetation, but they prefer brown algae, and soft green algae. I feed them these foods once (occasionally twice) daily in no certain order: blanched cucumber slice (I freeze a bunch of slices), hikari algae wafers, and omega one veggie flakes. The Otocinclus is a dwarf sucker-mouth catfish that only grows to be about 2 inches long. There needs to be a "turf" of green fuzzy algae … They arrive at a wholesaler where a few hundred of them are put into a bare-bottom aquarium with no decoration and poor lighting. I don't think that otos eat hair algae (I could be wrong, though). SomyaValecha. Best of all, for all they do, they're usually priced quite reasonably: anywhere from $1.99 to $5.99 each. alright cheers for the help guys, By entering this site you declare No. In your experience do otocinclus eat algae? Please note: We unfortunately can only ship to addresses in the USA. All of these species stay small (4 to 6 inches) and eat algae well. This is odd because they wouldn't stock anywhere near that many plecostomus in the same tank. Keep us apdated, monitor the algae if it is gone, this menas that the fish has eaten it. Meet your best friend and aquatic lawnmower: the Otocinclus. They will eat the soft green algae that grows on the surfaces of the tank and its contents. List of Prospective Algae Eaters. what types other than brown algae do they eat? In an aquarium, they will eat most prepared dry or frozen fish foods, as well as vegetables like blanched squash or spinach. If not I'm worried that since it literally covers the glass there isn't enough of the algae they do eat in there (I have algae wafers but I don't want to supplement their diet if I don't have to). freshwater fish. It may be more costly, but my experience is that Otos eat diatoms with relish and seem none the worse for the effort. Many will spawn readily in a fish aquarium, too. The Otocinclus is a dwarf sucker-mouth catfish that only grows to be about 2 inches long. Black Beard Algae (BBA) Despite the name, black beard algae or BBA is actually a type of red algae from the Rhodophyta family . Algae willtake over a tank when there is an imbalance of nutrients in the environment. Well, there are several other types of food that you can add to supplement your Oto's diet. To get green algae growing, you'll need 2 Watts of light per gallon, at least. "Otocinclus Catfish like heavily planted tanks with a good amount of established algae growth, especially of the soft filmy and soft green varieties." If you can get live foods such as microworms or grindal worms, these might persuade the Otos to end their fast. The most common nuisance in a typical aquarium is the ever-abundant fiend known as algae. 5 minutes ago. It typically forms in fluffy spots on substrate, rocks, glass, and tank decorations. ", That was taken from the article I gave the link for . Make sure you have algae for them to eat before adding them to your aquarium and you’ll be amazed at the algae-control one little fish can provide. A friend of mine has some and she has had hers for about 12 months now and they now do eat algae wafers etc, she did say the first few weeks were touch and go. It's well known in the hobby that Otocinclus Catfish are great algae eaters. Give this dwarf catfish a try and it'll surely win you over. This little guy loves nothing more than to eat the algae off of your plants, glass, and other tank décor and are not known to eat your aquatic plants. Otocinclus Catfish. im just clarifying if the algae i mentioned above would be okay. I think their favorite is the veggie flake They actually munch on my shrimp's hikari crab cuisine, too, even though it's meant for the shrimp to eat.. Lol. Algae wafers are supplied, however, the sheer number of Otocinclus is too many to feed correctly. Mine didn't eat for the first few days that I had them. Is it safe for bettas to eat algae wafers. Brown Algae – Most likely to develop in new tanks, brown algae thrive in low light conditions and in water that is rich in nitrates and phosphates. before i start growing algae. Otocinclus feel especially comfortable when the lighting is not too bright and when there are enough aquatic plants and green algae in the pool to eat and hide. They are \"like weeds\", choking outthe good plants and just generally messing u… ‘pleco.s’ or ‘pl*co.s.’ A large group of sucker-mouthed armored catfish from South America. The pet store puts them into a nice tank and will attempt to keep them fed. I have heard SAEs grow... Otocinclus catfish feeding arround platy fish and bladder snails? I know I couldn't live without them! My most recent group of Otos went into a planted 10G tank, which had grown plenty of green spot algae and some other types too, on the glass, decor, and plants. Don't worry - even through all that stress, Otocinclus can still thrive in your aquarium. This surfaces include the inside of the tank walls, gravel, decorations, and plants. you read and agreed to the, http://www.aquariumcarebasics.com/freshwater-aquarium-fish/otocinclus-catfish/. i was planning on killing them all but i thought maybe it could be food for the oto cat. Otocinclus Catfish are also referred to as Dwarf Suckers or Oto Catfish. Most of the time, you'll only see this behavior when you first introduce them to your tank. Experienced aquarists will tell you that Otocinclus are a very resilient fish. It is better if there is a lot of algae for them to eat, so a well established tank is better for them. In nature, they eat primarily algae. This means virtually no algae is grown in the tank. how often should i feed them the cucumber. Maximum Size: 1 ... They’re extremely hardy, breed prolifically, and don’t require a ton of food. One e-mailer said that > ten with great effect. but does anyone have experience feeding them hikari seaweed extreme. Otocinclus Catfish facts By the way, if I feed them a cucumber slice, I usually don't feed them again until it's all gone or they stop eating it (the snails take over it after awhile). Images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. what like the green string algae. My fish seem to always spit food/flakes out during feeding time. They readily accept a variety of foods and quickly clear a tank of any green algae. > And more importantly > for Otocinclus to work, you need a shoal. Otocinclus really don't eat anything much besides green algae and the microorganisms therein.
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