The first step to take is to do a 'parked regen' where the diagnostic software comes in handy to force it to happen. It’s used to perform a manual DPF regen on the filter whilst the car / truck is stationary, a bit like a dealer regen but without the fancy laptop / equipment. ISUZU: NPR-NQR-NRR: 5.2L 4L TDI 158kW/212HP DENSO: EGR - DPF - UREA DELETE: How It Works. But I am stumped, my local Isuzu "lead tech" is stumped. The Diesel Particulate Filter, commonly referred to as the DPF, can turn into one of the most frustrating parts of maintaining your '08-'10 Isuzu NPR medium-duty truck if it isn't properly taken care of.. Two Exhaust Regens Are Better than One Getting all that nasty soot and exhaust contamination out of the exhaust system DPF (diesel particulate filter) takes time and heat to do a proper job. Isuzu DEF Diesel Emission Fluid and DPF Diesel Particulate Filter Systems - NPR, NQR, NRR. I perform a forced selective regen. This truck came in with a p244b - dpf high differential pressure, p2463 - dpf high soot accumulation, p2459 - dpf regen frequency. We have seen these symptom more and more on Isuzu “N” and “F”, GX and Giga series trucks. Unfortunately the DPF unit on these trucks are not suited for low speed, urban type driving on the 3.0L & 5.2L 4HK1 & the 7.8L 6HK1, and 9.8L engines. The Isuzu diagnostic scanner enables you to perform forced DPF regeneration and diagnostics, read and erase the fault codes, graph live data, EVAP test, O2 sensor test, oil light reset, ABS testing and much more. Perform DPF Regen. We ship you our custom tuning box. It traps soot and other particles, however the DPF has a limited capacity … First off when driving highways speeds, it does a regen about every 125-150 miles. Engines need to achieve extended periods of high temperature, high RPM activity in order to complete a DPF regeneration. This kit will work on all Isuzu Commerical Trucks from 1996 to current. The DPF is an emission filter that reburns Particulate Matter (PM) much like a Catalytic Converter (CC) does. Isuzu learned that in those situations, if the amount of oil in the crankcase was reduced by 2.5 quarts it would limit the amount of oil that would end up in the intake system. This alone will save you hundreds of dollars each time instead of taking it to a mechanic (as well as saving the time of taking it to a mechanic). Able to perform a forced DPF regeneration on your Isuzu for when the DPF light comes on. The KTS will bring up the next screen with particulate filter status, Engine speed, exhaust gas tempreatures and differential pressures. Diesel Particulat Filter Regen is easy to perform simply with this scan tool This proceedure can be done is a fast or slow mode, ( Slow mode can take up to 2.5 hours). The next step is to select DPFE regeneration adpatation. That was the reason Isuzu changed the dipsticks, not because of regeneration issues. Hi, I have a 2012 Isuzu NPR-HD with approx 90k miles and am having issues with DPF regen and Catalytic Converter. Our Isuzu Truck IDSS Diagnostic System gives you all the power of the Isuzu dealerships at your fingertips. 1. If there is no traffic and moving ok, there is … What's involved in the 3K Calibrations tuning process? We accept shipping from anywhere in the world. That little button right there is a manual DPF regeneration / cleaning button. Pull out your ECM and either bring it to us in person or send it in the mail. I have this 2012 NPR, Im calling out more professionals for assistance, seeing as many of my die hards have left the mothership and came here. You can run all you favorite bi-directional commands such as Forced Regens, Injector Programming, re-learn commands, and much much more.
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