Primer Series: Modern Burn I have been wanting to start a deck primer series here since late last year (meaning a couple months ago) and after how well last week's Prerelease Primers went for Fate Reforged, I figured now would be a great time to start this. It can often deal 6-8 damage to an unprepared opponent, and in certain matchups (12-post, Lands) it is the most important card in your deck by far, often dealing upwards of 10 damage for just 2 mana. Delver (Grixis, UR, RUG, UWR, BUG, 4 color): Favorable, depending on the variant. All in all, an absolute powerhouse of a card that changes the way our opponents can play against us simply because we have it in our deck. While I haven't tested against it very much, they play some cards that are horrifically bad against us, like Dark Confidant and Sylvan Library, and lots of cards that are simply too slow, such as Punishing Fire and Life from the Loam. Merfolk: Slightly favorable. (Here's a hint - play Reanimator. The reason Goblin Guide is played, however, is the insane amount of damage this thing can deal for only one mana. Overall, a 60-65% win rate. It is one of the worst topdecks in the deck, but the sheer power of dropping a Guide on turn 1 warrants his inclusion easily. 4 Eidolon of the Great Revel. check out the. It is a pretty easy 4-of, though it will sometimes be boarded out. In general, it depends on the storm variant. Some Miracles players side in Rest in Peace to deal with Exquisite Firecraft and Grim Lavamancer - however, I think this is a mistake, as it is otherwise a dead card. Run any of these if your metagame demands it. I'll leave at least one fetchland uncracked in case I draw Searing Blaze in any situation when that is in my deck. It is possible to play only mountains, to make your deck more resistant to Stifle and take slightly less pain, but there are reasons for playing fetchlands which I will get to in a moment. 4 Goblin Guide. If you want to learn more about the deck, read my primer below! Focus on not dying here, and you are likely to win. Nonetheless, despite my minor idiotic complaints, this was great and incredibly clearly written, thanks for contributing to the great amount of content being produced on this subreddit! Furthermore, they do not have the basic lands in their deck to play around Price of Progress.,,, 6th place - David Menor Gutierrez - Open City of Bridges, Spain (171 players), 7th place - Michele Salardi - Legnano-MLL#8 (116 players), 8th place - Luisma Augusto - Eternal Weekend 2011 Legacy Main Event (293 players), 7th place - Niklas Rauterberg - Legacy Event in Maintal (127 players), 5th place - Robert Swiecki - Magiccardmarket 5th anniversary tournament (131 players), 22nd place - Jacob Pettie - Tales of Tales of Adventure - Coopersburg, PA (186 plyers), 5th place - Eddie Chalecki - LCL 2014, March (121 players), 4th place - Gentile Simone - Evil 10, Padova, Tarmogeddon 9 (205 players), 13th place - Matthew Long - Tales of Adventure Eternal Extravaganza (266 players), 8th place - Florian Stange - JK Legacy Cup (153 players), 12th place - Cristiano Silva - Impact Returns Legacy Event (107 players), 1st place - John Nickel - GP SeaTac Trial winner, 26th place - Kian Dre - GP SeaTac (2014 players), 5th place - Henti Nuuttila - Finnish Legacy Championship (109 players), 6th place - Tuomas Tarna - Finnish Legacy Championship (109 players),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Legacy Tournament Announcements and Results, If this is your first visit, be sure to 1-2 Sulfuric Vortex. It is an even worse topdeck in the late game than Goblin Guide, but like the Guide, the power of dropping an early Swiftspear and backing it up with Burn spells is enormous. I group these together because it is often a matter of personal preference, if you even need them at all. Volcanic Fallout is also pretty good. Pyroblast. This puts the pressure on your opponent to kill you quickly, even after they have 'stabilized'. I don't like this card personally, as it deals no damage by itself. For this section, I will be looking at Burn's matchups against other common matchups you will run into. One of the longest running strategies in Legacy is to just "burn" the opponent out, literally casting burn in Lightning Bolt & variants of 1 cast 3 damage spells, or other similarly effective cards. Looking forward to a good read. If you expect fair decks to be common where you play, Burn is a strong metagame choice and one you should seriously consider. That is, until Paul Sligh came in second place at a PTQ with a deck with 4 Ironclaw Orcs - a 2/2 for 2 WITH DOWNSIDE. While this doesn't deal any damage, making it a tough sell in Burn, it is a necessary evil against certain decks, including Reanimator and Sneak and Show (now that Dig through Time is banned and OmniTell is much less common). Searing Blaze. They are simply too slow, and the matchup gets better post board as we swap 1 mana spells like Lava Spike for higher impact spells such as Pyroblast, Searing Blaze, Smash to Smithereens, and Volcanic Fallout. See above. Burn has no draw engine, so it is very dependent maximizing the power of the cards it does draw. Before, the main threat against Miracles was Vexing Shusher, but that could be removed easily. Only 1 seems like you want to lose to Chalice decks and Stoneforge decks. And sometimes, they will simply kill you on turn 1 or 2 on the play, and Eidolon will be too slow - that is why the all-in variants are better against Burn. What few creatures we play are basically burn spells themselves, intended to hit once or twice early in the game, and then their use is up. There is a rule with Burn decks regarding cards that will be important to remember: The damage/mana ratio. There is a downside, which is that the Guide potentially draws your opponents cards, especially in Legacy, where there are many effects that manipulate the top of your library. However, it is an important card to have access too for similar reasons to Grim Lavamancer - it is great against small creature decks. Explosive Goblins by MikeStirland. I would advise against countering cantrips - save this for the important spells and it will reward you. Loam: Extremely favorable. Portrayed by Phillipa Soo, Eliza played a key role in safeguarding her husband's legacy after his death. At the last Legacy GP in my area (Seattle/Tacoma) I ran Searing Blood over Blaze. Running less than 4 is a mistake, though you will often side it out against decks with many basic lands - which is surprisingly few. Practice it a lot and you will be rewarded. A Shard Volley on steroids, Fireblast deals 4 damage for the low, low cost of zero mana, though you have to sacrifice two mountains to it. The archetype known as Red Deck Wins is one of the oldest archetypes in Magic. However, appearances can be deceiving. It treats spells as a way to damage your opponents directly. Games 2 and 3 become much easier. This makes it very difficult for them to win while you are able to finish the game with Burn (or in some scenarios, find a solution to a problematic permanent, such as Platinum Empiron from Reanimator). And Wasteland might just be the worst of the bunch - it can't destroy any of our lands, since we can sacrifice fetchlands in response and the rest of our lands are basic mountains! If a burn spell gets countered? I didn't even play in the main event. It is the reason we are mono red. Don't be afraid to 'just' get a 2-for-1 with this - that's a very good use of your mana. Once they know you're on Burn, every Cabal Therapy will name Eidolon. Riley breaks down Legacy’s best budget option. It's not all bad, though - it can hit creatures, it interacts well against soft counters like Daze and Spell Pierce, and the 3 mana cost can sometimes be an advantage - against Miracles, it is a lot harder to counter with Counterbalance, since even with Sensei's Top, they do not play many 3 drops, especially in the main deck. Burn — 1036 decklists Jund — 983 decklists Red Deck Wins — 931 decklists Humans — 683 decklists Eldrazi Tron — 668 decklists Dredge — 627 decklists Amulet Titan — 531 decklists Mono Green Tron — 487 decklists Get the decklists and a complete metagame overview in our Modern section ☝️ Burn is one of my favorite decks and I love playing it in Legacy. As such, Mountains are the mana producing land of choice. Storm: Even. Against Jace decks, I usually won't crack them until I need the mana, as there is a possibility of Jace fatesealing and you needing to fetch to shuffle. Volcanic Fallout. Why is this rule in place? Press J to jump to the feed. The Legacy Oregon Burn Center provides the specialized care needed for the treatment of burn injuries, rehabilitation and education, including the Burn Prevention and Education program. Still, against those small creature decks, Lavamancer helps keep the board under control while you point your burn spells at their face, making it hugely important in those matchups. This is my Legacy Burn deck. 4 Rift Bolt. Legacy Guide Part VI: Delver. 8-12 Mountain. I was inspired to undertake this project after looking at the primers on MTG Salvation and The Source. 5 Modern Decks with Ravnica Allegiance Cards. There are currently 9 users browsing this thread. Miracles: Even to Favorable. As an Enchantress player, I'm always happy to see T1 Mountain -> Goblin Guide; what can your deck do against Enchantress, if anything? I truly believe that Eidolon, together with Price of Progress, are what makes the Burn deck viable at all. Sulfuric Vortex is the critical card in this matchup. The Sorcery speed only matters a little, as does the copying effect - while this requires you to play slightly differently, especially against Goblins or in the mirror, surprisingly few decks can make double red mana, and even against those that can, it is not hard to fire this off when your opponent cannot pay due to its one mana cost. If you know of another forum that could use a Burn primer, let me know and I'll see about cross-posting there. It is a 2/2, but for two mana, with no haste and no ability to be more powerful. LEG 1 ... Burn-Legacy on a Budget by luginslg. After that, it fell off the map a little as decks that were strong against it, including Stoneforge Mystic decks, became popular - in addition, storm and counterbalance decks were difficult for Burn. However, fetchlands are still useful in this deck. The deck is a mix of relatively recently printed creatures and earlier printed burn spells that has some cards that are great in every situation, and some cards that are fantastic in certain situations. Deck Search. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This land almost completely nullifies our strategy and gives them plenty of time to assemble their winning combo of Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage, and with 4 Crop Rotation and 4 Gamble, it is not hard to find. One land in their deck matters: Glacial Chasm. Really enjoyed your article. As well, decks can Stifle the Suspend trigger, turning Stifle into Counterspell. Find Tournaments By Name. It is important to kill their creatures at sorcery speed if possible, and preferably when they are tapped out. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Their combo of Counterbalance and Sensei's Divining Top is very strong against our bevy of one drops. I'll get to what makes these cards powerful in Burn in a moment. Or Nic Fit.) This is another matchup I have a lot of experience with. Burn looks at it differently. I'll test a legacy daily with 3 instead of 1 and see how it goes. Soon, a divide began to form between red decks that focused on creatures and used burn spells to clear the way, and red decks that had a few early creatures but had a lot of burn to finish off the opponent once a few damage has been dealt by early creatures. Search for: Recent Posts. Burn does have its advantages and disadvantages, and it will definitely put in work in the right meta. Legacy probably has more dangerous artifacts, in my opinion, and having Smash as only a one-of feels like living life on the edge. I much prefer the MD Exquisite Firecrafts in its place. And it deals damage efficiently - one mana for 3 damage, and it can hit creatures. BURN. I'll get to that card soon, but the takeaway here is that if you aren't running 4 Eidolons, you are doing it wrong. As for 3 mana spells, you want them to significantly impact the game, so the damage calculation is dependent on the game state. As such, mulliganning to find an Eidolon is not a horrible strategy. Reduce your opponents to 0 in no time with a combination of the format’s most efficient creatures and burn spells! [Legacy] BURN Primer #1 Mar 18, 2006. The only Delver deck that gives Burn a lot of problems is UWR, which plays Stoneforge Mystic. I'd guess that this matchup is something like 50-50 or 55%-45% burn - if anyone knows more, please let me know. Get software, drivers, firmware, manuals, & videos for Legacy Product Bravo (Original). By filling his deck with cheap creatures, he was able to use burn spells to clear the way and finish the game before his opponents could set up. My main concern about it is how it would interact with Price of Progress and Fireblast. Also, we're just faster than they are, and their disruption is easy to play around if you suspect it.
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