I love it and it is practically silent going up and down the tree. I've had the original hand climber, (which operates the same as the Assault) for many years and really like it for many reasons. I am in decent shape so the hand climber was not much of a problem, but if you intend on stiing for an extended length of time, get the sit and climb. Features a contoured foam padded seat. The others are all collecting dust because I really like the sit and climb. It isnât easy at all to climb with and if you do manage to get up a tree after putting it on a steep enough angle good luck getting back down..been there. ----- After several modifications!!! One the platform part of the stand is where I want it, I point my toes upward to lock it in place. The seat can be adjusted at any time and you can also adjust the platform if you're agile. $449.99. Kind of a sit in versus a sit on. Just bulky, clanky and awkward to carry. I'll give it a try. For me, I am so afraid of heights that I stand the whole time or at least always have 3 points of contact. Kurt i have the hand climber and love it for archery, i also use it to gun hunt out of, what works good for me is when gun hunting i just keep the seat lower and closer to the bottom 1/2, that way i can use my legs as a rest. Dead Quiet. I do like that it is light weight and easy to pack a long distance and you can slip hunt with it on your back. It’s also for those hunters who need to squeeze a stand into tight places. The Lone Wolf Assault Hand Climber is my go-to stand. Free shipping. I'm happier with it than any other stand on the market. Also, the Summit seat is a strange design that seems to be a pain to fold up and secure and it doesn't 'bite' into the tree real well--it is an older model. I really like my Lone Wolf Assault, aside from the terrible seat it comes with. I bought a used sit and climb and took off the sit bar and use it like a hand climber. I climbed a tree this past weekend, pulled up my bow and had a buck within 10 yards within 5 seconds. I have the LW sit and climb, the older one with the thin cloth sling seat. It is still very light weight and works well. Never used a climber before. XOP Ambush VS Lone Wolf Hand Climber II. It was very heavy though. Perfect for ‘Run and Gun’ setups. I can't even imagine trying it in the dark. MAK. The first time out, I gad the strap too long and the bottom platform was angliong down at a bad angle. I also have one of those hurricane straps that came with a Summit climber to cinch the top portion of the stand to the tree when I reach the height where I am going to hunt. I'm not saying your wrong about any of it, just a different perspective. I love it. I have talked to him about that, and he says, I don't set stands specifically for right or left handed..... which I get, but if you're right handed, you probably rarely consider if a lefty could get a shot. Once I am up where I want to hunt, I reach down to remove the bungee and slide my toes out of the strap. So once I get up to the height I'm going, the FIRST thing I do is run a strap around the tree and over one side of the band and under the other side and cinch it down. The LW is dead quiet hooking up and climbing, the Viper has that hollow tube sound if you tap it in any way. It's extremely fast. While putting weight on my arms, I slide both feet into the vee made by the platform and belt tube. Cnelk, yes it does, and thats a good idea. I have hung and hunted with 4 or 5 lone wolf sticks and a lone wolf assault stand possibly over 300 times. Depending on the taper, I put it on fairly tilted, but still moveable. I feel like I am too close to the tree and have a tough time going down the tree. I got the belts the right length and it sat nice and level. Is it easy to stand up from the sit and climb without making too much noise? The Assault™ climbing treestand is the lightest and most maneuverable climber in the Lone Wolf pack. That's a better idea anyway to better set the bottom platform - much safer that way. Climbing into the stand is weird sometimes; I might have to do sort of a pull-up by elevating the hand climbing part high and then climb under it. Repeat. I've tried to hunt stands set up for right handed people, and it can be nearly impossible. I have most of the Lone Wolf products including the assault, hand climber, climbing sticks and the sit and climb. I used a Lone Wolf for many years. The more you have a level platform once you're up to hunting height, the more comfortable you will be in the stand. For me, LW is the best Iâve ever had. Folding down to 5-inch packed profile the Hand Climber is great for packing into even the thickest areas. To me it seems very slow-going!!! Pete. I am in decent shape (currently I have no problems withthe strength part of climbing) and have an old hand climber I use instead of my Summit because it just has a flat seat and nothing to fool with once up in the tree. If your a small hunter or very agile a hand climber would be lighter. Just tie it on one of the sliding bars on the sit and climb portion, and take it around the tree. The trick to shooting out of the sit and climb is getting the seat up high enough that the side bars ar not in the way. Read on to find out why and learn a few tricks along the way. I should also note that I generally am facing the tree when I stand or I also like it 90 degrees and I lean a shoulder on the tree while standing. I can barely get the bottom to move with my feet. It is a very quite stand to use and I like that. You can go down a lot faster than you can go up, and you can almost slide off the bar if you try. It takes a little messing around to figure out exactly how things fit together, but once you do, it works great. I'm sure with practice it will get better?!?! I just can't decide between the sit-and-climb or the hand climber. I was worried that the hand climber seat wasn't going to be comfortable but after several long sessions in a tree (5 hours) this season, I found it to be ok. Our product experts have helped us select these available replacements below.You can also explore other items in the Tree Stands yourself to try and find the perfect replacement for you! Sweating like a fiend and making all kinds of racket. I cant seem to find one anywhere. I have most of the Lone Wolf products including the assault, hand climber, climbing sticks and the sit and climb. I'll climb any try or if tree of almost any thickness and really easily and quietly. Something else to understand: you want to have the platform connected to the top portion to be safest. To do this, I raise the top portion of the stand to mid-chest-level. Do a crunch, pulling the platform up. The Lone Wolf Assault Climbing Treestand is the best climbing stand on the market and holds a place on the YH Investment Worthy List of hunting gear. #D445201. Kurt: I bought the Alpha hand climber and the first time I tried to climb with it I hated it, same problems. OK--I bought the sit and climb after using an OLD Warrwen and Sweat hand climber for years. My XOP does and I had trouble getting that thing to slide over rough cottonwood bark. Dead Quiet . This locks the platform onto my feet and makes the process of tilting the stand to go up or down the tree so much easier. Lone Wolf Assault HandClimber Combo The Assault™ Hand Climber "Combo" treestand is an ultra-light weight climbing treestand with all the features of its ALPHA™-sized brothers. I will try to allocate funds to maybe purchase a lone wolf climber hopefully find a used one. Now, I read some stuff about the Edmonton Bow Zone and the guy who guides there who goes out of his way to quiet his entire setup. Then I lock my feet into the corners of the standing platform, lift my feet, point my toes down slightly and then bring my knees up all while straightening my arms to the of locking out my elbows. The Assault™ climbing treestand is the lightest and most maneuverable climber in the Lone Wolf pack. Iâm looking to purchase one... in great condition 812/584/27 nine three. Had my LW for 15+ years and Iâm on my second Viper SD. I've had several other brands but abandoned them due to their weight or, particularly, their cumbersomeness. I stand near the front (farthest edge from the tree) of the platform with the seat section tilted up slightly. i bought a loggy climber a few years back and HATE IT !! I’m seriously considering going with a 100% mobile setup approach next year and am in the market for a new lightweight climber. I used to use an Ol' Man Vision sit and climb which was extremely comfortable IMO. The Summit IMO is heavy, cumbersome and noisy. One thing that I have done is add better, padded backpack straps to mine and I've also attached a hip belt off of a back pack. It's quiet, comfortable (I upgraded the seat cushion) and extremely easy to use. Once I'm on it, I clip my harness to the safety rope and move the safety rope up the tree. I own the sit and climb, i do like it better than the open hand climber that my brother has. Viper sticks out over a foot. GO ON SOME TEST RUNS BEFORE HUNTING. I also like light climbers and use a summit platform with the Lone wolf seat. It's very handy if you can start high enough to get past that initial bulge of the trunk. I started with a Baker, ya Iâm that old, had a Loggy Bayou, a Olâ Man, a API and a couple others that I donât want to remember. Youtube is your friend in this case. The Lone Wolf Hand climber Assault II is the perfect hang-on stand for mobile hunters that only want the lightest set-up that they can get. Good Hunting. I'm about ready to throw it in the scrap metal dumpster at work. I'm left handed. I sent them an email via their website and within an hour received an email back with detailed instructions on how to fix my issue along with a number to call and speak with someone directly to walk me through it if needed. I've harvested a lot of deer out of it and have done many, many all-day sits in it. Lone Wolf ASHRS, Assault Hunt Ready Treestand System, Climbing Sticks, Quiver, Leveling Function, Mobile Hunting, Outdoor 4.6 out of 5 stars 20 $459.98 $ 459 . Honestly, I have never done this and am open to the shame you all cast on me for not doing it. I can get up the tree in the pitch black with no light and not make a sound. This way, if my carabiner hooking my harness to my safety rope touches the stand it doesn't make a sound. I took a tip from that and have put hockey tape on all of the metal of the top portion of the LW. It packs the same great features as the original Hand I normally stand on my platform when i shoot bow so i like to have the sit bar as an outer marker because i have this unfortunate natural fear of heights and the sit bar really helps. Good luck and be safe! Almost impossible to carry through the woods. Free shipping on many items ... Lone Wolf Hand Climber Combo 30"x19.5" Treestand. Skipmaster1, that is exactly what I was doing. Lone Wolf Hand Climber Combo 2 vs. Thanks everyone. It's extremely fast. I went with the sit because although I am young now, 31, I won't always be young and I just wasn't sure that I could use the hand climber when I got older. i.e., any limbs that may be an issue removed. No joke. I have made up my mind to buy a new Lone Wolf climber. 10/25/13 @ 12:03 PM. Wild cherry trees or tree with similar rough bark can be a pain in the ass at first but once you figure it out even they aren't bad.
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