When it comes to mucoid plaque however, we have found a few claims about mucoid plaque to be misleading. Mucoid plaque, meaning a film of mucus lining portions of the gastrointestinal tract, is a pseudoscientific (non-medical) term coined by naturopath Richard Anderson, ND, NMD. Below is a summary of our research and the FAQ. Using herbs to remove mucoid plaque is a natural way to return the colon to its natural and healthful function. Once the mucoid plaque has passed, which can take anywhere from six weeks to a year or more, depending on your diet, you are ready to start the parasite cleanse using Young Living’s ParaFree. I was shocked to see what came out and throughout the day decided that if anything else came out, I would take pictures… because no one would believe me. Drawing from Anderson's writings, some health practitioners believe that mucoid plaque is a combination of food residue and an unhealthful mucus-like substance that can coat the colon, supposedly … What Is Mucoid Plaque. My favorite Health "Guru", says that he had to go 6 months on a 100% heavy green raw vegan diet, followed by a 45 day watermelon fast, followed by a 40 day water fast before he saw the mucoid plaque go out. My favorite Health “Guru”, says that he had to go 6 months on a 100% heavy green raw vegan diet, followed by a 45 day watermelon fast, followed by a 40 day water fast before he saw the mucoid plaque go out. Click here for more information on mucoid plaque. ... Bernard Jensen and Paul Bragg, salt stops the body cleansing and can even harden the mucoid plaque due to its dehydrating and acid forming qualities. Master Cleanse Testimonials. The instructions on the bottle suggest taking four softgels, two times daily. It is such a shame that orthodox and alternative medicines are such arch-enemies - they could learn so much from each other. In the Blessed Herbs handbook, that comes with the cleanse, it also highlights this. They are all documented and available for legal inspection. 'So what' if mucoid plaques is an medically unsupported myth, the process of fasting in such a way that reveals such things (however mislabelled and misunderstood), the benefits are clear in thousands of clients with improved … Many doctors have noted that when the plaque can be removed by a cleanse, remission from virtually any disease may result. Back Fern Olivia Locations Media Testimonials FAQ Back Become a Health Coach ... gallbladder stones and mucoid plaque - although the nutrients may help, they actually can’t penetrate as deeply as they would when the sludge is removed from the liver, gallbladder, and digestive tract. This mucous coating is also known as mucoid plaque, and is the result of years of excessive acid forming foods, which cause the body to secret mucous to protect itself. My story is not unique. Whether you believe that you have a rope worm, or mucoid plaque, it’s crucial to clear this substance from your system with a detoxifying solution like Para 1. To remove the Mucoid Plaque in 3 days is nothings short of a miracle. You should do this for three weeks, then rest for seven days. What came out was similar to day 2. Emails, letters and pictures are used with permission. Mucoid plaque is a product of the constant production of mucous by the glycocalyx lining cells, brought on by the modern American diet of fake, empty, processed, chemical-laden, hormone-laced, antibiotic-soaked foods. The theory behind mucoid plaque is simple: Unhealthy eating and other “modern” factors can make mucus mix with fecal matter and stool in the colon. Cleaning mucoid plaque helps to reduce congestion in the colon, allowing the body to release undigested wastes that otherwise putrefy in the organ, causing discomfort and disease. Click here for pictures of mucoid plaque Veronique removed while the using the Bio Cleanse Detox. To remove the Mucoid Plaque in 3 days is nothings short of a miracle. Besides the symptoms we’ve outlined above, mucoid plaque issues can also lead to compromised kidney and liver function, issues with digestion, bloating, and constipation. Unfortunately after eating this kind of food every day for many years the body has no chance to clean itself and the mucous dries and becomes difficult to remove. The advice of your friend regarding the Blessed Herbs Internal Cleanse is sound. Day 1 – (Technically day 14 on the program, but the first day of witnessing the mucoid Plaque starting to leave) – I didn’t take any pictures. ... * All testimonials above are real and from Bio Cleanse customers.
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