Pro: Sometimes the military of a country is the best educated, most organized and most stable part of a nation. A theocracy is designed to have a deity as the ultimate ruler of a land. 5. The population might elect a President, but the President would be viewed as required to report to a god. Does one serve God if they exclude one group from healthcare? People would come together, pray or worship, and come away with a common goal. Each has its own form of law enforcement. Remember, theocratic rulers tend to be dogmatic and are seen as perfect rulers. If this happens, it will change the fabric of their theocracy and create all sorts of division and social strife. Some Social Change is Easier to Carry Out in a Theocracy. It was a random country and i went with it. People within a theocracy are looking out for their best interests first. Since most theocratic citizens want to remain compliant, this is the last thing they want to do. 6. Theocracy is a Greek word that means “the rule of God”. Religious minorities are often marginalized or even persecuted 2. larger the state the harder to enforce religious unity. 1 decade ago. Theocracies don’t Waste Time with Debate they Focus More on Taking Action. 2. Source(s): pros cons theocracy: Laws are generally made in relation to their deity’s scriptures and directives. A theocracy could do amazing things for people in need. Lv 6. The government will be streamlined from the national level and all directives will be carried out down to the community level. They believe in helping out their fellow brothers and sisters who are a part of their religion. If someone disagrees with what the government is doing, their own religious ideas or freedoms can be placed at-risk. All political and social leaders within a theocratic society will quickly fall in line with the rules established by the upper echelons of their society. Would the idea of evolution be able to exist if the process wasn’t outlined in the holy book? Chapter 1-Constitutional … A single state supported religion encourages political and social unity. 2. Is it loving to declare war on another nation? Loved it. Theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or god. Minority groups are present in most countries including theocracies. 4. A theocracy can also create discord because it is directly tied to religious beliefs. Only one political party=no fighting for … Some of the theocracy vs socialism advantages are: Theocracy: Since there are a few people who make all the laws and rules, the process of the system is faster. Democracy is the government system that is assigned by the people themselves, where they get the chance to choose whom they want to be ruled by. Everyone could have access to proper health care. 1. People in a theocracy believe that their deity will never mislead them. They also don’t like different cultures or ethnic groups. A national-level law enforcement entity would be like the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the United States. The paper concludes with a critical evaluation of existing orders in Islamic theocratic states with the aim to see the extent to which this system has translated into a better society and people in general. Billy Billyson on March 07, 2018: As you … If a person’s salvation is threatened because they won’t comply with the government, a faithful person may choose to comply to limit their risks of eternal damnation. Theocracies demand conformity. Pros and cons of Democracy. Some of the pros on theocracy are, people don't have to elect their government. Asked by Wiki User. … This is because theocratic systems don’t tolerate feminism, LGBTQ advocacy, and gender equality. The Pros and Cons of being a Theocracy. A theocracy keeps people united under one large umbrella. Pros and Cons of Theocracy - Pros an Cons. Before we delve into the similarities and the differences between republics versus democracies we need to define what each actually is. Please Support Us if you like our content! The Pros and Cons of being a Theocracy : paradoxplaza. 1 answer. If a situation arises within a certain part of the nation, no political or social leader can make a decision without conferring with the supreme religious figure. Theocracy comes from a Greek word that translates to "the rule of God". Many theocracies will not allow people to function outside of their gender and social norms. Our civilization's need for energy is vast; the Pros and Cons of Nuclear energy will be discussed because of this. While they might not always agree on everything there is an overall harmony within a theocracy that allows them to get things accomplished within a short amount of time. Everyone, at some point in their life, might have dreamed of becoming a pilot. Think about it like this. In the US, there are dozens of national-level government agencies that employ full-time officers who can make an arrest. Myles D . It is the most preferred form of democracy across the world where people are free to express their will even if it is not the will … 1. Pros. PROS: Your're always being educated with time and rank. They can also draw off previous decisions made by a ruling religious figure or group. 7. The pros and cons of a theocracy show us that it is an idea that might seem like it can bring people together, but what it tends to do is tear people apart. The following pros and cons summarize some of the benefits and issues: Pros. Cons of Theocracy. We want to spread the word about energy and help make our world a better place for all people. To challenge a theocratic ruler or group is often viewed as questioning the deity that they represent. Theocratic nations that align themselves generally do so behind their deity. People can operate businesses within a theocracy, but they don’t have free reign to do business as they please. It makes for more obedient citizens. 3. They are quick to follow the directives sent from above. If they show some type of incompetence or make bad decisions, most people will not … Theocratic societies tend to provide support to people in need. This is because no one wants to step outside of their deity’s boundaries of conduct and be damned to hell. They have been socialized to believe that their deity will not allow them to conduct themselves separately from their directives. Theocracy is a term that refers to the formation of a government, not secular but based on religious beliefs. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'ablison_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',150,'0','0']));Once again, this is not necessarily being done out of racism or spite. Their entrusted leaders who represent their deity’s wishes will also provide guidance to the people. They are mindful of the products, services, and outside influencers that try to enter their region. 2. People are More Willing to Follow the Rule of Law and Regulations in a Theocracy. While different types of sexual practices happen within these societies; they are not openly endorsed or tolerated. 1. Theocracy pros (2) 1. It is a governmental structure which encourages discord. We will never spam your email. 7. What Are the Pros of Theocracy? Single Party State pros (2) 1. Again, theocratic societies are expected to provide support for their citizens because it is a strong part of their deity’s commandments or directives. Thomas on June 01, 2018: No, China does have a democratic government. People can participate in activities, relationships, and work while the group in power handles the larger issues of the society. Once again, a theocracy will not work if you have large groups of citizens constantly speaking out against the rulers and their deity. Two Advantages of a theocracy. No one political party or organization can come into power and what the rulers say is the law. For this reason, conformity is either forced or impossible to achieve within a theocratic society. Many countries cannot afford to be on their own in today’s world. ray of the pros and cons of Islamic theocracy in multi-religious states. This is due to the fact that they all base the foundations of their actions and opinions upon a particular holy book that dictates their responses. Pros and Cons of Theocracy. However, it is not always easy for this process to be started and carried through. The theocratic government is a form of the whole political system… 0 Comments. ● A theocracy is a government in which religious leaders also serve as political and civil leaders, claiming to represent the will of god. An example of a country ruled by theocracy is the Vatican. Keywords: Islamic Theocracy, Divine Command, Multi-Religion, Governance, Humanity . Businesses must follow established rules, laws, and norms that have been mandated by their belief system. Theocracy is a form of government wherein God or a religious being is considered as the supreme ruler. 4. Forms of Government. This is because law enforcement officials work together from the higher levels of government to the local community. This topic came into my head after playing a TEU game, which i may show later. In this type of government, laws are based on religious dogma and the executive holds the sole power and authority.Examples are the Christian theocracy in Vatican or Holy See and the Islamic theocracy of Islam. People within A Theocracy are Generally Cared for as a Group. There is no longer a need to find a compromise. For example, if people within a theocracy are suffering from homelessness; a theocratic government can quickly implement legislation that will help to change this condition. Minority groups are not often tolerated within a theocracy. This is important within the world of politics. However, most of the people who live in this type of government do think in this way. Again, the average person can work but they cannot maximize their money earning potential. Theocratic societies also resist change in terms of new and innovative governmental ideas. Are they perfect with this behavior? People who reside in a theocracy can relatively quickly change social conditions that arise. Unique individuals each have their own unique faith. Remember, theocratic rulers tend to be dogmatic and are seen as perfect rulers. 1. Post author: admin; Post published: March 31, 2018; Post category: Politics; Post comments: 0 Comments; Democracy is a form of government where the majority have their way and the minority have their say. There is rarely an opportunity for debate when new policies are implemented or current policies are changed. They do not want any new or different system of government to influence their theocracy. No One can Realistically Challenge the Rulers of a Theocratic Society. Crime is Relatively Low within Ideal Theocratic Systems. Con: The military is generally poorly equipped to minister all of the functions required of a democracy. This is important for people to understand. They believe that being holy and serving God is the only true way for them to exist. 638 x 479 jpeg 102kB. Failure to show in court means no refund. Arguably, the greatest fear that humans have is of the unknown. If you question the government, you question God – and that’s a battle the faithful within a theocracy will not allow someone to win. 5. Concepts and rights such as freedom of speech are not tolerated within many theocratic societies. Crime within a theocratic society is often viewed as a sin and not as a wrong action. 3. 1. 2. Religious beliefs can work with government, but they struggle to be effective when working as government. You are not responsible for the defendant’s action Generally, it is more difficult for the people to argue with government policies, as these plans of action are … eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'ablison_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',151,'0','0']));Feminists will generally have a hard time living in a theocratic society. 1. It makes finding compromises within the majority easier. There is nothing scarier, therefore, than what will happen to someone after they die. Imagine if the creationism vs evolutionism debate were held in a theocracy. Minority Groups don’t do Well in Theocracies. This means that Conflicts between the executive and … If you have many differing religious views within a theocracy, then it will weaken the system. 886 on May 04, 2018: democracy has more pros than cons at least i think so. 3. This also true for differing sexual practices within a theocracy. For the majority of people on Earth, the theocratic rule is too restrictive. In the meantime, people are not getting aid or certain necessary laws are not being implemented. They rarely change or allow new innovations to impact people. A Christian person knows that God commands people not to steal. They might not serve their deity in the same exact way, but if they agree on major points they can be allies. ● The laws and policies of such a government are drawn directly from the beliefs of a particular religion, or they are closely inspired by it. Again, these types of things do happen within a theocratic society. Because the majority is already on the same page for governmental policies and procedures, there is less time spent trying to find a compromise between ideas. Women’s Rights, Gender Equality and Other Social Issues are not Tolerated. One of the best advantages of a theocratic government is its ability to quickly find allies. Pros of Bail Bonds: 1. If not, a minority group could draw a wedge within a theocratic system. So, as a system of government, the ruling is given to religious leaders instead of independent leaders or traditional politicians. IRS will be notified on checks worth $10,000. 5. No one would be living in poverty unless they consciously chose to do so. Most nations have conflicting political parties that spend too much time debating issues and situations. Their faith, whether it is in God, science, or the lack of a supernatural being, comes from individualized perspectives, research, and philosophical pursuits. Hunger could be eliminated because neighbors would share with neighbors. These religious ideas are supernatural, even if a human is representing themselves as a god, so it becomes difficult to question the ideas that come from such a governmental structure. A list of all advantages and disadvantages has been given below: Theocracy vs Monarchy Advantages. If they show some type of incompetence or make bad decisions, most people will not challenge them. What are the 'pros' and 'cons' of having a theocracy? In a theocracy, the ability to sue would be limited. It prevents the rise of a single dictator, by distributing power between members of a … eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'ablison_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',147,'0','0']));Many religions believe in charity and giving aid. A Theocracy has a Centralized form of Government that Simplifies the Governing Process. An oligarchy strives to keep the status quo, which breeds conservatism instead … Cons of Cash Bail: 1. This is possible because the people generally believe that their cooperative efforts are in support of their deity and society. You're doing something extra ordinary for your country. October 30, 2020 Career. Also, not many people are involved in … Even if there is a “conflict” between two groups, the supreme overseeing the government would have the final say. The humans at the top of the government have the most power to ensure their own salvation, so they work on that before they help the rest of the people. This deity provides divine direction to a group of selected individuals to carry out their will on Earth. Minorities within a theocracy are usually forced to assimilate to the main culture if not, they are usually sent away from the nation. If a theocratic ruler or ruling group is not doing the best job for their nation, their rule is often left unchallenged. 2. Facebook. Within a theocracy, this would become a centralized structure instead of having each be independent of one another. . If a theocratic ruler or ruling group is not doing the best job for their nation, their rule is often left unchallenged. 22 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Asexual Reproduction, 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. What Are the Pros of a Theocracy? If two independent nations have the same belief system, they can generally work together as allies. Don’t forget that theocratic governments won’t allow dissent within their borders. Many people would be fearful of using these things and being influenced by outsiders who use them. Power is centralized within a leadership team, rather than involving everyone in every decision. This helps to keep them committed to their deity, government, culture, and way of life. Some of the theocracy vs monarchy advantages are: Theocracy: Since there are a few people who make all the laws and rules, the process of the system is faster. Citizens who do not believe in the religion of the majority have their rights abused. There will not be conflicting political parties. Here are more pros and cons of a theocracy to consider. One favorable argument about theocracy is that the presence of religion in the government tends to discourage discontent within the general public. Theocratic governments are mindful of minorities but they will not allow them to have a foothold within their society or government. As a matter of fact, many religions state that if you don’t help your fellow believers you are not truly practicing your faith. This will help to give a theocratic nation an advantage on the world scene within the realm of politics.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'ablison_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',135,'0','0'])); eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'ablison_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',148,'0','0']));Also, having an ally with the same belief system can help a theocratic nation to receive aid and assistance in times of crisis. This form of government intends to give the leadership into the hands of highly-qualified people, which is laudable. 348 x 215 jpeg 15kB. Specific rules are in place that dictate who can be named the ruler of the state in a monarchy. There is rarely an opportunity for debate when new policies are … So, as a system of government, the ruling is given to religious leaders instead of independent leaders or traditional politicians. Rarely welcome alternative opinions: Under a theocracy, you have to conform to concepts in the holy books and apply them in different … They view this as an affront to their deity and they believe it will cause a social breakdown. They give divine guidance to human intermediaries that manage the day to day affairs of the government. Refund is returned in check. Law enforcement efforts are streamlined. Theocratic societies do not have many conflicting social parties or political groups. 6. Refund will take a long time. Pros: If you are religous and the area you live in has a theocratic government, you can live by the laws of god that your religion believe in. People and groups within a theocracy will work toward the same goal and be unified in the same belief. A theocracy alters fundamental religious beliefs. Here are more pros and cons of a theocracy to consider. Theocratic systems rely on leadership from a deity which they believe to be all-knowing and very wise. Theocratic governments usually inspire people to function at their best. So that the people closest to attaining perfection are the ones in charge. 700 x 324 jpeg 143kB. 4. Pros and Cons. Many theocratic societies conduct their systems based on their deity’s religious mandates. Also, not many people are involved in … This style of rulership doesn’t allow people to promote their individualistic ideology or take a me-first approach to life. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'ablison_com-leader-4','ezslot_11',149,'0','0']));By the way, law enforcement within theocratic societies doesn’t have to work as hard or deal with issues, unlike other government systems. This is also true for the crimes of murder, assault, and rape. Because faith is directly tied into government operations, there are fewer delays in the implementation of operational policies. This is one of the reasons why the United States was founded on a principle of separating the church and the state from each other. People Cannot Fully Prosper within a Theocratic Society. 1 decade ago. Pros and Cons of Theocracy. 6. Theocratic societies usually don’t get a lot of immigrants. It is a form of government which has higher levels of societal compliance. Let’s first define “Democracy ”. The advantage of a monarchy is that there is predictability in the government. This is why many minorities within theocratic systems have limited rights and sometimes they lose their citizenship. If a business was not following the mandates of the government, then their activities would be against what the supreme being in charge would want and the government would simply shut the business down. The reason being is that there are always different cultural, racial, and ethnic groups within different regions of the world. The pros and cons were carefully selected and very diverse. They can be burned to release energy; they are widely used, so that we will discuss the pros and cons of fossil... Pros and Cons of the Articles of Confederation, 30 Important Pros and Cons of Agriculture, 17 Fossil Fuels Pros and Cons | Coal, Natural Gas and Oil. Pros and cons of theocracy facts? The rulers first serve the god of their religion then … A theocracy must protect its religious state from differing beliefs and cultural norms. In a theocracy, because a religious being or god is the head of the government, discord is invited within the population. … Businesses can operate only if they follow the same religious principles. Pay less percentage to the bail agent. These individuals will do their best not to mislead the people and direct them accord to their holy writ. I have to do a debate for my modern world history class, and in order to have a strong argument, I must know the pros of having a theocracy, and the cons of having a theocracy. Is testing for drug use something that is loving when people are hungry and need food, but have been unemployed for a lengthy period? 1. There are some nations on Earth today that operate under a theocratic government. People within a theocracy are generally more unified in thought and action. Pros & Cons of Being a Pilot. This is one reason what immigration is not important to theocratic systems. This is because a theocratic society will not provide many opportunities for wealth, will encourage cooperation over competition and they generally view material goods in a negative way. Ensure political decisions are in line with people's moral values and beliefs . A theocratic government might allow people the ability to operate businesses and to pursue certain enterprises, but that does not mean they don’t provide support for the general population. If a theocracy were to follow the edicts of their holy books to the letter, it could change the world in several incredible ways. Once again, theocratic societies are not purposely being intolerant they simply cannot afford to have their way of life jeopardized by allowing too many foreigners or different cultures in their land. Fiyah. Everyone has their own reasons for believing what they do. Another is you can go … People within a theocracy are generally cared for by their government. This means that things such as cable TV, the internet, or even cellphones will be viewed as tools for increasing sin and noncompliance. Three Disadvantages of a theocracy. No One can Realistically Challenge the Rulers of a Theocratic Society.
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