Survival: Added warm keyword to the Masque of Clavicus VIle to make it consistent with its appearance, Survival: Added the VendorItemFood keyword to foods added by survival to be consistent with other foods (Cabbage Potato Soup, Potato Soup, Tomato Soup, Vegetable Soup, Horker Ash Yam Stew, Apple Cabbage Stew, Beef Stew, Horker Stew, Venison Stew, Clam Chowder, Elsweyr Fondue), Survival: Applied No Absorb/Reflect flag to advanced stage Survival diseases to prevent them from failing to update when the player has an absorb magic rating, Survival: Added the warm keyword to Ulfric's clothes to make them consistent with other noble clothes, Survival: Added warm keyword to TemplateRobesClothesMage* and TemplateClothesRobesMage*Hood references to make them consistent with other mage robe templates, Survival: Applied cold keyword to wedding sandals to match their appearance, Survival: Added warm keyword to companions armor to make the set consistent with other steel armor sets, Survival: Added the Survival_BodyandHead to the following robes to make them consistent with other robes: DLC2DarkElfOutfitRed, DLC2DarkElfOutfitBlue, DLC2DarkElfOutfit, ClothesMythicDawnRobes, Survival: Added the warm keyword to ClothesMGBoots to make them consistent with the other College Boots, Survival: Replaced cold keyword on Stormcloak gauntlets with warm keyword to make them consistent with Stormcloak boots, Survival: Added warm keyword to Deathbrand armor, boots, gauntlets and helm to make them consistent with Stalhrim Light Armor, with which they share a model, Survival: Added warm keyword to DLC1LD_ArmorKatria to make it consistent with steel armor, with which it shares a model, Survival: Added warm keyword to Boots of the Old Gods to make them consistent with forsworn boots, with which they share a model, Survival: Added cold keyword to Armor of the Old Gods to make it consistent with forsworn armor, with which it shares a model, Survival: Removed cold keyword from steel shin boots to make them consistent with imperial boots, with which they share a model, Survival: Removed warm keyword from steel imperial gauntlets to make them consistent with the rest of the imperial armor set. Arcane Archer Pack: A single fire arrow would bounce out of the quiver when dropped due to a bad collision setup. Lord's Mail: Quest no longer auto-starts. The Unofficial Patches can fix most glitches and bugs while simply troubleshooting can fix crashing. Press "X" to enter the menu to reorder the plugins. Consider using the Unofficial Skyrim Survival Patch to fix this bug. Creation: Hendhraheim; Released: November 20, 2019: Size: 57.1 MB: Filename: cceejsse004-hall.esl: Availability; PC: Available from Creation Club for 400 CC Credits: Other: Also available on Xbox One and PS4: Requirements; Patch: Special Edition Version Posted on January 16, 2021 Written by. ), Daedric Mail Armor: Added a property and reverted changes to a quest script to allow the new daedric mail helmet to appear in leveled lists, Saints and Seducers: Golden, dark, amber and madness daggers weren't using the correct draw and sheathe sounds, Steel Soldier Armor: Steel soldier helmet could be equipped at the same time as a mask, Survival: Removed an obsolete fix to Argonian Ale, Civil War Champions: Tsun's judgement had a speed of 0.6 instead of 0.7, Civil War Champions: A previous update incorrectly set the weapon type of Tsun's judgement to a battleaxe instead of a war axe, Dawnfang and Duskfang: A triggerbox had both an enable parent and a disabling script which caused a script error, Saturalia Holiday Pack: Added a check to ensure the reindeer was loaded before trying to determine whether it was alive in order to prevent a Papyrus error, Daedric Mail Armor: Commented out script lines attempting to add a Daedric mail helmet, (which appears to have been planned but not created), to several leveled lists in order to prevent a Papyrus error, Ebony Plate Armor: The individual Ebony Plate Armor patch was missing a script present in the merged patch, Saturalia Holiday Pack: Removed horse animation files and vanilla horse footstep edits from patch, they are now part of USSEP, Forgotten Seasons: Removed horse animation files and vanilla horse footstep edits from patch, they are now part of USSEP, Survival: A previous fix to force new survival diseases to account for player disease resistance accidentally made Greenspore, Brown Rot and Gutworm much rarer than they are supposed to be, Merged: Polish localization was incorrectly showing Italian localization, Merged: Fixed missing RiftenRatwayLocation string in all languages, Steel Soldier Armor: Armor can no longer be forged without completing the quest, making it consistent with other Creation Club armor sets, Steel Soldier Armor: A half-implemented steel shield identical to a blades shield was added to a generic formlist and had a Papyrus script attached, causing the quest to randomly jump stages if the player found one of these in the wild, Dead Man's Dread: Players could break the quest by interacting with the loose brick before progressing to an appropriate point in the quest.
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